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Dean: Cheney may have broken law (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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Relax, this has nothing to do with Cheney shooting a fellow hunter. This is a tad bit more serious, it has to do with the ordering of a top aide to leak classified information to the media of which the r-wingers on this forum should be properly outraged I'm sure.

Right guys?

Dean: Cheney may have broken law

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said Monday that Vice President Cheney should resign if he ordered a top aide to leak classified information to the media to defend the invasion of Iraq.

On CNN's "American Morning" program, Dean repeated calls he first made Sunday, saying Cheney may have broken the law if he ordered his former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, to share secret information with reporters in 2003.

"If Vice President Cheney has, in fact, ordered the leaking of political information -- of intelligence information, that means he has to step aside," Dean said on CNN. "We don't know if it's true, but he has been accused of it. If it's true, he has to step aside."

On Sunday, Democratic and Republican senators said Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald should investigate Cheney and others in the CIA leak probe if they authorized Libby to give secret information to reporters.

Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island, called the leak of intelligence information "inappropriate" if it is true, and said, "I think he [Fitzgerald] has to look closely at their behavior."

Sen. George Allen, R-Virginia, said a full investigation is necessary. "I don't think anybody should be releasing classified information, period, whether in the Congress, executive branch or some underling in some bureaucracy," said Allen, who appeared with Reed on "Fox News Sunday."

According to published reports last week, Libby told a federal grand jury that he disclosed in July 2003 the contents of a classified National Intelligence Estimate as part of the Bush administration's defense of intelligence used to justify invading Iraq.

Fitzgerald said in the documents it was his understanding that "Mr. Libby testified that he was authorized to disclose information about the NIE to the press by his superiors."

The White House has refused to comment on the case.

Libby, 55, was indicted last year on charges that he lied to FBI agents and the grand jury about how he learned CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity and when he told reporters. He is not charged with leaking classified information...

KidRocks said:
Relax, this has nothing to do with Cheney shooting a fellow hunter. This is a tad bit more serious, it has to do with the ordering of a top aide to leak classified information to the media of which the r-wingers on this forum should be properly outraged I'm sure.

Right guys?

Dean: Cheney may have broken law

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said Monday that Vice President Cheney should resign if he ordered a top aide to leak classified information to the media to defend the invasion of Iraq.

On CNN's "American Morning" program, Dean repeated calls he first made Sunday, saying Cheney may have broken the law if he ordered his former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, to share secret information with reporters in 2003.

"If Vice President Cheney has, in fact, ordered the leaking of political information -- of intelligence information, that means he has to step aside," Dean said on CNN. "We don't know if it's true, but he has been accused of it. If it's true, he has to step aside."

On Sunday, Democratic and Republican senators said Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald should investigate Cheney and others in the CIA leak probe if they authorized Libby to give secret information to reporters.

Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island, called the leak of intelligence information "inappropriate" if it is true, and said, "I think he [Fitzgerald] has to look closely at their behavior."

Sen. George Allen, R-Virginia, said a full investigation is necessary. "I don't think anybody should be releasing classified information, period, whether in the Congress, executive branch or some underling in some bureaucracy," said Allen, who appeared with Reed on "Fox News Sunday."

According to published reports last week, Libby told a federal grand jury that he disclosed in July 2003 the contents of a classified National Intelligence Estimate as part of the Bush administration's defense of intelligence used to justify invading Iraq.

Fitzgerald said in the documents it was his understanding that "Mr. Libby testified that he was authorized to disclose information about the NIE to the press by his superiors."

The White House has refused to comment on the case.

Libby, 55, was indicted last year on charges that he lied to FBI agents and the grand jury about how he learned CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity and when he told reporters. He is not charged with leaking classified information...


Cheney could not even pass the required physical for executive duty... let alone be a standard marksman.

Regardless of these facts... the evidence points towards cheney in more ways then one... money laundering, extortion, racketeering, fraud, ... you name any type of financial law that exists... Cheney's broken it. Not just Halliburton either for all of you PNAC apologists......

