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Detroit homeowner, squatter forced to live under same roof until court decides (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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How can someone trespass into someone's home and not be removed by law enforcement.

Detroit homeowner, squatter forced to live under same roof until court decides | Fox News
A Detroit woman says when she returned to her home last week after being away for a year, she found a woman living there who neighbors say has been staying in the house for a few months, MyFoxDetroit.com reported.
"She thinks that this is a program in Detroit to take people's homes and fix them up and then she gets to keep them," Heidi Peterson, who bought the home in Detroit's Boston-Edison District for $23,000, said. "I don't know what her capabilities are. We're afraid of her mindset of entitlement."

Peterson claims the squatter, who was a tenant of Peterson's and leased the home in 2010, changed the locks, reworked the plumbing, replaced her appliances, put a lien on the house and will not leave. So now they are forced to sleep one room away from each other, Peterson with her 1-year-old daughter.
"I thought if the house is not safe, how can I come here with my child? There's an issue with that. But should I lose my house to a squatter because I don't have rights to my property or should I fight to get it back," said Peterson.
The alleged squatter's name is documented all over the house as Missionary-Tracey Elaine Blair, a write-in candidate for president. She denied that she was squatting and said she has a lease.
"I have a construction lien for the repairs that I put into the house. Someone had (broken) into the house on July the 4th and they stripped the radiators and I made a report," she added.
I have no idea how this could happen and not be instantly resolved.
The whole article could have been summed up by "Detroit".
How can someone trespass into someone's home and not be removed by law enforcement.

Detroit homeowner, squatter forced to live under same roof until court decides | Fox News
A Detroit woman says when she returned to her home last week after being away for a year, she found a woman living there who neighbors say has been staying in the house for a few months, MyFoxDetroit.com reported.
"She thinks that this is a program in Detroit to take people's homes and fix them up and then she gets to keep them," Heidi Peterson, who bought the home in Detroit's Boston-Edison District for $23,000, said. "I don't know what her capabilities are. We're afraid of her mindset of entitlement."

Peterson claims the squatter, who was a tenant of Peterson's and leased the home in 2010, changed the locks, reworked the plumbing, replaced her appliances, put a lien on the house and will not leave. So now they are forced to sleep one room away from each other, Peterson with her 1-year-old daughter.
"I thought if the house is not safe, how can I come here with my child? There's an issue with that. But should I lose my house to a squatter because I don't have rights to my property or should I fight to get it back," said Peterson.
The alleged squatter's name is documented all over the house as Missionary-Tracey Elaine Blair, a write-in candidate for president. She denied that she was squatting and said she has a lease.
"I have a construction lien for the repairs that I put into the house. Someone had (broken) into the house on July the 4th and they stripped the radiators and I made a report," she added.
...watch me burn the house down out of spite....
...watch me burn the house down out of spite....

I think if the homeowner was smart she would have shot the trespasser at first site and claimed she saw a burglar.
I think if the homeowner was smart she would have shot the trespasser at first site and claimed she saw a burglar.
That reminds me, I need to renew my self-defense insurance.
I think if the homeowner was smart she would have shot the trespasser at first site and claimed she saw a burglar.

This is worst than the squatter.

That being said, it is ridiculous that the squatter has any claim to the house.
The whole article could have been summed up by "Detroit".

So in your 'mind' one news story speaks for a city of over 700,000 people?
How can someone trespass into someone's home and not be removed by law enforcement.

Detroit homeowner, squatter forced to live under same roof until court decides | Fox News
A Detroit woman says when she returned to her home last week after being away for a year, she found a woman living there who neighbors say has been staying in the house for a few months, MyFoxDetroit.com reported.
"She thinks that this is a program in Detroit to take people's homes and fix them up and then she gets to keep them," Heidi Peterson, who bought the home in Detroit's Boston-Edison District for $23,000, said. "I don't know what her capabilities are. We're afraid of her mindset of entitlement."

Peterson claims the squatter, who was a tenant of Peterson's and leased the home in 2010, changed the locks, reworked the plumbing, replaced her appliances, put a lien on the house and will not leave. So now they are forced to sleep one room away from each other, Peterson with her 1-year-old daughter.
"I thought if the house is not safe, how can I come here with my child? There's an issue with that. But should I lose my house to a squatter because I don't have rights to my property or should I fight to get it back," said Peterson.
The alleged squatter's name is documented all over the house as Missionary-Tracey Elaine Blair, a write-in candidate for president. She denied that she was squatting and said she has a lease.
"I have a construction lien for the repairs that I put into the house. Someone had (broken) into the house on July the 4th and they stripped the radiators and I made a report," she added.

That's fine. But the court should have to decide in 72 hours. Ridiculous. The crux of the matter is probably that a month-to-month tenancy was established at the end of the written lease. Even though the tenant apparently wasn't paying rent, there are legal steps that have to be taken to remove a deadbeat from a rental property. What's the homeowner been doing for the last year or so? Didn't even check in on the house?

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