DP Veteran
Today the GOP had an irritating little problem of a House Republican rule requiring any leader indicted for a crime to step down.
With Majority Leader Tom DeLay facing possible indictment in Texas for campaign finance violations, House Republicans found a solution -- change the rule.
This is a rule the GOP, flexing their moral superiority, insisted be enacted back in 1993 when Democrat Dan Rostenkowski was maintaining his post after an indictment. Now it seems that being indicted isn't such a bad thing after all. It's absurb for the GOP, or the Dems for that matter, to insist on rules such as this when it suits them and then do away with it when it no longer applies to the party of their choosing. What's good for the jackass should be good for the elephant.
But this story doesn't really end there, later in the day Tom Delay was given an early Christmas present when it became known that one of his accussers, a guy named Chris Bell, may have used "exaggerations" in his accusation against DeLay. That a nice way of saying he may have "LIED." Bell it seems is upset because he may have lost his seat in the house due to a "redistricting plan" engineered by DeLay. So, don't like the outcome of something someone does politically- go tell some lies about them. That'll show'em. Keep in mind Bell was only one of several accusers accusing Delay of several types of wrong doing. But if one guy's lying? Well I mean nobody would believe that in a town like Washington you could have say several members of one party or the other get together and... Oh, no I'm sure that just could not have happend. Not in Washington.
The botton line here is shouldn't we be demanding better of our elected representatives? With all that we are facing as a nation is it too much to ask that they behave like adults?
With Majority Leader Tom DeLay facing possible indictment in Texas for campaign finance violations, House Republicans found a solution -- change the rule.
This is a rule the GOP, flexing their moral superiority, insisted be enacted back in 1993 when Democrat Dan Rostenkowski was maintaining his post after an indictment. Now it seems that being indicted isn't such a bad thing after all. It's absurb for the GOP, or the Dems for that matter, to insist on rules such as this when it suits them and then do away with it when it no longer applies to the party of their choosing. What's good for the jackass should be good for the elephant.
But this story doesn't really end there, later in the day Tom Delay was given an early Christmas present when it became known that one of his accussers, a guy named Chris Bell, may have used "exaggerations" in his accusation against DeLay. That a nice way of saying he may have "LIED." Bell it seems is upset because he may have lost his seat in the house due to a "redistricting plan" engineered by DeLay. So, don't like the outcome of something someone does politically- go tell some lies about them. That'll show'em. Keep in mind Bell was only one of several accusers accusing Delay of several types of wrong doing. But if one guy's lying? Well I mean nobody would believe that in a town like Washington you could have say several members of one party or the other get together and... Oh, no I'm sure that just could not have happend. Not in Washington.
The botton line here is shouldn't we be demanding better of our elected representatives? With all that we are facing as a nation is it too much to ask that they behave like adults?
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