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Dave Weigel, WaPo's token "conservative-watcher," apologizes for derogatory emails (1 Viewer)


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Mar 21, 2005
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Dave Weigel is the WaPo "insider" charged with blogging on the Republican party and the conservative movement in general. He's been criticized for painting conservatives in a negative light or for downplaying problems for liberals, but his defenders have always fallen back on the fact that he's a self-proclaimed libertarian, so he can't really be biased against conservatives.

<em>WaPo's</em> Weigel Lets Loose With Scathing E-mails on Liberal Listserv - mediabistro.com: FishbowlDC

FishbowlDC has obtained e-mails written by WaPo's conservative-beat blogger Dave Weigel, that the scribe sent to JournoList, a listserv for liberal journalists. (Read up on JournoList with Yahoo! News's Michael Calderone's 2009 story that he wrote for Politico).

Seems Weigel doesn't like (and that would be putting it mildly) at least some of the conservatives he covers. Poor Drudge - Weigel wants him to light himself on fire.

Weigel's Words:

•"This would be a vastly better world to live in if Matt Drudge decided to handle his emotional problems more responsibly, and set himself on fire."


•"It's all very amusing to me. Two hundred screaming Ron Paul fanatics couldn't get their man into the Fox News New Hampshire GOP debate, but Fox News is pumping around the clock to get Paultard Tea Party people on TV."

He's since apologized. It's the second time in two months he's had to apologize for his comments.
Re: Dave Weigel, WaPo's token "conservative-watcher," apologizes for derogatory email

And now he's resigned. Wamp wamp.

Turned out there were more, even more damaging emails about to come out.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh famously said he hoped President Obama would “fail” in January, 2009. Almost a year later, when Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital with chest pains, Washington Post reporter David Weigel had a wish of his own. “I hope he fails,” Weigel cracked to fellow liberal reporters on the “Journolist” email list-serv.

“Too soon?” he wondered.

Weigel was hired this spring by the Post to cover the conservative movement. Almost from the beginning there have been complaints that his coverage betrays a personal animus toward conservatives. E-mails obtained by the Daily Caller suggest those complaints have merit. “Honestly, it’s been tough to find fresh angles sometimes–how many times can I report that these [tea party] activists are joyfully signing up with the agenda of discredited right-winger X and discredited right-wing group Y?” Weigel lamented in one February email. In other posts, Weigel describes conservatives as using the media to “violently, angrily divide America.” According to Weigel, their motives include “racism” and protecting “white privilege,” and for some of the top conservatives in D.C., a nihilistic thirst for power.

“There’s also the fact that neither the pundits, nor possibly the Republicans, will be punished for their crazy outbursts of racism. Newt Gingrich is an amoral blowhard who resigned in disgrace, and Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite who was drummed out of the movement by William F. Buckley. Both are now polluting my inbox and TV with their bellowing and minority-bashing. They’re never going to go away or be deprived of their soapboxes,” Weigel wrote. Of Matt Drudge, Weigel remarked, “It’s really a disgrace that an amoral shut-in like Drudge maintains the influence he does on the news cycle while gay-baiting, lying, and flubbing facts to this degree.”

Weigel seems to harbor special contempt for a type of conservative he calls a rat****er, a favorite phrase of his. In a thread with the subject line, “ACORN Ratf*cker arrested,” Journolisters discussed how James O’Keefe, whose undercover reporting showed officials from activist group ACORN willing to help a fake prostitution ring skirt the law, had been arrested in another, failed operation at Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) office.


“Deep breath.”


“He’s either going to get a radio talk show or start a prison ministry. That’s was successful conservative rat****ers do for their second acts,” Weigel wrote, likely alluding to Nixon aide Charles Colson who converted to Christianity after a stint in prison for obstruction of justice and founded Prison Fellowship.

Republicans? “Rat****ing [Obama] on every bill.” Palin? Tried to “rat****” a moderate Republican in a contentious primary in New York. Limbaugh? Used “rat****ing tactics” in urging Republican activists to vote for Hillary Clinton in open primaries after Obama had all but beat her for the Democratic nomination.

What a sad, bitter man.

E-mails reveal Post reporter savaging conservatives, rooting for Democrats | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
Re: Dave Weigel, WaPo's token "conservative-watcher," apologizes for derogatory email

God, conservatives can be so thin-skinned. Between this, and the story about reporters mocking Sarah Palin (OMG), i'm really starting to think the right can dish it out but can't take it. For christ's sake, conservative commentators have been accusing Obama of borderline (or outright) treason since he was elected! I understand Wiegel covers conservative politics, but does that mean he has to fall in line and can't criticize other conservatives? Even if you don't think this guy was ever a conservative, it's interesting to observe this trend where any conservative who develops his own independent opinions (opposed to say, oh i dunno, Rush Limbaugh) is immediately shunned. David Frum comes to mind.

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