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DeVos Appoints CEO Of A Student Loan Company To Head Federal Aid Agency (1 Viewer)

It of course is not any problem for the corporatists.

It's only problem for hyper-partisan hacks who will attack the Trump Admin. for anything and everything. Intelligent, thoughtful people would look at this choice and see an experienced executive who intimately knows the process he's being put charge of, but people like you can only see "TRUMP!!!!" and then begin your normal precipitous descent into hyper-partisan ranting.

"I can't really make a argument about your point, so I'll concede it and then take the opportunity to attack Pres. Trump and insult anyone who doesn't blindly attack him as well."

Just pointing out blind partisan hypocrisy. Really, one's standards for this type of thing should be the same regardless which side it is. It's hypocrisy to say it's fine when my side does it and then completely ignore that my side is also doing exactly what the other side is kvetching about.
It's only problem for hyper-partisan hacks who will attack the Trump Admin. for anything and everything. Intelligent, thoughtful people would look at this choice and see an experienced executive who intimately knows the process he's being put charge of, but people like you can only see "TRUMP!!!!" and then begin your normal precipitous descent into hyper-partisan ranting.

Don isn't doing anything new at all, Goldman Sachs is all up in your white house, same as it ever was, same as it would have been with Hillary. Pedal your patisan**** elsewhere.
Government didn't cause price of health care to rise. The HMOs did that, along with big pharma. It's lack of government regulation in the health sector that has caused the "free market" mentality to run amok.

:lol: yeah. Government didn't introduce wage controls back in the 40s, causing a permanent incentive distortion in favor of benefit purchase that lasts to this day.

Government doesn't spend ~50% of medical dollars.

Government doesn't have a massive boat of regulations requiring health insurance plans to force 55 year old men to carry maternity insurance.

Government didn't impose a needlessly convoluted, red-tape-ridden, verification process through the FDA that jacks the price of medical development (and, subsequently, new drugs and procedures) through the roof.

Government doesn't subsidize purchase making consumers less price sensitive.

Government didn't authorize a private organization (the AMA) to set limits on the size of it's own workforce, enabling them to reduce supply of providers in order to increase their prices.

Nosirree Bob, Government didn't do any of those things. That's why the price of healthcare has dropped so dramatically since we increased the role of government in healthcare back in 2010-2012/2013.
well, I suppose if the 'student loan forgiveness' crowd had their way, it could become meaningful ............. you think? ............

Would have been far more productive than blundering around Iraq.
:lol: yeah. Government didn't introduce wage controls back in the 40s, causing a permanent incentive distortion in favor of benefit purchase that lasts to this day.
Tax breaks for desired behavior: something conservatives hate.

Government doesn't spend ~50% of medical dollars.

Government doesn't have a massive boat of regulations requiring health insurance plans to force 55 year old men to carry maternity insurance.
What's the average price of a 55 year old man's maternity care, and is the insurance company charging that same man more than this?
Government didn't impose a needlessly convoluted, red-tape-ridden, verification process through the FDA that jacks the price of medical development (and, subsequently, new drugs and procedures) through the roof.
Identify specific changes you would make.

Government doesn't subsidize purchase making consumers less price sensitive.
Continuing to be alive is the ultimate inelastic product. Price sensitivity doesn't help much.
Government didn't authorize a private organization (the AMA) to set limits on the size of it's own workforce, enabling them to reduce supply of providers in order to increase their prices.

Wait a minute. A private organization is artificially causing an increase in health care prices to enrich themselves!?
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Tax breaks for desired behavior: something conservatives hate.

in this case, it is a market distortion that encourages over-purchase of insurance, resulting in a loss of price-sensitivity at the point of purchase, with resulting relative upward pressure on price.

:shrug: so yea, it's something here that conservatives point out is problematic.


:lamo Sure. The US Government being half the market means it doesn't impact it at all. Hokedoke.

What's the average price of a 55 year old man's maternity care, and is the insurance company charging that same man more than this?

It is the same as the price for a 24 year old woman, because, in addition to Guaranteed Issue, we have Community Rating.

Which is to say, we encourage people to wait for their house to catch fire before they get home insurance, because they can't be charged more for it..... but they have to pay for the full package, including maternity care for 55 year old men.

This encourages the healthy to stay off the system, and the sick to flood the system, and the rest of us to practice adverse selection. Result: spiraling premiums and deductibles.

Identify specific changes you would make.

The cpwill Bi Partisan Health Insurance Reform Plan

More specific to this instance (the FDA), I would recommend we start by forcing efficiencies within that bureaucracy, and allowing research done in industrialized foreign nations, such as Israel and Germany.

Continuing to be alive is the ultimate inelastic product. Price sensitivity doesn't help much.

:lol: What portion of healthcare purchases are mandatory for saving one's life :)

Wait a minute. A private organization is artificially causing an increase in health care prices to enrich themselves!?

Yup. That's what happens when the government protects monopolies.

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