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Donald Trump Thinks North Carolina Got It Wrong On Anti-LGBT Bathroom Bill (1 Viewer)

Got it. You feel that our border is adequately protected. We certainly disagree on that. Further, you feel that the greatest nation on this earth is unable to stop illegals from crossing our border. Why is it that you think so little of this country?
i criticize obama all the time for not being liberal enough, guess i'm a racist too then

"Not liberal enough", is the only approved criticism.
President Obama is a democrat. His administration is issuing work permits. Of course, the left is the problem.

And of course you are ignoring the facts that the Republicans HAVEN'T done a damn thing to stop illegals. All they do is talk a good game, and people like you fall for their lies and BS so you can point a finger at those evil Liberals.

If you REALLY cared about immigration you and people like you would hold the Republicans feet to the fire too. Because they are part of the problem too, a BIG part. But you don't, you don't actually care about the issue. You just want to whine and bitch about the left.

You can blame the Republicans all you want. The man in the White House is a Democrat. He's the guy who is letting them stay by his Executive Orders. Own it.
The wall is to keep them from coming back. I don't understand why you are so opposed to a wall. Do you have locks on your doors at home? Why? We need a wall for the same reason.

I don't have a wall around my house as it would cost as much as the house to build one no one could climb under. Instead of building a wall for the illegals to make tunnels under, let's instead use the money for much needed maintenance of our roads and bridges. That way, we'll get some good out of spending an outrageous amount of taxpayer money.

If no one will hire them they won't come back. Problem is, most of them are doing necessary jobs. What we need to do, after denying them jobs and government services, is make it possible for them to go to the US embassy in their home country, show that they've been working and paying taxes here, pass a background check, and be allowed back in legally.
You can blame the Republicans all you want. The man in the White House is a Democrat. He's the guy who is letting them stay by his Executive Orders. Own it.

But again, those 11 million illegals you go on and on about didn't get here just under the current Admin. You know damn well many came here while Bush was President. You know damn well Bush wanted to give them amnesty. You know damn well this problem has been going on for decades.

But still you only want to blame the Dems. Why is that? Never mind, you don't have to answer. I already know.

People with their heads in the sand and who give the Republicans a pass on immigration are doing more harm than good when it comes to actually fixing the immigration problems. so you say you want to fix it, but you're actually part of the problem. The illegals thank you. Maybe you should vote Democrat too. lol

And yet, we have unemployed here in the USA. Can't Americans do those jobs?

Maybe you don't get it but the Democrats, the left are the ones fighting for the illegals. Maybe that escapes you. That's why I'm blaming the left! You want to look for Republicans to blame so that you can feel better. It's clear, you on the left side with illegals. Why do you hate Americans?

Your guy said that he would address the situation as soon as he got into the white house.............................................crickets!
Your guy said that he would address the situation as soon as he got into the white house.............................................crickets!

Your guys, the Republicans, have been saying they would address it for decades. Lots and lots of crickets.

Again, the people who refuse to blame BOTH sides are doing the most damage. The GOP and their business buddies who LOVE immigrants are just sitting back and laughing the asses off.

If you don't care what Trump is doing and you can't stand Cruz that makes your original comments even more absurd and worthless.

Tell me, who is the President now? Who has through executive order said that some of these illegals can stay and work? THEN WHAT THEY HECK ARE YOU DOING GRIPING ABOUT THE REPUBLICANS? Own it! President Obama and the left want to let illegals stay here. You've heard Hillary, you've heard Bernie. We already have seen Obama's. Own it. President Trump says they are leaving.

I didn't say or even imply any of that. You sure you got the right thread?

...because most of us on the left know there is a lot more to being President of the United States and leader of the free world than you stance on a couple of minor issues. I am certain I could find people panhandling on the street corner that would agree on these issues, but that does not make them presidential material. Donald Trump lacks the experience, temperament, the understanding of government, leadership and dare I say, intellect to be POTUS.
Liberals say it all the time, anyway. Anyone who crticizes Obama is automatically branded a racist.

And conservatives use the same stupidity by saying that anyone who SUPPORTS Obama did so because he's black. This is what I mean by your inability to see things objectively.

Yes, I understand your opinion. Hillary R Clinton's resume is impressive, not exactly presidential although she is the only one in the race that can say that she slept with a President, and she didn't even keep him satisfied. Then there's that time as Secretary of State, oh wait, an ambassador died under her watch and we lost a consulate... but that happens all the time right? It was just some folks protesting a video. Then there's her voting in favor of the war when she was a senator. Speaking of being a senator... Talk about a carpetbagging opportunist, she became a resident how long before running for Senator? Oh right, that week.

Of course not all the time... but 43 times since 1924, resulting in 100's of deaths (not to mention 7 times during the Reagan Administration)...


Benghazi has been investigated and re-investigated by highly motivated political operatives and Clinton has had no culpability whatsoever. Sorry, there is no there there. It happen, but it is utter silliness to ignorance to think this was something that is a Hillary Clinton shortcoming... If you believe otherwise, you have been used.

But, this is not about Clinton. This is about the ineptitude of Trump. To compare the government and governance experience of the two is a fool's errand. You can like Trump, you can like his policies, but telling us he has better experience is more silliness to...
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What a twist. What a lie you try to tell. Sorry, we've only lost one ambassador since Carter. Hillary was in charge.

Here's why we gripe about republicans.

You'd think that Obama had been President when we were gaining 500,000 illegals per year, 4 million in 8 years and not the NEGATIVE growth in illegals since 2009. If you want, show us what happened to the illegal population when the WH and Congress was controlled by GOPers during the Bush II era. Oh, yeah, nothing, except a couple years trying like heck for a repeat of the Reagan (R) amnesty!

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade | Pew Research Center
your offer to "help" is worthless because homosexuality is not a medical condition *at all* and it's far from just shrinks who reach that conclusion, the entire medical profession does

it's merely a state of being

A "state of being" does not preclude having a medical or genetic condition, or both as is the case with homosexuality and transgenderism. The judgment of the medical community on this is a social, not a scientific judgment. Reality is, it's not a normal state for the organism.

in order to qualify as a medical condition, a given trait has to cause intrinsic harm to the individual. Statistical abnormality has nothing to do with it. That's just you looking for an excuse to hate

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