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Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia? (1 Viewer)

Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • No

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • What was the question again?

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters


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Jan 28, 2012
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Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.

Nope.Unless dementia means being a lying sack of **** who constantly flip flops.
No, he's just Hillary Clinton with a penis and very bad hair. He's a lying hypocritical egomaniac. But he isn't showing signs of dementia yet.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.

What is your basis to think it is dementia? BTW, the onset of dementia is typically a slow process (depending on the source of dementia). It is silly to speculate as to such unless you are around the guy all of the time.

He obviously is a narcissist, which is a mental illness..
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No, he's just Hillary Clinton with a penis and very bad hair. He's a lying hypocritical egomaniac. But he isn't showing signs of dementia yet.

At least Hillary has broad experience in government and is humble enough to surround herself with experts to shore-up her shortcomings. You may not like her politics, but she rarely goes off half-cocked.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.

No. If anyone's shown possible dementia this election cycle, it's been Bernie.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.
No. I think the increased exposure and ego stroking is showing what a big man-child he is.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.

I voted not sure but I do know the Queen of Corruption is showing a late stage of dementia/mental instability. Seems she has a hard time remember with any accuracy yesterdays lies.
More like late signs of dementia.
Well, your source is just silly. You have to do better than that. But also, that is about Bill. Hillary is actually a different person.

Sure , it's the source ! :lamo Remember the claims of falling and an inability to recall and the goofy glasses .:lamo Ever wonder why she stays clear of the media ? :shock:
Sure , it's the source ! :lamo Remember the claims of falling and an inability to recall and the goofy glasses .:lamo Ever wonder why she stays clear of the media ? :shock:

You posted a link about 1 person to prove a different person has dementia.

And did you say stays clear of the media? Seriously? You have to be messing with me now.
At least Hillary has broad experience in government and is humble enough to surround herself with experts to shore-up her shortcomings. You may not like her politics, but she rarely goes off half-cocked.
Just because she takes a double wide seat doesn't mean she has "broad experience". She surrounds herself with experts, sure enough, like the IT guy that erased her server, or her minions that she instructed to strip the security classifications off emails and send them through her unsecured private server for her?

What a joke candidate. She better by damn get indicted.
You posted a link about 1 person to prove a different person has dementia.

And did you say stays clear of the media? Seriously? You have to be messing with me now.

I believe its been around six months since her last press conference. When she goes on TV interviews like CNN (Clinton news network) or MSNBC it almost sounds like a scripted interview. I have heard a rumor that questions to her have to be pre-approved.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.

He suffers of megalomania.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.

No he is not a critical thinker yet he does not appear to have early dementia.
Do you think Donald Trump is showing early signs of dementia/mental instability?

I am not saying he is. But sometimes when he talks and I realize his age, the thought does occur to me for a few seconds.

I am assuming he is probably fine...but I wondered what everyone else thinks.
No, its not dementia. Trump is a largely non-ideological guy who is more comfortable on the left but is trying to fit in on the right. He has thought out virtually no political positions which is why they seem to change from day to day. He is not a republican and not a democrat. He is a loud mouth who through the virtue of his celebrity and a weak field has taken over the republican nomination. But he is not running as a republican, he has not embraced republican ideals. In fact he is doing the opposite. He no campaign infrastructure and is not working with the party in any real sense. He is essentially using the republican party apparatus to run as an independent. While a Trump implosion would devastate the republican party and put Hillary in the White House, it might just be a Godsend for the libertarian party who just might be able to capitalize on the fact that the major parties are running such awful alternatives.
No. I think Trump supporters show late stage symptoms of it though.

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