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Death (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 10, 2020
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Political Leaning
The idea that after some dies, a spirit or soul remains I find laughable.

Where is this spirit located in the body, what is it made of.

If the spirit is united with god after death, where is that located, on top of a cloud in heaven.

Where is the proof any of this actually occurs besides biblical passages and verses.

Personality, emotions and character all have a biological explanation not a nonphysical one.
The idea that after some dies, a spirit or soul remains I find laughable.

Where is this spirit located in the body, what is it made of.

If the spirit is united with god after death, where is that located, on top of a cloud in heaven.

Where is the proof any of this actually occurs besides biblical passages and verses.

Personality, emotions and character all have a biological explanation not a nonphysical one.
Vlad Putin is certainly hoping you are correct.
Along with Charles Manson , Timothy Mcveigh . and every child killer, rapist that ever lived .
The character of people that share a common core belief.
The idea that after some dies, a spirit or soul remains I find laughable.

Where is this spirit located in the body, what is it made of.

If the spirit is united with god after death, where is that located, on top of a cloud in heaven.

Where is the proof any of this actually occurs besides biblical passages and verses.

Personality, emotions and character all have a biological explanation not a nonphysical one.

OK. Thank you for your opinions.

Personally, I find the concept that this physical realm, that we humans are able to observe with our 5 senses, is all there is to be laughable.🤷‍♂️
Oblivion is the easiest of after life to contemplate. If it is truly nothing then why worry about nothing?

Where as all this crap about there actually being not only an after life, but many versions of what that after life entails. And to further aggravate. you then have to decide which path will get you there. And there are so many ****ing paths.

Frankly, oblivion is starting to look good.
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Spending time thinking about the unknowable is a truly human trait.

Whether this is good or bad is up for debate.
The idea that after some dies, a spirit or soul remains I find laughable.

Where is this spirit located in the body, what is it made of.

If the spirit is united with god after death, where is that located, on top of a cloud in heaven.

Where is the proof any of this actually occurs besides biblical passages and verses.

Personality, emotions and character all have a biological explanation not a nonphysical one.
Agreed, especially since the Bible does not teach such things...
OK. Thank you for your opinions.

Personally, I find the concept that this physical realm, that we humans are able to observe with our 5 senses, is all there is to be laughable.🤷‍♂️
I'm pretty sure when I'm dead, I'm dead forever. Something doesn't remain afterwards, does it, please explain.

I see it this way ..its the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity. Its over.

Getting there can be tough for some. My sister died a 49 from cancer, two years of horrible pain and suffering before she died.
Oblivion is the easiest of after life to contemplate. If it is truly nothing then why worry about nothing?

Where as all this crap about there actually being not only an after life, but many versions of what that after life entails. And to further aggravate. you then have to decide which path will get you there. And there are so many ****ing paths.

Frankly, oblivion is starting to look good.
Well, you make a valid point.

Of the more common explanations of what happens after we die, there are several variants of eternity - an eternity in "heaven" with God or with Allah (and if you're real lucky, 72 virgins), or an eternity in hellfire, or the reliving of one's life over and over again as various people or animals until one reaches some state of "enlightenment" (or something like that) where they then live out eternity with themselves.

Or there's the more popular version - that once we die, that's it. Total annihilation, we cease to exist at all.

Some offer hope for the afterlife while some offer fear - the net result of either (hope or fear) working as a moderator of how one lives their life now.

The other has no consequences - and consequently offers neither hope nor fear - and consequent to that, neither does it work as a moderator to how we live life now. In fact, it pretty much gives us total philosophical license to do whatever we please.

And we can certainly see the appeal the last one has.

Question is - which version is true?
So you don't believe in a spirit or soul.
We ARE living souls...when we die, we are dead souls...the soul is the being itself...not some separate, invisible, immortal spirit that lives on...
“The smaller your reality, the more convinced you are that you know everything.”
The people who pretend to know about an afterlife in heaven, hell, valhalla, etc. ..aren't they the ones who know everything.

Are not they the ones who know how the universe was created and how humans came to be. Tell me its not arrogance.

The only certainty in life is death ..humans have been trying to find ways to come to terms with this for thousands of years.
The people who pretend to know about an afterlife in heaven, hell, valhalla, etc. ..aren't they the ones who know everything.

Are not they the ones who know how the universe was created and how humans came to be. Tell me its not arrogance.

The only certainty in life is death ..humans have been trying to find ways to come to terms with this for thousands of years.
Well now just a second here - aren't YOU the one repudiating everything they're saying - and doing so as if YOU'RE the one who knows everything, certainly that everything they're saying is wrong?

Accusing them of arrogance with hubris of your own isn't exactly a compelling argument.
We ARE living souls...when we die, we are dead souls...the soul is the being itself...not some separate, invisible, immortal spirit that lives on...
Okay, where is this "dead soul", can it be detected ..is there proof of its existence.

