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Darwin Is Coming for the GOP (1 Viewer)


Chicks dig the long ball
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
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Excellent piece today from the Bulwark.


In 1964, 80 percent of Republican House members and 82 percent of Republican senators voted for the Civil Rights Act. In 1980, GOP presidential candidates spoke of Mexico as “our neighbor to the south” and supported schooling for illegal immigrant children so they wouldn’t be “made to feel that they’re living outside the law.” And throughout the 1980s, congressional Republicans had slightly more women in their caucus than the Democrats did.

Today, Republicans drag their feet before punishing a fellow member of Congress who espouses white nationalism, the GOP president has shut down the government over his demands for an expensive wall to keep out mythical terrorists, and, oh, by the way, Democratic women in the House of Representatives outnumber Republican women 89-13.

That’s the bad news.

The worse news is that the kids are noticing.

Last week Pew released a study that showed that members of Generation Z (those born after 1996) are “moving toward adulthood with a liberal set of attitudes and an openness to emerging social trends.”

The study covers a wide array of topics, from attitudes on race, gender, and sexuality to the environment to the role that government should play in our lives. If you consider that the current era’s increased polarization has everyone digging in on closely held beliefs and you read this study, a picture emerges: Young people on both the left and right seek an America that is socially liberal, racially diverse, environmentally crunchy—and disturbingly reliant on the government to make those visions a reality. Meanwhile, older Republicans are everyone’s cranky uncle at Thanksgiving.

I said for years on here that I exposed all of my kids to politics. Republican politics. All 3 of my kids met almost every 2016 candidate (I wouldn't let them near Trump and Huckabee). They've been to rallies, house parties, campaign events. They waved signs for McCain and they passed out literature at the town dumb for Romney and they ran water bottles up and down the lines for Palin rally attendees.

I admitted on here many times - even got attacked for it - that I wanted my kids to be Republicans when they could vote.

Only one is under 18 still. The other 2 are registered Democrats. The youngest will be too. They told me they couldn't support the Republican Party of Trump. I told them "Neither can I".

This is not the same party my husband and I joined in the 1980s, and I don't expect our kids to join the cesspool the GOP has become.
I said for years on here that I exposed all of my kids to politics. Republican politics. All 3 of my kids met almost every 2016 candidate (I wouldn't let them near Trump and Huckabee). They've been to rallies, house parties, campaign events. They waved signs for McCain and they passed out literature at the town dumb for Romney and they ran water bottles up and down the lines for Palin rally attendees.

I admitted on here many times - even got attacked for it - that I wanted my kids to be Republicans when they could vote.

Only one is under 18 still. The other 2 are registered Democrats. The youngest will be too. They told me they couldn't support the Republican Party of Trump. I told them "Neither can I".

This is not the same party my husband and I joined in the 1980s, and I don't expect our kids to join the cesspool the GOP has become.
My first beer tonight will be raised to you.
Once upon a time I was far more conservative and hawkish.

That ended with the Tea Party. Color me gone. I've never looked back.
For what it is worth I am an independent with democrat lean.

With that said four times have voted for a non-Republican and non-Democrat presidential candidate.
State and local level have voted for 60-40% Dem-Rep.

My favorite Republican is our county Sheriff. Why an office of sheriff is partisan is way beyond me.

But after this BS dog and pony show I will not vote for any Republican except for our sheriff.
I said for years on here that I exposed all of my kids to politics. Republican politics. All 3 of my kids met almost every 2016 candidate (I wouldn't let them near Trump and Huckabee). They've been to rallies, house parties, campaign events. They waved signs for McCain and they passed out literature at the town dumb for Romney and they ran water bottles up and down the lines for Palin rally attendees.

I admitted on here many times - even got attacked for it - that I wanted my kids to be Republicans when they could vote.

Only one is under 18 still. The other 2 are registered Democrats. The youngest will be too. They told me they couldn't support the Republican Party of Trump. I told them "Neither can I".

This is not the same party my husband and I joined in the 1980s, and I don't expect our kids to join the cesspool the GOP has become.

The 80's GOP was the cesspool. Although the Busch Deuce years give it a close run for its money. If you bash the current GOP at home as often as you do here, it's little wonder your 18+ kids are registered Dems.

Those who get their news from Trevor Noah and YouTube are influenced into supporting liberal politics? Huzzah, Noah's slavemaster is Murray Rothstein, aka Sumner Redstone, and YouTube is half owned by a native Russian. Thanks the lawds there's no outside meddling going on for the minds of American children!
Once upon a time I was far more conservative and hawkish.
That ended with the Tea Party. Color me gone. I've never looked back.
Although I have never been a member of any party (and never will be), I did mostly identify with Republican principles for many years. Really, really sad what’s happened to the Grand Old Party.
Politics finally are moving forward thanks to the young folks. Being young, they see the inequality and don't like it. They don't like the money in politics, they don't like the corruption and they most assuredly don't like the president lying and getting shot up in their schools. Politics are becoming much more of a social issue instead of a money issue. Slowly but surely we are staggering forward and unfortunately those who want to keep the status quo must be drug along kicking and screaming but progress keeps coming like it or not. We can easily make a socialist democracy work like in other nations for the benefit of the vast majority of americans.

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