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do you think that homosexuality is an abomination? (1 Viewer)

do you?

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And being gay isn't in that list.
Sure it is - “An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,” Believing that homosexual behavior is normal and should be accepted is “wicked imaginations”.
I simply provided a fact. Nothing more or less.
My bad, I thought you were trying to make a point.

Here's a random fact, nothing more or less. Brett Favre's first career completion in the NFL was to himself for a loss of 7 yards!
My bad, I thought you were trying to make a point.

Here's a random fact, nothing more or less. Brett Favre's first career completion in the NFL was to himself for a loss of 7 yards!
It seems the point was lost on you.
It seems the point was lost on you.
Longview made a comment and you followed up with what you describe as a group of facts, nothing more or less.

Were they facts with no point? Or if you were trying to make a point with those facts, what was it?
Sure it is - “An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,” Believing that homosexual behavior is normal and should be accepted is “wicked imaginations”.
Biology and anthropology say that your beliefs are wrong and always have been wrong.
The facts are important. Being LGBTQ is no different than being a lefty. 100 years ago lefties were forced to learn to use their right hand because they were also seen as defective and immoral for not being right-dominant.
Apples to oranges.
Longview made a comment and you followed up with what you describe as a group of facts, nothing more or less.

Were they facts with no point? Or if you were trying to make a point with those facts, what was it?
As I said, I simply provided a fact pertinentto the post. That was the point. You're the one who chimed in not realizing that.
Apples to oranges.
Its all the same. They are all based in biology and none of them are a choice.

If your supposed all-knowing and all-powerful god doesn't like LGB people then why does she keep making so many of them? She knew they would be LGB from before conception because she is claimed to be all knowing, and she could have made them cis-het because believers claim she is all powerful, but she didn't. Maybe there is a message there for believers who are told there were born sinful?

Jesus had a few thoughts on the subject of how Christians are supposed to treat others. Matthew7:12, Luke 6:31, Matthew 25:40.
Its all the same. They are all based in biology and none of them are a choice.

If your supposed all-knowing and all-powerful god doesn't like LGB people then why does she keep making so many of them? She knew they would be LGB from before conception because she is claimed to be all knowing, and she could have made them cis-het because believers claim she is all powerful, but she didn't. Maybe there is a message there for believers who are told there were born sinful?

Jesus had a few thoughts on the subject of how Christians are supposed to treat others. Matthew7:12, Luke 6:31, Matthew 25:40.
The last number I have seen is that only 10% of the population (a debatable number) fit within the homosexual box.

Jesus did not approve of homosexuality. Cite one verse that states he did.
The last number I have seen is that only 10% of the population (a debatable number) fit within the homosexual box.

That is double the known population. LGB people are 5% or maybe even less.
Jesus did not approve of homosexuality. Cite one verse that states he did.
You forgot this, again. Your all powerful god made them gay.
If your supposed all-knowing and all-powerful god doesn't like LGB people then why does she keep making so many of them? She knew they would be LGB from before conception because she is claimed to be all knowing, and she could have made them cis-het because believers claim she is all powerful, but she didn't. Maybe there is a message there for believers who are told there were born sinful?

You are not to judge others.

Matthew 7:1-3

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
As I said, I simply provided a fact pertinentto the post. That was the point. You're the one who chimed in not realizing that.
Meaningful conversations occur when both parties are dealing fairly and honestly with one another. If you tell me the point of your post, that'll help me to respond with agreement or disagreement. That's the way this works.

So, I'll ask again. Did you have a point, and if so, what was it?
The last number I have seen is that only 10% of the population (a debatable number) fit within the homosexual box.
The same can be said of left handedness and Redheads. Are they considered abnormal?
Jesus did not approve of homosexuality. Cite one verse that states he did.
Who cares? We're in modern times now. Bronze Age mythology is hardly relevant.
That is double the known population. LGB people are 5% or maybe even less.

You are not to judge others.
Not true.

1 Corinthians 6:2
“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?”

Matthew 7:1-3
The same can be said of left handedness and Redheads. Are they considered abnormal?

Who cares? We're in modern times now. Bronze Age mythology is hardly relevant.
Your time is up. Enjoy the rest of your day.
The same can be said of left handedness and Redheads. Are they considered abnormal?

Who cares? We're in modern times now. Bronze Age mythology is hardly relevant.
Jesus also didn't like divorce, capitalism, and public prayer but those teachings don't seem to matter to his most vocal followers either.
Not true.

1 Corinthians 6:2

You just put the teachings in Corinthians above those teachings of the person who you claim to be your savior and the son off god? There is a word for doing that.
If you are going to examine the act of homosexuality through the moral lense of 'abomination', then you have to eliminate all of the animal characteristics of homosexuality and focus only on the human actions. And really...you dont want to compare humans to mere animals...its NOT a favorable comparison of your human subjects when you do that.

So...to answer the question, then you have to examine the author of your morality. If you believe in a higher power as the author of morality, then that same higher power would be turned to for an examination of what is and isnt an abomination. Its really not for man to say.

If on the other hand you profess to BE god...and the author of your own morality, then you can justify and excuse whatever action or behavior you want.
Jesus also didn't like divorce, capitalism, and public prayer but those teachings don't seem to matter to his most vocal followers either.
These are things that Jesus specifically spoke about. Homosexuality wasn’t even a consideration because society (Jewish communities) as a whole, didn’t approve of it.
You just put the teachings in Corinthians above those teachings of the person who you claim to be your savior and the son off god? There is a word for doing that.
That’s what makes 1 Corinthians part of the NT. The Gospels are actually (theologically) part of the OT.
Meaningful conversations occur when both parties are dealing fairly and honestly with one another. If you tell me the point of your post, that'll help me to respond with agreement or disagreement. That's the way this works.

So, I'll ask again. Did you have a point, and if so, what was it?
My conversation wasn't with you. Like I said, you chimed in. So you didn't get the point. Your problem, not mine.

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