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DeSantis berates students for wearing masks (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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Last night, it was a Congresswoman heckling the president as he spoke of his deceased son. The Republican Party is just a cavalcade of obnoxious, classless, boorishness and bullying. One right after the other with no reprieve. What's wrong with these people?

DeSantis walking the typical fence.
Berate the students, but in the end say "it is fine".

Thought DeSantis was all for personal choice. Guess that only applies when you carry out his choice.
Last night, it was a Congresswoman heckling the president as he spoke of his deceased son. The Republican Party is just a cavalcade of obnoxious, classless, boorishness and bullying. One right after the other with no reprieve. What's wrong with these people?

I thought righties believed that mask-wearing should be a choice? Why berate people who make that choice?
Good for him.

Calling the spade the spade.

“Covid theater”

Loving and considerate?

What if their parents want them to wear them? You think a politician knows what's better for other people's kids than the parents do?

Why do you hate parents?
I’m sorry, I struggle to take anything seriously from a teacher that thinks kids should smoke pot in class.
I’m sorry, I struggle to take anything seriously from a teacher that thinks kids should smoke pot in class.

I'm sorry, you are wrong. I did not say kids should smoke pot in class.
Yes. Mixed with a little bullying contempt. If he acted like that at my kid I would be incensed and I would have confronted him.

He doesn't want to photographed with anyone wearing masks. It might remind people of the 70,000 covid deaths in his state.
He doesn't want to photographed with anyone wearing masks. It might remind people of the 70,000 covid deaths in his state.

So this is theater for him?

Another confession hidden in an accusation.
I'm sorry, you are wrong. I did not say kids should smoke pot in class.

What is worse for high school students?​

(Your poll…and you then said cell phones are worse for kids than pot).

Then followed it up with:

got runner- up Most Improved the year I started smoking weed

I was high when I got runner-up "Most Improved" in my senior year

am simply using anecdotal evidence to suggest that smoking pot can improve grades.
Last night, it was a Congresswoman heckling the president as he spoke of his deceased son. The Republican Party is just a cavalcade of obnoxious, classless, boorishness and bullying. One right after the other with no reprieve. What's wrong with these people?

He’s pretty easily triggered, it seems.

What is worse for high school students?​

(Your poll…and you then said cell phones are worse for kids than pot).

Then followed it up with:

Suggesting that through anecdotal evidence, smoking pot could improve grades is not the same as saying kids should smoke pot in class.

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