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Democrats show their disdain and contempt for our military once again. (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Pacific NW
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Very Conservative
Democrats in the Congress showed their disdain and contempt for our military again by disregarding the study being done on by the Pentagon on DADT and moving up the vote.... It was done because they know they can never cancel DADT after the November elections.......By doing this they show they could care less what the feelings are of our men and women serving in the military.......This is a disgraceful cowardly act and this is a perfect example why our military always vote Republican........
You already started an anti-gay thread on the same topic:

Navy Pride said:
Looks like there is still a little sanity in congress on this issue.....To repeal DADT without the study of its effect on the actual people serving is outrageous....Even a lot of Democrats think so...

FOXNews.com - Lawmakers Question Move to Accelerate Vote on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Updated May 26, 2010
Lawmakers Question Move to Accelerate Vote on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Democratic and Republican lawmakers are questioning the decision to move ahead on a vote to repeal the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, saying Congress and the administration should wait until the Pentagon completes its internal review this fall.

Do we really need another?
Last edited:
So what does Navy say to the 20-25% of servicemen who are democrats and/or voted for Obama or another democratic candidate?
Democrats in the Congress showed their disdain and contempt for our military again by disregarding the study being done on by the Pentagon on DADT and moving up the vote.... It was done because they know they can never cancel DADT after the November elections.......By doing this they show they could care less what the feelings are of our men and women serving in the military.......This is a disgraceful cowardly act and this is a perfect example why our military always vote Republican........
Have you ever considered that maybe they just have a different view point on the policy than you?

Nah, I'm sure it's cause they despise our military, lol. Keep up those stupid talking points.
Have you ever considered that maybe they just have a different view point on the policy than you?

Nah, I'm sure it's cause they despise our military, lol. Keep up those stupid talking points.

If they have a different opimion on the issue they should be allowed to voice it before the cowardly congress take their vote.....That is what was agreed on.............
He'll just label them "phony soldiers" and demean their military service...true to form.
So what does Navy say to the 20-25% of servicemen who are democrats and/or voted for Obama or another democratic candidate?

They are just MINOs...Military I Name Only:mrgreen:

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