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Democrats: Why in the world are you liberal? (1 Viewer)

Feb 23, 2006
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Political Leaning
I just don't understand it. How can someone support liberalism? It is the definition of lunacy and defies all common sense. It really is some type of a disorder. I see how liberal the world is becoming and I just get depressed and hope I wont live to see how bad it will get. So why are you liberal? What makes you liberal? What is the indoctrination of the media, schools, and hollywood? Was it a specific event? Is it because you dont have a grasp of history? What?

AmericanPatriot29 said:
I just don't understand it. How can someone support liberalism? It is the definition of lunacy and defies all common sense. It really is some type of a disorder. I see how liberal the world is becoming and I just get depressed and hope I wont live to see how bad it will get. So why are you liberal? What makes you liberal? What is the indoctrination of the media, schools, and hollywood? Was it a specific event? Is it because you dont have a grasp of history? What?


Depends on the color of your shades. Personally,

I used to think I was conservative at least partly; I don't think I've changed but consider myself a liberal now.

I am a liberal because:

I believe in the rule of law.

I think that the Govt should not borrow from our future but tax before it spends or cut spending before it cuts taxes.

I believe in the Constitution, and concepts like innocent until proven guilty and due process and the right of an accussed to a trial.

I disapprove of our Govt torturing people and locking people away indefinitely without due process.

I believe that the government has some obligation to provide for regulation and basic welfare to protect against the abuses of laizze-faire capitalism.

I believe that clean air and water are just as important as corporate profits.

I think the wealthy, who have by their hard work have been able to take advantage of the opportunities given to them by this country, should pay a greater share of the tax burden than folks struggling to make ends meet.

I believe the US, as a founding nation of modern democracy and human rights, should set an example for the international community and be a shining beacon on the hill.

I believe that the US should be a good international citizen and therefore not throw its weight around like a bully because we happen to have the most powerful armed forces.

I am against the concentration of corporate power and wealth into fewer and fewer hands.

I believe in individual liberty and with it privacy -- even at the cost of some greater risk to security, because freedom isn't free.

I believe that folks who receive a large inheritance should have to pay taxes on that income just like folks who work for a living have to pay taxes on their income.

I believe in the right of families to make their own decisions, not the government, which is why I support abortion, at least early in the pregnancy. I am against the government dictating family decisions to my family.

I believe a strong publicly available educational system that provides the opportunity for an education for all, even those without wealth, is an important element of a democracy.

Just some of the things off the top of my head.
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Iriemon said:
Depends on the color of your shades. Personally,

I used to think I was conservative at least partly; I don't think I've changed but consider myself a liberal now.

I am a liberal because:

I believe in the rule of law.

I think that the Govt should not borrow from our future but tax before it spends or cut spending before it cuts taxes.

I believe in the Constitution, and concepts like innocent until proven guilty and due process and the right of an accussed to a trial.

I disapprove of our Govt torturing people and locking people away indefinitely without due process.

I believe that the government has some obligation to provide for regulation and basic welfare to protect against the abuses of laizze-faire capitalism.

I believe that clean air and water are just as important as corporate profits.

I think the wealthy, who have by their hard work have been able to take advantage of the opportunities given to them by this country, should pay a greater share of the tax burden than folks struggling to make ends meet.

I believe the US, as a founding nation of modern democracy and human rights, should set an example for the international community and be a shining beacon on the hill.

I believe that the US should be a good international citizen and therefore not throw its weight around like a bully because we happen to have the most powerful armed forces.

I am against the concentration of corporate power and wealth into fewer and fewer hands.

I believe in individual liberty and with it privacy -- even at the cost of some greater risk to security, because freedom isn't free.

I believe that folks who receive a large inheritance should have to pay taxes on that income just like folks who work for a living have to pay taxes on their income.

I believe in the right of families to make their own decisions, not the government, which is why I support abortion, at least early in the pregnancy. I am against the government dictating family decisions to my family.

I believe a strong publicly available educational system that provides the opportunity for an education for all, even those without wealth, is an important element of a democracy.

Just some of the things off the top of my head.

I am not exactly a conservative, but let me try to represent the list of my values which are opposite to yours.

1. I beleive in the US Constitution.
2. The rest is bulsh/t.
[mod mode]

To the basement we will go. To the basement we will go. Hie ho the dairy-o to the basement we will go.

[/mod mode]
Kelzie said:
[mod mode]

To the basement we will go. To the basement we will go. Hie ho the dairy-o to the basement we will go.

[/mod mode]


Kelzie said:
[mod mode]

To the basement we will go. To the basement we will go. Hie ho the dairy-o to the basement we will go.

[/mod mode]
Just curious. What exactly sent this downstairs?
KCConservative said:
Just curious. What exactly sent this downstairs?

Actually it was the OP. Anything that starts with "It is the definition of lunacy and defies all common sense. It really is some type of a disorder. I see how liberal the world is becoming and I just get depressed and hope I wont live to see how bad it will get." is created to **** people off. Not to debate. And we move those threads to the basement.
Kelzie said:
Actually it was the OP. Anything that starts with "It is the definition of lunacy and defies all common sense. It really is some type of a disorder. I see how liberal the world is becoming and I just get depressed and hope I wont live to see how bad it will get." is created to **** people off. Not to debate. And we move those threads to the basement.

Tho' I thought my statement of beliefs in response to the troll was rather poignant. :)
Iriemon said:
Depends on the color of your shades. Personally,

I used to think I was conservative at least partly; I don't think I've changed but consider myself a liberal now.

I am a liberal because:

I believe in the rule of law.

I think that the Govt should not borrow from our future but tax before it spends or cut spending before it cuts taxes.