It's such a sad day when those who call themselves conservatives to our government become the high profile criminals of sadistic megalomania.

We need to send Cheney to a nursing home, Bush needs to be in the Ward... and Clinton needs Carnal therapy.

What is the state of our union? It's bad. Real bad.
Conflict said:
Cheney could not even pass the required physical for executive duty... let alone be a standard marksman.

Regardless of these facts... the evidence points towards cheney in more ways then one... money laundering, extortion, racketeering, fraud, ... you name any type of financial law that exists... Cheney's broken it. Not just Halliburton either for all of you PNAC apologists......

It's such a sad day when those who call themselves conservatives to our government become the high profile criminals of sadistic megalomania.

We need to send Cheney to a nursing home, Bush needs to be in the Ward... and Clinton needs Carnal therapy.

What is the state of our union? It's bad. Real bad

That part in bold is rich, so rich.

Anyway, I agree with your assessment on the state of our union and I do not see the Democrats to be much of an alternative.

Buffoons, most of all the current crop of politicians on both sides!
Conflict said:
Cheney could not even pass the required physical for executive duty... let alone be a standard marksman.

Regardless of these facts... the evidence points towards cheney in more ways then one... money laundering, extortion, racketeering, fraud, ... you name any type of financial law that exists... Cheney's broken it. Not just Halliburton either for all of you PNAC apologists......

It's such a sad day when those who call themselves conservatives to our government become the high profile criminals of sadistic megalomania.

We need to send Cheney to a nursing home, Bush needs to be in the Ward... and Clinton needs Carnal therapy.

What is the state of our union? It's bad. Real bad.

There's some sort of physical test for executive service?

Also you've got a laundry list of charges against the Vice President of the US, got any actual evidence to back those up?
I actually heard and EX Senator on Hardball last night (his name escapes me)
say that Cheney is and excellent marksman and hunter and that it was likely the guy that got shot own fault in that he was in a place where he should not be.....
Navy Pride said:
I actually heard and EX Senator on Hardball last night (his name escapes me)
say that Cheney is and excellent marksman and hunter and that it was likely the guy that got shot own fault in that he was in a place where he should not be.....

Sorry I disagree with you. The NRA also disagrees with you:


Be absolutely sure you have identified your target beyond any doubt. Equally important, be aware of the area beyond your target. This means observing your prospective area of fire before you shoot. Never fire in a direction in which there are people or any other potential for mishap. Think first. Shoot second.

It is the responsibility of the shooter to be absolutely certain he is shooting in a safe direction. It is not the responsibility of your hunting partner to ensure you don't shot them, it yours.
I don't know what's worse. Mr. Cheny's hunting negligence or his apologists making excuses for him.
Pacridge said:
Sorry I disagree with you. The NRA also disagrees with you:


Be absolutely sure you have identified your target beyond any doubt. Equally important, be aware of the area beyond your target. This means observing your prospective area of fire before you shoot. Never fire in a direction in which there are people or any other potential for mishap. Think first. Shoot second.

It is the responsibility of the shooter to be absolutely certain he is shooting in a safe direction. It is not the responsibility of your hunting partner to ensure you don't shot them, it yours.

That is just it........From what I heard on Hardball last night the person that was shot was in the wrong place........No one in the hunting party knew he was there.............

Even in war time there are Friendly fire casualties all the time and they are not always the fault of the shooter.........
"The state's report said Whittington was retrieving a downed bird and stepped out of the hunting line he was sharing with Cheney."

"Katharine Armstrong, owner of the ranch where the shooting occurred, said ... Whittington made a mistake by not announcing that he had walked up to rejoin the hunting line, and Cheney didn't see him as he tried to down a bird."

"Several hunting safety experts interviewed agreed it would have been a good idea for Whittington to announce himself. But every expert stressed that the shooter is responsible for avoiding other people."


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