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DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next three (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2015
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Libertarian - Right
The DEA said it will likely decide in the first half of 2016 whether to reclassify cannabis in a category other than Schedule 1


Regardless of how you feel about the marijuana issue. I always thought that pot should not be a schedule 1 drug.

It was always silly to me that pot, LSD and Peyote are schedule 1 and Meth and Cocaine are schedule 2.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Makes sense, and it gives the DEA cover to not pursue prosecutions of pot users.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

The DEA said it will likely decide in the first half of 2016 whether to reclassify cannabis in a category other than Schedule 1


Regardless of how you feel about the marijuana issue. I always thought that pot should not be a schedule 1 drug.

It was always silly to me that pot, LSD and Peyote are schedule 1 and Meth and Cocaine are schedule 2.
It's about time! :thumbs:
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

The DEA said it will likely decide in the first half of 2016 whether to reclassify cannabis in a category other than Schedule 1


Regardless of how you feel about the marijuana issue. I always thought that pot should not be a schedule 1 drug.

It was always silly to me that pot, LSD and Peyote are schedule 1 and Meth and Cocaine are schedule 2.

What does the DEA say about cigarettes?

Not much I suspect, however cigarettes are the most addictive substance on the planet and kills millions every year.

It is legal...

But a drug that calms people down [you never hear a pot user say anything like "leave me alone, I am fine to drive." More likely: "sorry, guys but I'm am way too loaded right now to go anywhere."] is schedule 1.

One product cannot be grown without massive amounts of chemical fertilizers, huge corporate farms, polluting drying sheds, the other will grow anywhere, and makes fine linen that will last for years. So, here's the punch line. I have two shirts made from hemp. They are wonderful, never stain and never wear out. If I wear either of them south of the 49th parallel I am committing a felony.

Now that's tight assed!
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Makes sense, and it gives the DEA cover to not pursue prosecutions of pot users.

Yea the DEA should be focusing on drug traffickers not users.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

What does the DEA say about cigarettes?

Not much I suspect, however cigarettes are the most addictive substance on the planet and kills millions every year.

It is legal...

But a drug that calms people down [you never hear a pot user say anything like "leave me alone, I am fine to drive." More likely: "sorry, guys but I'm am way too loaded right now to go anywhere."] is schedule 1.

One product cannot be grown without massive amounts of chemical fertilizers, huge corporate farms, polluting drying sheds, the other will grow anywhere, and makes fine linen that will last for years. So, here's the punch line. I have two shirts made from hemp. They are wonderful, never stain and never wear out. If I wear either of them south of the 49th parallel I am committing a felony.

Now that's tight assed!

I'm not a pot smoker myself. I mean yea I smoked some in college etc.. but I haven't in many years. But I'm amiable about the legalizing it. And as far as this article yea... pot should be maybe a schedule 3 drug . certainly not schedule 1
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Yea the DEA should be focusing on drug traffickers not users.

The DEA needs to turn around 180 degrees and follow the money. The cocaine trade moves billions and it has to be cleaned. They need to stop playing cowboy and smashing in doors of pot growers, but hire some accountants and so forth and trace the money.

Further, the US needs to stop with the whole jail thing. It has not even slowed the flow, all the war on drugs has done is keep prices and thus profits high for the traffickers.

But when you hit them where it hurts, the bank accounts you start getting results.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Long overdue.

I've been asking a certain poster now for a few years to tell me how many people have died of an overdose of pot, and all those times, he never answered.

Marijuana is absolutely NOT dangerous...certainly not harmful like alcohol or tobacco.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

I'm not a pot smoker myself. I mean yea I smoked some in college etc.. but I haven't in many years. But I'm amiable about the legalizing it. And as far as this article yea... pot should be maybe a schedule 3 drug . certainly not schedule 1

It will be legal here in some fashion next year. What remains to be seen is what kind of access they allow.

Here, the courts have ruled that Marijuana, THC and the other "oids" it contains are a legitimate medicine, and that the no government can prevent access to that medicine. So as it sits, we have a very confusing situation. Here in Vancouver there are 300 dispensaries and I have five within walking distance. The city, has chosen to "back door legalize" by establishing regulations in a new specific business license.

However, up river in Chilliwack, the Mounties are still busting people.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

They really should legalize it and restrict sale to those 21 and older. Current laws should be in place for public intoxication and driving under the influence as is a crime when under alcohol. People should be able to recreationally use marijuana at home. Once they deschedule it that makes it prescribable, and at that point you'll see a surge in "chronic pain" or whatever in patients getting scripts from a provider for it. There will be a cost barrier to access, but anyone that wants it will be able to get it. Hell that's one reason why everyone is addicted to opiates (which really needs to be addressed).
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

The DEA said it will likely decide in the first half of 2016 whether to reclassify cannabis in a category other than Schedule 1

incredible. pot isn't as bad as heroin or crack? ****, you'd think some of them had actually tried it themselves. maybe even a president or three.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

It will be legal here in some fashion next year. What remains to be seen is what kind of access they allow.

Here, the courts have ruled that Marijuana, THC and the other "oids" it contains are a legitimate medicine, and that the no government can prevent access to that medicine. So as it sits, we have a very confusing situation. Here in Vancouver there are 300 dispensaries and I have five within walking distance. The city, has chosen to "back door legalize" by establishing regulations in a new specific business license.

However, up river in Chilliwack, the Mounties are still busting people.

