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Demand for Safe Rooms Skyrockets in Los Angeles (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
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Demand for Safe Rooms Skyrockets in Los Angeles
Amid crime concerns, wealthy homeowners seek to install panic rooms, with some steel-encased versions running up to $1 million to build while one Malibu project included a secret tunnel out to the beach.

“Our influx of inquiries has increased more than 1,000 percent over the past three months,” says Dean Cryer, vp international operations at Building Consensus/Panic Room Builders, a firm specializing in the building of safe rooms. “It’s gone insane.”

Because of the perceived increase in crime in metropolitan areas and high-profile murders and robberies in high-net-worth neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, “hidden rooms are definitely trending right now,” says Cryer.

Stay safe L.A.! You get what you vote for!

Malibu Resident Targeted In Armed Robbery Rallies Community To Fight Back Against Rising Crime Rates

Los Angeles County Sheriff says crime in WeHo is up 137%
Why cherry pick just L.A.? One single city is not significant. What about all cities that get what they vote for? Are you talking violent crime or all crime? What about all large cities compared to all cities?

I didn't write the news articles. You'll have to query the media outlets why they're writing about local stories.
Why cherry pick just L.A.? One single city is not significant. What about all cities that get what they vote for? Are you talking violent crime or all crime? What about all large cities compared to all cities?

I'm surprised to see righties go after LA. Usually they prefer their trifecta of San Fran, Chicago, and Portland. But LA is not far down their hate list.
Prove it. Shouldn't be that hard for you. :)
It wasn't

It wasn't


That map doesn't tell me anything about population, density, or ethnicity. And it's five years old. Good try though!
Stay safe L.A.! You get what you vote for!
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

Crime is totally out of control because woke Dems think it's great in theory to cry buckets of tears for the violent perps that control the streets.

In reality, however, those hypocritical Dems are building safe rooms to protect themselves from the "dear sweet little victims of society" who are running amok.

Yes, many Beverly Hills liberals are not so liberal now. I have a pretty good idea of what some of them are saying in private.
Wealthy homeowners, you say?
Yep! Crooks finally figured out where the money was. The LA area has had a rash of home invasion robberies and crooks following expensive cars home and robbing the drivers.
That map doesn't tell me anything about population, density, or ethnicity. And it's five years old. Good try though!
Meh, even if there were a map that told certain individuals everything there was to know about population, density, or ethnicity... and even if the data was 5 minutes old and delivered to them on a silver platter they'd find some stupid way to repudiate it - like perhaps marching out their little "fact-checker" gauges to assert the source was somehow unreliable and/or the silver plate somehow not silver enough.

If those individuals are gonna play ball, one of these days they're going to have to actually step up to the plate and swing something other than petty contrariness.
The Hollywood Reporter quotes Dean Cryer, from a company that builds panic rooms, and then reveals that the company’s customer base is mostly billionaires. Gee, that’s just about everyone in El Lay.

Converting a simple closet runs $100,000 to $150,000 with prices increasing for larger spaces and amenities — get yours today! (And think about much you want to be stuck in a closet with the rest of your family cheek by jowl because you didn’t want to pay for the upgrade.)

As the article states, homes valued as low as $4 million are being outfitted with panic rooms. While $1 million is not an outrageous price here in La La Land, four times that amount significantly reduces the number of dwellings that are part of the potential customer pool.
Why spend many tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even a hundred thousand for a safe room, when for a few hundred you can buy guns and make your entire house a "safe room"?

"Projecting power" is a better defensive strategy than relying on fixed fortifications. Eventually those laying siege to your "castle" may just end up burning you out, or burning you down. So, bright the fight TO THEM.

Who's going to stop the criminals from burning the house to ground including the panic room?
Meh, even if there were a map that told certain individuals everything there was to know about population, density, or ethnicity... and even if the data was 5 minutes old and delivered to them on a silver platter they'd find some stupid way to repudiate it - like perhaps marching out their little "fact-checker" gauges to assert the source was somehow unreliable and/or the silver plate somehow not silver enough.

If those individuals are gonna play ball, one of these days they're going to have to actually step up to the plate and swing something other than petty contrariness.

@Phys251 wants to pretend L.A. is anything but another Dem Party failure.

Next he'll be here claiming Seattle and Portland are Red.
@Phys251 wants to pretend L.A. is anything but another Dem Party failure.

Next he'll be here claiming Seattle and Portland are Red.

Seattle! Portland! Drink! 🍻
Why spend many tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even a hundred thousand for a safe room, when for a few hundred you can buy guns and make your entire house a "safe room"?

"Projecting power" is a better defensive strategy than relying on fixed fortifications. Eventually those laying siege to your "castle" may just end up burning you out, or burning you down. So, bright the fight TO THEM.


Because sleep?
@Phys251 wants to pretend L.A. is anything but another Dem Party failure.

Next he'll be here claiming Seattle and Portland are Red.
I suspect the allure of petty contrariness is stronger for some than it is for others.
Weird that he would choose to describe it as a "perceived increase" It appears the increase is very real and substantial at that.

That being said, the solution is as obvious as the nose on their face and it's not safe rooms. They need to slash the police force to even smaller numbers and hire more social workers to deescalate the crime rates in their area. Dumb rich people have no common sense whatsoever.
Why spend many tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even a hundred thousand for a safe room, when for a few hundred you can buy guns and make your entire house a "safe room"?

"Projecting power" is a better defensive strategy than relying on fixed fortifications. Eventually those laying siege to your "castle" may just end up burning you out, or burning you down. So, bright the fight TO THEM.


Nothing bad has ever happened to anyone as long as they had a gun.

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