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Cuban-Born Americans Warn: Morphing Into Communist Country... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.

n this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

Agustin Blazquez: America Is Turning Into Communist State | The Daily Caller

I've been warning people for decades about this stuff...
And, of course, overlooking entirely how authoritarian and intrusive the Right is becoming.
Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.

n this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

Agustin Blazquez: America Is Turning Into Communist State | The Daily Caller

I've been warning people for decades about this stuff...

For some odd reason a lot of Americans seem to have come to believe that European social democracy works just as it is faltering in Europe. And not only opposition parties but also governments in Europe are trying to find ways to role it back and disband major programs gone wrong without doing their societies destabilizing harm.
And, of course, overlooking entirely how authoritarian and intrusive the Right is becoming.
And, of course, overlooking entirely how authoritarian and intrusive the left is becoming.
Let's face it, it's ****ing ridiculous, and the Cuban fascist should know better. Others perhaps not.
Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.

n this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

Agustin Blazquez: America Is Turning Into Communist State | The Daily Caller

I've been warning people for decades about this stuff...

All these countries, with their terrible disregard for human rights, and/or their failing economies, all have/had Dictators. It's human nature, and the reason 1 person shouldn't have complete control over an entire country. When America looks like its going to turn into a dictatorship, I'll start worrying. Communism/Socialism don't really have much to do with it, beyond being an easy system to use to control your countries economy and resources with if you happen to be a Dictator.

I will say though that Obamas reaching out to Cuba while pretending the human rights issues don't/didn't exist bothers me.
great article. I love it when someone OTHER than a white male non-immigrant makes these statements, because the liberals can't just dismiss him out of hand and call him a moron. Not to say they won't call this guy a moron, but when they do it makes them look much pettier and egotistical. so that's nice
great article. I love it when someone OTHER than a white male non-immigrant makes these statements, because the liberals can't just dismiss him out of hand and call him a moron.

actually I can.

I dismiss it and he's a moron in this case, don't know much about him.

America is capitalism gone awry and amok, and that shows no signs of slowing down.

SO the last thing that you'd describe America as, is communist. Ever.
actually I can.

I dismiss it and he's a moron in this case, don't know much about him.

America is capitalism gone awry and amok, and that shows no signs of slowing down.

SO the last thing that you'd describe America as, is communist. Ever.

We don't have capitalism in America. Nice try though. :roll:
Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.

n this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

Agustin Blazquez: America Is Turning Into Communist State | The Daily Caller

I've been warning people for decades about this stuff...

:lamo :lamo:lamo:lamo:lamo

That's hilarious.
Are you saying, with a straight face, we have free market capitalism in this country?

To the point of insanity... Yes.

If you're suggesting government involvement in certain areas makes you communist, in the American context, absolutely laughable.
And, of course, overlooking entirely how authoritarian and intrusive the Right is becoming.

They are just trying to right the ship from sinking under rules of the Left and it's massive ineptitude!!

For some odd reason a lot of Americans seem to have come to believe that European social democracy works just as it is faltering in Europe. And not only opposition parties but also governments in Europe are trying to find ways to role it back and disband major programs gone wrong without doing their societies destabilizing harm.

Ain't that the Truth....and those supporting Bernie Sanders, Hillary or obama, are prime examples!!!

And, of course, overlooking entirely how authoritarian and intrusive the left is becoming.

Yes indeed!

Let's face it, it's ****ing ridiculous, and the Cuban fascist should know better. Others perhaps not.

Not ridiculous at all...and you should know better.
They are just trying to right the ship from sinking under rules of the Left and it's massive ineptitude!!

Bull****, and retarded bull**** at that. They're not trying to "correct" for Leftist ineptitude, they're just flat out trying to control peoples' lives, because they are just as authoritarian as the Left has ever been.

Learn to see past your own partisan biases.
To the point of insanity... Yes.

If you're suggesting government involvement in certain areas makes you communist, in the American context, absolutely laughable.

You are either supremely ignorant, or are purposefully attempting to obfuscate. Frankly, it could go either way, but my money's on the former. ;)
... Not ridiculous at all...and you should know better.

It's not even credible as nutjob bull****. How can anyone with more than a couple of functioning brain cells believe such crap?
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Bull****, and retarded bull**** at that. They're not trying to "correct" for Leftist ineptitude, they're just flat out trying to control peoples' lives, because they are just as authoritarian as the Left has ever been.

Learn to see past your own partisan biases.

I use to be a Full on liberal Democrat........until I found out that they were liars, manipulators, and sought big govt. and more taxes. I left in 1975. Yes, I'm partisan on the side of Conservatism. Yes, I recognize Republicans do some of the same stuff.....but not nearly to the extent of Democrats....not even close.

I'm very pro-Gun...it's my Number One political topic and has been since 1975. There has never been a liberal Democrat gun proposal or gun law that has been anything close to reasonable. Why? Because it's an assault on my Freedoms and my Constitutional Right....just like all the other Rights in the Bill of Rights! Pretty much covers every stupid liberal idea out there!

It's not even credible as nutjob bull****. How can anyone with more than a couple of functioning brain cells believe such crap?

How can anyone not? How can people be so ignorant, to know that the USA is getting screwed over by the likes of the Democratic Party....specifically obama and Hillary.....daily?
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Yes, I recognize Republicans do some of the same stuff.....but not nearly to the extent of Democrats....not even close.

Fair enough. I disagree with you vehemently; Conservatives are far more authoritarian than all but the most extreme liberal statists. But it's not unreasonable to see that differently.

I'm very pro-Gun...it's my Number One political topic and has been since 1975. There has never been a liberal Democrat gun proposal or gun law that has been anything close to reasonable. Why? Because it's an assault on my Freedoms and my Constitutional Right....just like all the other Rights in the Bill of Rights! Pretty much covers every stupid liberal idea out there!

I am very pro-gun, as well. It seems to be the only human right that the Right-wing actually respects.
How can anyone not? How can people be so ignorant, to know that the USA is getting screwed over by the likes of the Democratic Party....specifically obama and Hillary.....daily?

The thing is, the Democrats aren't screwing us over by being "too left wing"; they're screwing us over by being too much like the Republicans, too right-wing.
Fair enough. I disagree with you vehemently; Conservatives are far more authoritarian than all but the most extreme liberal statists. But it's not unreasonable to see that differently.

I am very pro-gun, as well. It seems to be the only human right that the Right-wing actually respects.

We respect all of them.
Pubs are more authoritarian? Really? Wasn't it obie last year, who was so frustrated with Congress not passing "meaningful gun laws", that he threatened to sign Executive Orders that would achieve that goal?
And wasn't it Hillary Clinton....the Un-elected First lady, who tried to shove her Healthcare plan down everyone's throat during her husband tenure?

And wasn't it obama and all the Demos in Congress, who rammed this awful obamacare fiasco down our throats?

Attila the Hun would be impressed with these Demo actions!

The thing is, the Democrats aren't screwing us over by being "too left wing"; they're screwing us over by being too much like the Republicans, too right-wing.

I think that's crap. The Republicans aren't standing up to the dictatorial whims of Democrats!
great article. I love it when someone OTHER than a white male non-immigrant makes these statements, because the liberals can't just dismiss him out of hand and call him a moron. Not to say they won't call this guy a moron, but when they do it makes them look much pettier and egotistical. so that's nice

I can! He's a moron.
Says the pot to the kettle
To the point of insanity... Yes.

If you're suggesting government involvement in certain areas makes you communist, in the American context, absolutely laughable.

With the inclusion of the ACA into the affairs of business in this country...you bet ya.

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