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Democratic Strategy introduced “you don’t know how good you’ve got it” line and got trounced = time for straight talk 24/7 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Despite what Clinton and Obama say, Biden’s current list of accomplishments won’t cut it.

Biden should reject the cautious counsel of corporate-friendly Democrats like Mark Penn and be bolder: issuing executive orders to do popular things like canceling federally held student loan debt and rallying congressional support for plans to tax the rich and tackle price gouging.

Above all, the Democrats must draw stark contrasts with Republicans.

A campaign telling voters they’re wrong to feel frustrated will fail. A campaign warning voters about the clear threat a GOP takeover would pose to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, abortion rights, worker rights, and the planet just might avert a repeat of the 1994 and 2010 midterm debacles.

The Democratic message should be blunt: If we lose Congress, Republicans will make Biden the lamest lame-duck president in history.

And if we lose the statehouses, Donald Trump’s “Big Lie”will be codified just in time to tip the 2024 presidential election to Trump or someone worse.

Instead of a feel-good “touting accomplishments” campaign, Democrats should rip into the GOP with a warning that America’s future is at stake. Because it is.

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People vote for Democrats when they vote against Republicans. I disagree with that but they do it. Democrats need to get better at attacking Republicans. Or else we'll keep having these goldfish elections where people elect Republicans and are shocked how badly they govern.
Cancelling Federal held student loan debt does not relive taxpayers from repaying it, though it may buy quite a few votes.
Maybe a better solution would be for a business, who hires someone with an outstanding student loan debt, to be required to assume the debt payments while the person remains an active employee.
That could be accomplished by deducting the loan payment from their paycheck until the loan is repaid or they are no longer employed. Unpaid student loans should accrue interest charges/penalties when no payment is made.
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The word "relive" in my post #3 should be "relieve", didn't see it in time to correct it.
People vote for Democrats when they vote against Republicans. I disagree with that but they do it. Democrats need to get better at attacking Republicans. Or else we'll keep having these goldfish elections where people elect Republicans and are shocked how badly they govern.
Good grief - where have you been these past few decades?

That's all the DNC knows how to do is attack Republicans. It's all they got. Americans see through every other scheme they attempt to mask their own failings, so their only real play is attempting to project their failures on others. This has been the Democrat strategy for literally decades now.

Americans don't want to be bought off, they don't want to be condescended or pandered to - they want to be left alone, unencumbered by their government to pursue their own lives, liberty, and happiness - as they see fit, not the twisted notions of a bunch of un-elected, garishly lipsticked bureaucrats in DC. The DNC's attempts at central planning over the decades have been embarrassingly pathetic, at best.

Moreover, these past 6 years alone have genuinely exposed the shocking, deeply embedded corruption of Washington DC to such an extent that most Americans don't trust either side anymore.

Americans know when they're being played - and the DNC has made sure Americans now know it's they who've been playing them for so long. So resorting to their old standby tactics of slander and libel, accusation and allegation, criticism and blame no longer works - for either side.

And frankly, that's how we descended into this cesspool of voting for the lesser evil as a vote against this side or that. And look where it's gotten us.

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