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'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E (W: 742) (1 Viewer)

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

A. As long as the Trinity person didn't mention it on a TRINITY show.... then its wrong.
B. They got boycotted.... they didn't get dropped from their record label or anything.
C. WTF is a GAICO?

B (1). However.... this bit I just learned (by making sure I wasn't wrong in my assumption in B) is totally ****ed up...


Point is, it's not one sided as your assertion
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

If I point out that both *tax evasion* and *murder* are both *crimes* am I making any real equivocation or comparison between murder and tax evasion, or am I merely pointing out that they both exist in a rather broad catagory titled "crime"?

What does tax evasion and murder have to do with homosexuality? I think what you are failing to grasp is that comparing things that do not cause harm (homosexuality) to things that do cause harm (theft, adultery, etc.) is disrespectful and insulting. Not to mention his definition of sin starts with homosexuality. In his mind it is such a big deal that it is the starting point for talking about all other sin.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Yes I am talking **** now, do I really care if I offend someone? This issue is not about me being an asshole is it? It is about the Duck man spewing hate speech and then ARealConservative felt people hating on Duck man in retaliation was some kind of equal travesty that exonerates the Duckmaster of any wrongdoing???

The logic some of you display is terrifyingly bizarre. You twist and twist until its hard to even make sense of anything anymore.

Can you please point out the quote in which he is spewing hate speech? I would appreciate it.

Please enlighten me to what is considered "hate speech" by you.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Martin Bashir quit, he was not fired.

I said acted. He was suspended...which is an action
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

TV shows exist to sell advertising...

You think they exist to amuse you?

Advertising costs/rates are based on ratings which are based on the viewers who are watching for their enjoyment. So to answer your question, yes I do.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Bullpuckey. Especially considering IMO a goodly portion of the show's audience feel the same way as Phil. The folks with the butthurt feelings are not the folks who watch the show.

Being a celebrity means who you are is tied into branding concerns. Marketing 101.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Freedom of speech goes both ways, Phil has the right to say whatever he wants and so does everyone else; this includes A&E. They have the right to pull him off the air, and everyone else has the right to speak their mind and be against what Phil said and lobby A&E to pull him off the air.

Rights go both ways. How do people not get this?

And I am willing to bet the large numbers this show is pulling in will side with Phil in this, so what good did it really do A&E to remove him from the show?
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Political correctness is tyranny?

You seem to be confused. Tv shows are marketed to the broadest possible base to increase their ratings. When you have someone insult half the country you are cutting into those ratings so A&E took action. This is not "progressive tyranny", its business. This is not the government controlling anything, it is the free market.

What exactly is your problem here?

That's just it, it wasn't the viewing audience complaining. And no, shows are designed for target audiences.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

I'm not arguing against your point, merely showing that the door swings both ways.

I'm not saying that christians dont do the same thing. You are trying to argue a point I wasn't making.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Think they made a poor business decision. The robertsons are now considered Heroes if they want to cash in on the opportunity they were just handed.

Maybe I should go bash a gay person on TV and ride the wave of martyrdom...

What gay person did he bash...on TV ?
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

A&E has every right to pull him off the air if he says something that the company disagrees with.

You can't forget who you are talking about here.

I don't think Phil gives a rats ass what A&E agrees with.

He is not going to change who he is or what he believes for a cable network, and they should have known this.

Why was he interviewed for GQ anyway.

It seems he is the opposite of the type of person they usually have in the magazine.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E


Point is, it's not one sided as your assertion

Can you point out the Trinity Person you mentioned as real? Or was it just a "suggestion".

You failed on the Dixie Chicks example...

And I have no clue of any situation with Geico...
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

A&E made this asshole a household name.
They have the prerogative to take it away if they so choose.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

TV shows exist to sell advertising...

You think they exist to amuse you?

Why the hell do you think communist nations have only a few TV channels and they're all state run? because businesses have nothing to sell and the concept of advertising doesn't exist...

Wait, are you suggesting tv shows are a business designed to make money from advertisers? Holy crap! Learn somethin 'new every day. Thanks for clearing that up. I thoughted they just make the funnies 4 me for free, cuz I'm a commie.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

What does tax evasion and murder have to do with homosexuality?

It's explained in the very post you are responding to ...

