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Delco man has colossal credit (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
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Political Leaning
A REAL PAL WILL GIVE you a dollar when you're in need, but a PayPal will give you $92 quadrillion.
Delaware County resident Chris Reynolds received just such a shocking delivery from PayPal on Friday, when he opened his monthly statement from the online money-transfer company via email and saw that his ending balance was $92,233,720,368,547,800.

Delco man has colossal credit - Philly.com

what would you do with 92 quadrillion? after significant charitable gifts, i think i'd hire Mazzy Star to play my birthday party this Halloween.
what would you do with 92 quadrillion? after significant charitable gifts, i think i'd hire Mazzy Star to play my birthday party this Halloween.

After I paid off the USA's national debt I would buy my grand daughter a pony.
this would be mine before paypal could even say "whoops."


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