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Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during trial (1 Viewer)

Re: Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during tria

I too have done extensive traveling. The most virulent 'racists' (anti-Blacks) anywhere are other Blacks. But we don't need to travel far to prove that. Just go into any inner city in America, if you don't value your life, and see for yourself. The daily slaughter of Blacks by Blacks around the world is the result of 'ethnic' AKA 'tribal' warfare. These 'tribal' wars have been going on for thousands of years. When Blacks were sold by other Blacks to the Europeans the Blacks who were sold were captured from other tribes. Of course we in the West are far too civilized to call the endemic slaughter of young Black men in America 'tribal'. That of course would be 'racist' so instead we clean it up a bit by referring to the daily slaughter as "gang violence". The only difference between what happened in the African jungle two hundred years ago and today is back then they wore brightly colored feathers and carried spears. Today in 'Chicagoland, for instance, they wear brightly colored clothes and carry illegal hand guns......and 'gold grilles'.

Sanford, Florida is not Chicago.
Re: Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during tria

No doubt. But poster niff wasn't remarking on the world-wide existence of racism...he was saying that everyone agrees with him on matters of race.

Thankfully, this isn't so.
I would like you to state here that you do not think the Black race is failing globally. Naturally that means you will have to give examples of where the Black race is 'moving forward'/excelling/contributing to a 'better tomorrow'. That sort of thing. If I were you I wouldn't use: "Look at how many NBA stars are Black".
Re: Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during tria

So...you are trying to convince me of the inferiority of black people?

Sorry...the ony people who agree with you--and there are zero exceptions to this--are dainty, shivering little mouth-breathers and knuckledraggers.

You'll have to go find some losers to get any traction with that nonsense.
Re: Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during tria

All the teens without cars used the unfenced shortcut. Its a well worn path. That should not have alarmed George.. nor should George have been "suspicious" that a teen on foot might get caught in the rain.
Zimmerman never said that was what alarmed by his taking the short-cut. But you already know that.

So you are again just trying to deflect from the actual evidence.
Trayvon was looking into homes as reported.
He was just standing around not trying to get out of the rain while doing so.

FYI... the back gate is broken.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. So yo are again trying to deflect.

Nelson will make absolutely sure that George gets a fair trial..
As she already isn't, no she wont.
Re: Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during tria

Zimmerman never said that was what alarmed by his taking the short-cut. But you already know that.

So you are again just trying to deflect from the actual evidence.
Trayvon was looking into homes as reported.
He was just standing around not trying to get out of the rain while doing so.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. So yo are again trying to deflect.

As she already isn't, no she wont.

Trayvon was either standing in the light out of the rain or running (skipping) so when was he looking into homes? George is a con and a liar.

Nelson is a strict judge.. she won't break the law for George .. but you and I have a different world view.
Re: Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during tria

Trayvon was either standing in the light out of the rain or running (skipping) so when was he looking into homes? George is a con and a liar.
I would suggest that you stop trying to impugn him, because your doing so says far more negative things about you than it does him.
In addition, get your facts straight as you know that is not the narrative.

Nelson is a strict judge.. she won't break the law for George .. but you and I have a different world view.
sharon you really should stop speaking about things you know nothing about.
Re: Defense attorneys ask judge to let jurors travel to scene of shooting during tria

Trayvon was either standing in the light out of the rain or running (skipping) so when was he looking into homes? George is a con and a liar.

Nelson is a strict judge.. she won't break the law for George .. but you and I have a different world view.

Can't wait for he hearing on Tue.

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