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Does this traitor's words sound familiar? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
For those who do not know this rat Theodore Hall is he gave atomic secrets to the soviets.

Here are his bullshit reasons for stabbing his country in the back.


FIRST, he explains that during 1944 he was "worried about the dangers of an American monopoly of atomic weapons if there should be a postwar depression." (page 288) Such an economic depression, in his view, "could lead to fascism, aggression and war-as actually happened in Italy and Germany." (90) For this reason he contacted Soviet representatives to inform them of the American atomic program and soon turned over all the secrets he learned working as a physicist at Los Alamos.


SECOND, Hall argues that the Soviet Union was not an enemy of the United States, but a ally. Hence, he implies, it was no crime to share the secret of the bomb. He summons Albert Einstein and Neils Bohr in support of his case, citing their belief that an American nuclear monopoly was dangerous. (90)


THIRD, he proposes that he may have changed the course of history and prevented a nuclear disaster. "For example," he writes, "the bomb might have been dropped on China in 1949 or the early fifties. Well, if I helped to prevent that, I accept the charge." (288)


FOURTH, Hall allows that he was young and did not fully understand the nature of the Soviet state, its brutality and dictatorial rule. But with a qualification: "Many reports about these things had been proved false, and they seemed incompatible with the obvious dedication of the Soviet Army and people during the war. If I had seen the whole picture in focus, I feel quite convinced that I would have acted differently." (282)

FIFTH, Hall asserts that, when all is said and done, he still thinks that "the brash youth had the right end of the stick." On this basis he proceeds to lecture readers that a return to McCarthyism is the real threat to democracy. (289)

Do any of his words sound familiar?
Retarded justification for outing secret information used to fight our eneimes?
McCarthyism is the real threat?
Would any one else like to add anything to this?
I would like to add that your "point" makes absolutely no sense at all. If you want, I can get some quotes from Hitler, post them up here and then tell you if it "sounds familiar" and we'll go into this ridiculous circle of spin over and over again.

James would you have Bush kill all dissenters and make a totalitarian state? Your recognition of anything and anyone who speaks out against the government as traitors is like advocating that they should die. Traitors deserve to die isn't that so? So do you think that perhaps the entire democrat party and select peace organizations do the same?
FinnMacCool said:
I would like to add that your "point" makes absolutely no sense at all. If you want, I can get some quotes from Hitler, post them up here and then tell you if it "sounds familiar" and we'll go into this ridiculous circle of spin over and over again.

What sounds familiar is the outing of classified information the sad excuses used for outing classified information.

James would you have Bush kill all dissenters and make a totalitarian state? Your recognition of anything and anyone who speaks out against the government as traitors is like advocating that they should die.

There is a huge difference between not agreeing with uncle Sam and undermining him.
Traitors deserve to die isn't that so?
So do you think that perhaps the entire democrat party and select peace organizations do the same?

Most of these alledged peace groups proably do deserve death for treason.As well as certian democrat politicians who make damaging remarks about our troops in a time of war.
jamesrage said:
Most of these alledged peace groups proably do deserve death for treason.As well as certian democrat politicians who make damaging remarks about our troops in a time of war.

I'm not so sure how anyone is supposed to take what you say seriously now. Calling for the death of peace groups and democrats because of their opinions? Ever read the Constitution? Perhaps you should start with the first amendment. It's a good read, should be very informative to any American. What you are calling for here would this nation into a rightwing dictatorship where obediance is demanded from all, esspecially during a time of war. The freedom to say whatever you want is what makes this country great.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt

I posted that quote on another thread, but I think it's very applicable in this situation. As well as:

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." - Mark Twain

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" - Thomas Jefferson

And I would have to agree with galenrox's analysis of Theodore Hall's actions. As for the argument against Hall... dude, this happened over 60 years ago, let it go already.
James, you're not familiar with MAD?

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