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Don't Be 'That' Kind of Feminist (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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When Dawn’s oldest daughter began discussing feminism in the context of her “out of control” friend who blames every problem in her life on sexism, the mother of two daughters started thinking about what values she wanted to instill in her children.


Dawn presented a list of Do’s and Do Nots for being a feminist. The Dos include being “respectful of all people and their own decisions, as long as they earn your respect” and choosing “whatever path will make you happy and is best for you and your family.” She emphasized that whether a woman wants to be a CEO or a stay-at-home mom (or both) is her decision, is valid and important and “available to you because of feminism.”

But she warns against falling into the modern feminist trap. The “Do Not” list includes putting “down people who do not agree with you,” arguing one’s “positions with irrational emotional outbursts and fake victimhood” and expecting “the government to provide for you.”

This is good. I suspect that most people take this approach to the issue without needing specific instruction, and that we are hearing feminism horror stories that are based on the actions of a small minority of screwballs.

How one mother urged her daughters not to be 'that' kind of feminist | Washington Examiner
I am new here and still figuring my way through the forums. But I agree. Feminism is and should be all about respecting people for the choices they make regardless of whether it being a CEO or a house wife. I also feel that instead of blaming everything on sexism we should be working our way to the top to counter the stereotypes that exist about women in the first place. Even though its usually "that" kind of feminists that catch the public attention, I know the majority believes in hard work over being handed everything just because you are a woman.
This is good. I suspect that most people take this approach to the issue without needing specific instruction, and that we are hearing feminism horror stories that are based on the actions of a small minority of screwballs.

How one mother urged her daughters not to be 'that' kind of feminist | Washington Examiner

Hold on, you mean that in all the dozens of threads you've posted attacking feminism based on a single 'horror story,' the millions of people who've told you that you're engaging in irrational generalisations were actually right?

I'll be damned, people can learn after all.
Hold on, you mean that in all the dozens of threads you've posted attacking feminism based on a single 'horror story,' the millions of people who've told you that you're engaging in irrational generalisations were actually right?

I'll be damned, people can learn after all.

The feminists I criticize deserve it.
This is good. I suspect that most people take this approach to the issue without needing specific instruction, and that we are hearing feminism horror stories that are based on the actions of a small minority of screwballs.

How one mother urged her daughters not to be 'that' kind of feminist | Washington Examiner

I really appreciate this point:

Provides strength for your partner when you have it to give, and accepts strength FROM your partner when you need it (we are all the weaker one in need of support sometimes);

I think far too often the idea of being in a relationship with a man or in love with a man is given a harsh negative. As if it in and of itself is a plague - representing repression or sexual weakness.

Which is absurd.

and this:

Chooses whatever path will make you happy and is best for you and your family-whether it’s the CEO track or the stay-at-home mom track (some women even do both in their lifetime). Both are valid, both are amazing, both are important, and both are available to you because of feminism;

Thank you! So many women I've encountered claim to be a feminist but put down those who opt to be a stay at home mother or a work at home mother. Often the message of 'you are lower on the importance-ladder' comes across loud and clear.

And this:

Cries foul, exaggerates or flat out lies to “bring attention” to your issue, especially if your issue is nonexistent or a myth;
Is what we see happening when women lie about abuse and rape statistics and situations to 'make a point'.

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