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Democrats want the wall. (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

master political analyst
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Dec 3, 2009
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The Golden State
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Truth isn't the truth.
At least according to Trump:

"Many of those workers have said to me and communicated, stay out until you get the funding for the wall,"

And who are those workers? Why, Democrats of course:

"most of the people not getting paid are Democrats."

There you go. Most of the people not getting paid are Democrats, and they want the wall. Therefore, Democrats want the wall.

I'm thinking what we have here is a failure to properly use logic.

In one case, the operative term is "many". In the other case, the operative word is "most".

At best, one can maybe say that "some" Democrats want the wall.
I opened this thread expecting to find an article by The Onion.
I'm thinking what we have here is a failure to properly use logic.

In one case, the operative term is "many". In the other case, the operative word is "most".

At best, one can maybe say that "some" Democrats want the wall.

Well maybe you can point to these "many" Democrats because so far I haven't found any that want the American Taxpayer to fund the wall.
Show of hands - any Democrats here want the wall?

I certainly don't, but then I'm not too worried about it, anyway.

Mexico is going to pay for the wall, after all.
Well maybe you can point to these "many" Democrats because so far I haven't found any that want the American Taxpayer to fund the wall.

Nobody said anything about "many Democrats".
A wall is not going to stop illegal entry into the US. Where there is a will there is a way.

Issues lie within how easy it is to assimulate into American culture without getting caught for having entered illegally, legally entered but now have expired visas, have fake identities, fake SS#'s, etc. Plus, there is always someone out there willing to employ these people which gives them reason/hope to come here in the 1st place. Border crossing is not the major issue...the main issue with immigration and all it's flaws start within our own boundaries that a wall is not going to fix....the issue is everything that is available/offered to those who come here or stay here illegally and then there are those who enable them staying. Personally...I would rather see the money for this wall be spent on fixing our internal immigration system, screenings, deportations, etc.
Put a few Trump statements together, and it generally does sound like an Onion article.

Especially when they are unrelated statements.

But yeah...people like to put unrelated Trump statements together to make something that doesn't exist.
Especially when they are unrelated statements.

But yeah...people like to put unrelated Trump statements together to make something that doesn't exist.

Unrelated statements like being for keeping provisions for people with pre existing conditions, and being against keeping provisions for pre existing conditions, that sort of unrelated statements?
Unrelated statements like being for keeping provisions for people with pre existing conditions, and being against keeping provisions for pre existing conditions, that sort of unrelated statements?

Unrelated statements...and a dumbass connection and conclusion...like in the OP.
Only a true Trumpeteer could possibly see two statements about the same issue as unrelated.

Only a person suffering from TDS, in addition to being willing to abandon logic, could look at those two statements and conclude that "Democrats want a wall".

And only a true, dishonest Trump hater could then contend that Trump thinks Democrats want a wall.

So tell me...where do YOU fit into this mess? Do you suffer from TDS? Have you abandoned logic? Are you a true, dishonest Trump hater?
Only a person suffering from TDS, in addition to being willing to abandon logic, could look at those two statements and conclude that "Democrats want a wall".

And only a true, dishonest Trump hater could then contend that Trump thinks Democrats want a wall.

So tell me...where do YOU fit into this mess? Do you suffer from TDS? Have you abandoned logic? Are you a true, dishonest Trump hater?

Your original position was that the two statements were unrelated.

Clearly, that is not true.

Now, you're saying that it is illogical to conclude that Democrats want the wall because of Trump's two statements.

Clearly, that is based on a severe case of being sarcasmically challenged.

Did you really think my point was that Trump's statements proved that Democrats want the wall? Really?
Trump wants you to want the Great Wall of Trump. His EGO commands, and it will help Coulter stay white.
Only a person suffering from TDS, in addition to being willing to abandon logic, could look at those two statements and conclude that "Democrats want a wall".

And only a true, dishonest Trump hater could then contend that Trump thinks Democrats want a wall.

So tell me...where do YOU fit into this mess? Do you suffer from TDS? Have you abandoned logic? Are you a true, dishonest Trump hater?

LOL! Logic? Why try and reference something you're clearly unacquainted with?

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