I believe in the Constitution, and concepts like innocent until proven guilty and due process and the right of an accussed to a trial.

I disapprove of our Govt torturing people and locking people away indefinitely without due process.

I believe that the government has some obligation to provide for regulation and basic welfare to protect against the abuses of laizze-faire capitalism.

I believe that clean air and water are just as important as corporate profits.

I think the wealthy, who have by their hard work have been able to take advantage of the opportunities given to them by this country, should pay a greater share of the tax burden than folks struggling to make ends meet.

I believe the US, as a founding nation of modern democracy and human rights, should set an example for the international community and be a shining beacon on the hill.

I believe that the US should be a good international citizen and therefore not throw its weight around like a bully because we happen to have the most powerful armed forces.

I am against the concentration of corporate power and wealth into fewer and fewer hands.

I believe in individual liberty and with it privacy -- even at the cost of some greater risk to security, because freedom isn't free.

I believe that folks who receive a large inheritance should have to pay taxes on that income just like folks who work for a living have to pay taxes on their income.

I believe in the right of families to make their own decisions, not the government, which is why I support abortion, at least early in the pregnancy. I am against the government dictating family decisions to my family.

I believe a strong publicly available educational system that provides the opportunity for an education for all, even those without wealth, is an important element of a democracy.

Just some of the things off the top of my head.

Do you think if Kerry were elected you'd have similar complaints and become a conservative again? From what I can tell he wouldn't have greatly changed the direction we were going especially as it applies to many of your complaints.
talloulou said:
Do you think if Kerry were elected you'd have similar complaints and become a conservative again? From what I can tell he wouldn't have greatly changed the direction we were going especially as it applies to many of your complaints.

It is speculation to guess what Kerry would have done.
Iriemon said:
It is speculation to guess what Kerry would have done.

Well I personally think he would have solved global warming and AIDS and poverty and nationalized health care. Oh and bought me a pony. And probably traveled to Mars. All by the first year. :mrgreen:
Kelzie said:
Actually it was the OP. Anything that starts with "It is the definition of lunacy and defies all common sense. It really is some type of a disorder. I see how liberal the world is becoming and I just get depressed and hope I wont live to see how bad it will get." is created to **** people off. Not to debate. And we move those threads to the basement.

You go girl! I guess when your party is doing the attacking, it's hard to see the negativity in the initial post (re: KC's question to you). To me, this was unquestionably basement material.
aps said:
You go girl! I guess when your party is doing the attacking, it's hard to see the negativity in the initial post (re: KC's question to you). To me, this was unquestionably basement material.
Thanks aps and kelzie. I was just wondering if it was the profanity or something else.
KCConservative said:
Thanks aps and kelzie. I was just wondering if it was the profanity or something else.

I didn't get the impression that the originator of this thread was genuinely interested in understanding why people are liberal.
Did someone mention attacking liberals? Or did someone mention why they chose liberalism? If you're stymied for answers, or need an expert on the makings of a liberal...then I'm your man.

Did someone mention attacking liberals? Or did someone mention why they chose liberalism? If you're stymied for answers, or need an expert on the makings of a liberal...then I'm your man.

Please offer your wisdom on this matter. Why would any American choose to be liberal?
Ivan The Terrible said:

Please offer your wisdom on this matter. Why would any American choose to be liberal?

***Glad you asked. I'll be more than happy to give you reasons why I suspect people chose liberalism over Americanism. But for now, I'm in the middle of a heated poker game at Party Poker...so I'll get back to you later. Btw, wouldn't it be nice to see what a liberal has to say about their liberalism?
ptsdkid said:
Btw, wouldn't it be nice to see what a liberal has to say about their liberalism?

I did! Did you miss my post? #2.
I'm not exactly a hardcore liberal, but I do identify myself as such if forced to pick between "liberal" and "conservative."


Because I don't think the government has any business imposing certain views of morality on its citizens, as long as they aren't harming anyone else.

Because I think it's fair to require businesses to pay to clean up their own pollution, and not an undue burden on industry.

Because I think the government has no business spying on its citizens unless they are suspected of wrongdoing.

Because I'm against total executive power with no checks and balances, allowing the president to do whatever the hell he wants with no congressional or court approval.

Because it's obvious that the United States cannot impose democracy or liberalism on other societies through military means.

Because I don't equate good, competent diplomacy with "internationalism" or "letting other countries dictate our policies."

Because I don't equate actually paying for government services to be "raising taxes," nor do I equate deferring payments to future generations to be "cutting taxes."
ptsdkid said:
***Glad you asked. I'll be more than happy to give you reasons why I suspect people chose liberalism over Americanism. But for now, I'm in the middle of a heated poker game at Party Poker...so I'll get back to you later. Btw, wouldn't it be nice to see what a liberal has to say about their liberalism?

I would like to take this opportunity to go off topic and say that you, ptsdkid, are a dick.
teacher said:
I would like to take this opportunity to go off topic and say that you, ptsdkid, are a dick.

***Better than being dickless like yourself, Sally.
teacher said:
I would like to take this opportunity to go off topic and say that you, ptsdkid, are a dick.

Wow, I actually agree with you on something.
Why dont we have this discussion the right way by listing the core tennets of Liberalism and Conservatism, and then proceed to discredit them?

I think some people identify themselves as liberals for many reasons:
1. Because they think all conservatives are neo-conservatives.
2. Because they have socialist tendancies
3. Because they dont understand that the money has to come from somewhere
4. They consider conservatism to lack compassion.

I grew up wearing the liberal badge because I was told that was what I was and I ran with it. About two years ago I started thinking, actually thinking for myself, and I found myself to agree with the origional conservative premises. I may be socially liberal, but not "Nationalized Healthcare" liberal.

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