Legalization will be on the ballot this fall in AZ, of course the local politicians (who recieve a lot of $$ from the liquor lobby) are already trying to pass laws to severely restrict and delay anything that we vote in. They did this with medical marijuana, and lost every single court case. Too many bad politicians on the take from the alcohol folks.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

The DEA said it will likely decide in the first half of 2016 whether to reclassify cannabis in a category other than Schedule 1


Regardless of how you feel about the marijuana issue. I always thought that pot should not be a schedule 1 drug.

It was always silly to me that pot, LSD and Peyote are schedule 1 and Meth and Cocaine are schedule 2.

Especially considering the us government holds the patent on CBD as medicine.

The drug they claimed has no accepted medical use.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Legalization will be on the ballot this fall in AZ, of course the local politicians (who recieve a lot of $$ from the liquor lobby) are already trying to pass laws to severely restrict and delay anything that we vote in. They did this with medical marijuana, and lost every single court case. Too many bad politicians on the take from the alcohol folks.

We had to fight Stephen Harper for eight years. With a Supreme court ruling saying no government may intrude upon nor restrict access to medical bud, the SOB tries to regulate who will grow it, making it illegal for anyone to grow their own. Two years in the courts and he was voted out before the court ruled again in favor of open access, and struck down the law. As it stands right now, police can and are making arrests, however I doubt any of them will see the light of day.

Personally I think some of our judges use it, they're best friends pot users ever had. Two years ago they brought a guy up on charges, police say he had 123 plants in various states of growth. He pleaded personal use, the judge agreed and tossed the case.

125 plants would translate into about 250 to 300 ounces. personal use?
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Especially considering the us government holds the patent on CBD as medicine.

The drug they claimed has no accepted medical use.

That reminds me. there was a federal pilot program for medical marijuana. some of you may have read about it. I think it started in the late 70s or early 80s. They stopped doing it but any receipients that were still involved were grandfathered in so , assuming there are still some alive, are still receiving marijuana from the federal government. its cultivated at a university and then moved to a dispensary and shipped to them.
There was an article a couple years ago about an old lady that was busted for pot and she claimed that the government gave it to her. they had to check with the feds and it was true.
will see if I can find an article on that.
Here is one that - as of 2011 there were 4 people still on the program.
The Little-Talked About Federal Medical Marijuana Program
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Too little too late for them. I remain fully in support of dismantling the DEA
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

We had to fight Stephen Harper for eight years. With a Supreme court ruling saying no government may intrude upon nor restrict access to medical bud, the SOB tries to regulate who will grow it, making it illegal for anyone to grow their own. Two years in the courts and he was voted out before the court ruled again in favor of open access, and struck down the law. As it stands right now, police can and are making arrests, however I doubt any of them will see the light of day.

Personally I think some of our judges use it, they're best friends pot users ever had. Two years ago they brought a guy up on charges, police say he had 123 plants in various states of growth. He pleaded personal use, the judge agreed and tossed the case.

125 plants would translate into about 250 to 300 ounces. personal use?

His one hitter bowl must be the size of an actual bowl!
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Now if we could just get MDMA off the list.... :july_4th:
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Good luck weed !! *crosses fingers*
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

The DEA said it will likely decide in the first half of 2016 whether to reclassify cannabis in a category other than Schedule 1


Regardless of how you feel about the marijuana issue. I always thought that pot should not be a schedule 1 drug.

It was always silly to me that pot, LSD and Peyote are schedule 1 and Meth and Cocaine are schedule 2.

Better waaaay late than never.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

Marijuana should be decriminalized at the federal level. Legalize it, regulate it, tax it, and let those who really benefit from the medicinal effects have a fighting chance to get it without accruing a rap sheet, and let others who use it recreationally do so without law enforcement harassment. It's far less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol, for crying out loud.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

It would be nice if I didn't have to ignore this particular law anymore. And if I could stop putting money into the black market for an unregulated product. I'd much rather purchase it from a store, taxes included. Or grow it myself, even if I had to pay for a permit of some kind.

If someone doesn't use any form of marijuana, it's not because law enforcement has been effective and they can't find any, that's for sure. The only thing that will really change if its legalized is it will be a smidge safer to use, and a whole **** ton of money will come out of the shadows and into the real economy. Legit business will spring up, jobs, economic growth. I really see no negatives at all.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

It's about time! :thumbs:

Yes, considering that it was in the early 80s that DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis Young held hearings on this question, it is about time.

After several days of hearings on the matter, Young concluded that marijuana was the "safest therapeutic substance known to man", and recommended it be rescheduled. The Agency refused, as it would undermine the War On Drugs.
Re: DEA considers dropping marijuana from most dangerous category of drugs in next th

What does the DEA say about cigarettes?

Not much I suspect, however cigarettes are the most addictive substance on the planet and kills millions every year.

It is legal...

But a drug that calms people down [you never hear a pot user say anything like "leave me alone, I am fine to drive." More likely: "sorry, guys but I'm am way too loaded right now to go anywhere."] is schedule 1.

One product cannot be grown without massive amounts of chemical fertilizers, huge corporate farms, polluting drying sheds, the other will grow anywhere, and makes fine linen that will last for years. So, here's the punch line. I have two shirts made from hemp. They are wonderful, never stain and never wear out. If I wear either of them south of the 49th parallel I am committing a felony.

Now that's tight assed!

Hemp clothing products are not illegal in the United States.
industrial hemp is legal in the U.S., but growing it isn't.

Can I get arrested for wearing hemp clothes?

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