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DP Consistently Outscoops the News (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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This video was posted here yesterday. Only thing new it=s that the POW is a Lt Col.

I've consistently noticed that television is about 3 days behind AM radio, also.

Television is just an inferior medium. Passive and low bandwidth but demands all your attention.
I've consistently noticed that television is about 3 days behind AM radio, also.

Television is just an inferior medium. Passive and low bandwidth but demands all your attention.
I haven’t listened consistently to AM radio since the early 1970s when WGAR, Cleveland would be the only 5 by 5 station on the I95 corridor in VA and NC.
I haven’t listened consistently to AM radio since the early 1970s when WGAR, Cleveland would be the only 5 by 5 station on the I95 corridor in VA and NC.

It's been a couple years for me too, but that's how it was when I was driving a lot.

I blame the the production requirements. Compared to television, radio seems downright nimble.
Random comments:

1] I find DP to be an excellent source of breaking news & other political and cultural concerns, including societal trends. Obviously the quality of the information varies by the poster and their sources, but the news in some form does seem to get brought to our attention in a timely fashion, in some form, thereby forming a basis for further research.

2] I'm fortunate to have a local A,M. News radio station, and it is indeed nimble. However, my local generated TV station has excellent news, and won't hesitate to go live to relevant important stories, especially local stories.

3] Say what we want about cable, but I still immediately go to CNN for important breaking live news, of national and especially international news. I like that they often simply do live coverage, versus the often cut presentation involving commentary of some other cable networks.

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