And please don't cite some biblical verses, they mean nothing to me.
Okay, where is this "dead soul", can it be detected ..is there proof of its existence.

And please don't cite some biblical verses, they mean nothing to me.
You did not understand what I said...we ARE souls...either living souls or dead souls...body and mind combined make up a soul...the whole being is a soul...
Well now just a second here - aren't YOU the one repudiating everything they're saying - and doing so as if YOU'RE the one who knows everything, certainly that everything they're saying is wrong?

Accusing them of arrogance with hubris of your own isn't exactly a compelling argument.
I'm pretty sure when your dead your dead, for me its a matter of common sense.

However, I'm an agnostic, not sure of whats out there, its a position of humility one does not often find with bible thumpers and the religious in general.

The original-language terms (Heb., neʹphesh [נֶפֶשׁ]; Gr., psy·kheʹ [ψυχή]) as used in the Scriptures show “soul” to be a person, an animal, or the life that a person or an animal enjoys.

The connotations that the English “soul” commonly carries in the minds of most persons are not in agreement with the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words as used by the inspired Bible writers. This fact has steadily gained wider acknowledgment. Back in 1897, in the Journal of Biblical Literature (Vol. XVI, p. 30), Professor C. A. Briggs, as a result of detailed analysis of the use of neʹphesh, observed: “Soul in English usage at the present time conveys usually a very different meaning from נפש [neʹphesh] in Hebrew, and it is easy for the incautious reader to misinterpret.”

More recently, when The Jewish Publication Society of America issued a new translation of the Torah, or first five books of the Bible, the editor-in-chief, H. M. Orlinsky of Hebrew Union College, stated that the word “soul” had been virtually eliminated from this translation because, “the Hebrew word in question here is ‘Nefesh.’” He added: “Other translators have interpreted it to mean ‘soul,’ which is completely inaccurate. The Bible does not say we have a soul. ‘Nefesh’ is the person himself, his need for food, the very blood in his veins, his being.”The New York Times, October 12, 1962.
You did not understand what I said...we ARE souls...either living souls or dead souls...body and mind combined make up a soul...the whole being is a soul...
I still don't understand, why is a dead person is a "dead soul" is it a body that has been brought back to life in some other dimension.

I struggle with the soul thingy, the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, regarded as immortal.
I still don't understand, why is a dead person is a "dead soul" is it a body that has been brought back to life in some other dimension.

I struggle with the soul thingy, the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, regarded as immortal.
Forget the word soul and replace it with the word person, then you'll understand...nowhere in the Bible does it say a we possess a soul...remember what Genesis said about Adam...

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7 KJV

"And Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person." NWT
OK. Thank you for your opinions.

Personally, I find the concept that this physical realm, that we humans are able to observe with our 5 senses, is all there is to be laughable.🤷‍♂️

I find it without basis to think that there is anything non physical due to the fact that all we have any knowledge of or experience with is the physical. Without your physical senses you would be unable to make up the concept of the non physical. No one has ever come up with verifiable evidence of a non physical "realm".
You did not understand what I said...we ARE souls...either living souls or dead souls...body and mind combined make up a soul...the whole being is a soul...

This renders the word soul nothing more than saying we are physical persons. So soul has no special meaning other than as a substitute for person.
This renders the word soul nothing more than saying we are physical persons. So soul has no special meaning other than as a substitute for person.
Correct...humans are physical beings, as are all creatures who live on the earth...that is why Paul speaks of the physical man but he also speaks of the spiritual man, who strives to live his life in harmony with God’s values and under the direction of His holy spirit....

"For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh,+ but those who live according to the spirit, on the things of the spirit." Romans 8:5
The idea that after some dies, a spirit or soul remains I find laughable.

Where is this spirit located in the body, what is it made of.

If the spirit is united with god after death, where is that located, on top of a cloud in heaven.

Where is the proof any of this actually occurs besides biblical passages and verses.

Personality, emotions and character all have a biological explanation not a nonphysical one.
Yes. Personality, emotions and character depend entirely on the brain. When brains are destroyed or stop working these psychological processes cannot exist.

Belief in some version of an 'after life' is merely there to comfort those who fear their own death or that of others.
The idea that after some dies, a spirit or soul remains I find laughable.

Where is this spirit located in the body, what is it made of.

If the spirit is united with god after death, where is that located, on top of a cloud in heaven.

Where is the proof any of this actually occurs besides biblical passages and verses.

Personality, emotions and character all have a biological explanation not a nonphysical one.

I don't believe in souls as they are described in holy texts, either, but that doesn't mean that this our existence is all there is. We just don't know. A humble mind, regardless of whether you believe in God or not, accepts that he/she just doesn't know.

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