I think what you are failing to grasp is that comparing things that do not cause harm (homosexuality) to things that do cause harm (theft, adultery, etc.) is disrespectful and insulting.

He didn't draw a comparison between them, he including them under the broad catagory of 'sins" Just like "crimes" exist as a broad catagory, hence citing "tax evasion" and "murder" in comparison.

Next time read what you respond to

Not to mention his definition of sin starts with homosexuality.

It does? It seemed that it was the topic they were discussing before they started discussing sin in general, and used that as a point to underline the idea of behavior the bible deams deviant. hence the quotation of Corinthians

In his mind it is such a big deal that it is the starting point for talking about all other sin.

or it was the thing they were discussing before moving onto sin in general ...
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

What does tax evasion and murder have to do with homosexuality? I think what you are failing to grasp is that comparing things that do not cause harm (homosexuality) to things that do cause harm (theft, adultery, etc.) is disrespectful and insulting. Not to mention his definition of sin starts with homosexuality. In his mind it is such a big deal that it is the starting point for talking about all other sin.

Not when they are being compared in the PROPER ****ING CONTEXT.

He was talking about S I N

Which all three have in common, being sins.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Yes I am talking **** now, do I really care if I offend someone? This issue is not about me being an asshole is it? It is about the Duck man spewing hate speech and then ARealConservative felt people hating on Duck man in retaliation was some kind of equal travesty that exonerates the Duckmaster of any wrongdoing???

The logic some of you display is terrifyingly bizarre. You twist and twist until its hard to even make sense of anything anymore.

You got caught displaying the same behavior that you SAY you revile in those on the other side of fence. There's no twist there. In fact it's illustrative of the entire issue. The pro gay folks have no problem squealing out insults at the same time they're complaining about being insulted.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

What gay person did he bash...on TV ?

Oh I was just being cynical there and speculating how I personally could make money on feeding off outrage (not that I am morally bankrupt enough to do more than muse)

Nothing to do with phill
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Advertising costs/rates are based on ratings which are based on the viewers who are watching for their enjoyment. So to answer your question, yes I do.

Hence the show only exists because of advertising and that is precisely my point...

Why do you think a lot of people thought TV was a stupid invention in the first place? then advertisers figured they could sell their products....

TV shows were invented just for advertisements.... Radio commercially the same - the applications of both TV and radio are without question useful (I'm not even trying to make that argument)....
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Can you point out the Trinity Person you mentioned as real? Or was it just a "suggestion".

You failed on the Dixie Chicks example...

And I have no clue of any situation with Geico...

I was spot on with all the counter examples. You just don't case to look at this neutrally
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

:lamo Why is that again? You get that they were a very successful and wealthy family LONG BEFORE A&E came along, right?
Yes, I understand that. You understand their celebrity status has made them millions upon millions of dollars each year, in addition to the extra money they make in sales due to increased visibility, right?

GLADD and the liberals can't stand the truth that gay sex is a sin, according to the Bible. A&E is promoting the lie that gay sex is a good thing. It's not. It's an abomination to the Lord.

So, woe to those who call good evil, and evil good.
My experience is most Christians regularly sin but only care about the sins which allow them judge others. I'm not really all that interested in watching someone throw a stone from a glass house.

I hope the whole family sticks together and tells A&E that they won't do the show anymore.

That will cost a lot more money than a few gays complaining.
I doubt it. Sure, it might hurt ad revenue during that particular time slot, but a negative impact on reputation would hurt ad revenue on all time slots.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Can you please point out the quote in which he is spewing hate speech? I would appreciate it.

Please enlighten me to what is considered "hate speech" by you.

What is this a nursery? I'm not going to read you a story at your bedside. You can search for and read the quotes yourself, its barely two paragraphs. I've also explained in this thread what I consider hate speech using what Duck man said.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Being a celebrity means who you are is tied into branding concerns. Marketing 101.

Duh! And as noted the folks who buy what he's selling most likely agree with everything he said.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

I find it hilarious that Sarah "Hello Quitty" Palin is all up in arms about this, but....she wanted Martin Bashir fired, didn't she?

Hypocrisy, she's soaking in it!
'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Duh! And as noted the folks who buy what he's selling most likely agree with everything he said.

If you read my posts in the thread you will see where I stated the belief that the network made a bad business call

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