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Democrats Have Nothing To Offer Voters So They’re Banking On Smearing And Censoring Their Opposition (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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It’s either that or the race card. Just what does the Democratic Party offer me? How will my life improve as a result of voting Democrat?

That’s just it.

They’ve got nothing


Biden has doubled down, signaling how confident his people are in their ability to collude with the censorship regime against their challengers.

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain offered an interesting insight into Democrats’ 2022 midterm election strategy on Sunday, musing about French President Emmanuel Macron’s ability to win reelection despite a 36 percent approval rating, implying a similar possibility for U.S. President Joe Biden. Instead of trying to turn Biden’s sinking approval ratings around by ditching failed policies, Democrats seem content with their underwater numbers so long as they can drive Republicans’ popularity even lower with smears and censorship.

It’s either that or the race card. Just what does the Democratic Party offer me? How will my life improve as a result of voting Democrat?

That’s just it.

They’ve got nothing


Biden has doubled down, signaling how confident his people are in their ability to collude with the censorship regime against their challengers.

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain offered an interesting insight into Democrats’ 2022 midterm election strategy on Sunday, musing about French President Emmanuel Macron’s ability to win reelection despite a 36 percent approval rating, implying a similar possibility for U.S. President Joe Biden. Instead of trying to turn Biden’s sinking approval ratings around by ditching failed policies, Democrats seem content with their underwater numbers so long as they can drive Republicans’ popularity even lower with smears and censorship.

Sadly, very true, for it's all they have left to offer.....so it will get worse before the November elections. The slanders, character assassinations, rumors, gossip, and false narratives will gain momentum and the leftist pundits on msm will spread the propaganda as if solid truth.....they have actually gotten pretty good at doing such detestable things.
It’s either that or the race card. Just what does the Democratic Party offer me? How will my life improve as a result of voting Democrat?

That’s just it.

They’ve got nothing

Wow, this is the biggest case of projection I've ever seen, that's saying something from the right-wing.

Quick, tell me your favorite conservative / right-wing policy.
Sadly, very true, for it's all they have left to offer.....so it will get worse before the November elections. The slanders, character assassinations, rumors, gossip, and false narratives will gain momentum and the leftist pundits on msm will spread the propaganda as if solid truth.....they have actually gotten pretty good at doing such detestable things.
the fact that they are so good at it is a bit worrisome, no doubt.
It’s either that or the race card. Just what does the Democratic Party offer me? How will my life improve as a result of voting Democrat?

That’s just it.

They’ve got nothing


Biden has doubled down, signaling how confident his people are in their ability to collude with the censorship regime against their challengers.

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain offered an interesting insight into Democrats’ 2022 midterm election strategy on Sunday, musing about French President Emmanuel Macron’s ability to win reelection despite a 36 percent approval rating, implying a similar possibility for U.S. President Joe Biden. Instead of trying to turn Biden’s sinking approval ratings around by ditching failed policies, Democrats seem content with their underwater numbers so long as they can drive Republicans’ popularity even lower with smears and censorship.

Hate, fear, and an ingrained sense of moral superiority are the typical methods used by every historical Authoritarian movement to achieve and maintain power.

Thus, a typical tactic is to point to some "growing evil enemy which must be defeated at all costs," then blame one's failures on that evil enemy while justifying one's own evil actions as necessary until that greater evil is overcome.

This is a tried and true method which has been used from time immemorial to sway human societies into all sorts of evils in the name of "justice, righteousness, and the common good."
It’s either that or the race card. Just what does the Democratic Party offer me? How will my life improve as a result of voting Democrat?

That’s just it.

They’ve got nothing
They've never had anything - 'cept empty words and promises.

They seek crises so they can take advantage with their empty promises then turn around and make the crisis worse, then either invent another one to take minds off the first or hurl blame at everyone but themselves.

And in that they are the very epitome of projectionism - in fact, the word probably couldn't exist but for them.
It’s either that or the race card. Just what does the Democratic Party offer me? How will my life improve as a result of voting Democrat?

That’s just it.

They’ve got nothing


Biden has doubled down, signaling how confident his people are in their ability to collude with the censorship regime against their challengers.

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain offered an interesting insight into Democrats’ 2022 midterm election strategy on Sunday, musing about French President Emmanuel Macron’s ability to win reelection despite a 36 percent approval rating, implying a similar possibility for U.S. President Joe Biden. Instead of trying to turn Biden’s sinking approval ratings around by ditching failed policies, Democrats seem content with their underwater numbers so long as they can drive Republicans’ popularity even lower with smears and censorship.

Tell me what the right will do when they regain control of Congress.

What are their plans to stop inflation? How are they going to lower gas prices? How will they lower food prices?
They've never had anything - 'cept empty words and promises.

They seek crises so they can take advantage with their empty promises then turn around and make the crisis worse, then either invent another one to take minds off the first or hurl blame at everyone but themselves.

And in that they are the very epitome of projectionism - in fact, the word probably couldn't exist but for them.

See? These people exist in the bizarro world. Up is down, left is right.

Can someone on the right PLEASE tell me what their favorite Republican policy is?
Hate, fear, and an ingrained sense of moral superiority are the typical methods used by every historical Authoritarian movement to achieve and maintain power.

Thus, a typical tactic is to point to some "growing evil enemy which must be defeated at all costs," then blame one's failures on that evil enemy while justifying one's own evil actions as necessary until that greater evil is overcome.

This is a tried and true method which has been used from time immemorial to sway human societies into all sorts of evils in the name of "justice, righteousness, and the common good."

You can't make this stuff up.

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