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Dementia (1 Viewer)

john patriot

Apr 19, 2020
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does Biden have dementia! he has been showing the signs of Dementia. stopping in the middle of a speech, forgetting what office he is running for, confused about what town or state he is in, I feel sorry for the man, I just hope I never have Dementia, he even thinks he is running for re-election! Q 2024
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Which characteristics would you say fit?


DAWSEY: You said yesterday when you were leaving that you were skeptical of a climate change report that the government had done. Can you just explain why you’re skeptical of that report?

TRUMP: One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including — just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with.


does Biden have dementia! he has been showing the signs of Dementia. stopping in the middle of a speech, forgetting what office he is running for, confused about what town or state he is in, I feel sorry for the man, I just hope I never have Dementia, he even thinks he is running for re-election! Q 2024

DAWSEY: So you’re saying you don’t see the —

TRUMP: Josh, you go to other places where they have denser trees — it’s more dense, where the trees are more flammable — they don’t have forest fires like this, because they maintain. And it was very interesting, I was watching the firemen, and they’re raking brush — you know the tumbleweed and brush, and all this stuff that’s growing underneath. It’s on fire, and they’re raking it, working so hard, and they’re raking all this stuff. If that was raked in the beginning, there’d be nothing to catch on fire. It’s very interesting to see. A lot of the trees, they took tremendous burn at the bottom, but they didn’t catch on fire. The bottom is all burned but they didn’t catch on fire because they sucked the water, they’re wet. You need forest management, and they don’t have it.

Trumb babble 2.jpg
yep! Biden has Dementia Q 2024

Those are pictures of Trump.

Just FYI . . .

PS: it is hilarious that a liberal troll somewhere is playing you this hard. Q my ass.

does Biden have dementia! he has been showing the signs of Dementia. stopping in the middle of a speech, forgetting what office he is running for, confused about what town or state he is in, I feel sorry for the man, I just hope I never have Dementia, he even thinks he is running for re-election! Q 2024

Biden could be braindead and he'd still have my vote.
Those are pictures of Trump.

Just FYI . . .Trump is the Greatest

Biden has Dementia or Kuru ! Q 2024

PS: it is hilarious that a liberal troll somewhere is playing you this hard. Q my ass.

go to my CT post and follow the clues! Q 2024
Trump looks like an egg plant grew legs.........
Vote sack of potatoes, Democrat for president!

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Vote sack of potatoes, Democrat for president!

You actually believe this **** is eloquent speech, huh:

DAWSEY: You said yesterday when you were leaving that you were skeptical of a climate change report that the government had done. Can you just explain why you’re skeptical of that report?

TRUMP: One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including — just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with.


DAWSEY: So you’re saying you don’t see the —

TRUMP: Josh, you go to other places where they have denser trees — it’s more dense, where the trees are more flammable — they don’t have forest fires like this, because they maintain. And it was very interesting, I was watching the firemen, and they’re raking brush — you know the tumbleweed and brush, and all this stuff that’s growing underneath. It’s on fire, and they’re raking it, working so hard, and they’re raking all this stuff. If that was raked in the beginning, there’d be nothing to catch on fire. It’s very interesting to see. A lot of the trees, they took tremendous burn at the bottom, but they didn’t catch on fire. The bottom is all burned but they didn’t catch on fire because they sucked the water, they’re wet. You need forest management, and they don’t have it.

View attachment 67295712

lamo indeed. Or at least, it would be funny if I weren't an American.

You love a Pedo Peeping Tom with 25 sexual assaults to his name, a guy who knowingly lied and denied about COVID, even quashing a testing plan, and getting nearly 200,000 Americans killed. That guy speaks like a severely concussed fourth grader with pre-existing brain damage.

And you're on about Biden. I wish I find out one day what caused Trumpists to hate America so much that they want to inflict more Trump on it.
You actually believe this **** is eloquent speech, huh:

lamo indeed. Or at least, it would be funny if I weren't an American.

You love a Pedo Peeping Tom with 25 sexual assaults to his name, a guy who knowingly lied and denied about COVID, even quashing a testing plan, and getting nearly 200,000 Americans killed. That guy speaks like a severely concussed fourth grader with pre-existing brain damage.

And you're on about Biden. I wish I find out one day what caused Trumpists to hate America so much that they want to inflict more Trump on it.

So what your saying is that you have complete confidence in the sack of spuds to competently perform the duties of POTUS. Noted.
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So what your saying is that you have complete confidence in the sack of spuds to competently perform the duties of POTUS. Noted.

Well the first three letters of potato is POT. :lamo

I now understand when President Trump say the "virus will go away once we achieve herd mentality" Seems you have joined up with the herd already.
does Biden have dementia! he has been showing the signs of Dementia. stopping in the middle of a speech, forgetting what office he is running for, confused about what town or state he is in, I feel sorry for the man, I just hope I never have Dementia, he even thinks he is running for re-election! Q 2024

Any person that believes in a conspiracy like "Q" really shouldn't be talking about the mental health of others.
I hear that some Russian treatments can prevent dementia by making sure that one doesn't live long enough to get it. You don't even have to travel to Russia to get the treatment.
Most Americans agree that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is not qualified to be President because it is obvious that he has brain health issues.

Under normal circumstances, the American public (and even the Democratic Party) would not allow a person so frail to even think about being a candidate.

But we all know this is an extraordinary year.

Many people could not care less about Mr. Biden's mental or physical condition. They only want him to perform one deed: Defeat President Trump in 40+ days.

And most of the polls indicate that he will accomplish this goal.

After that, the Dems will gently sideline him and turn to de facto President Harris for her leadership.
Which characteristics would you say fit?

Holy ****!!!!

I have all of those symptoms and I always just chalked it up to waking up in the morning. I guess I'm ****ed.

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