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Crunch Brexit Vote Could Be Delayed Until January 21, Theresa May Suggests (1 Viewer)


Zoom Warrior
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Oct 30, 2016
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Prime Minister Theresa May has pulled a vote on her Brexit deal, throwing the UK’s plan to leave the European Union into chaos after she admitted she did not have the votes to get it through parliament.

MPs could now have to wait until January 21, 2019 to vote on the government’s beleaguered deal, May announced in the House of Commons on Monday afternoon.

“If we went ahead and held the vote tomorrow the deal would be rejected by a significant margin,” May told parliament, adding that she was confident it was still the right deal for the UK.

“We will therefore defer the vote scheduled for tomorrow and not proceed to divide the House at this time,” she said, adding that the government would step up planning for a no-deal Brexit.

You guys understand what implications the delay on the Brexit vote has on the European economy?
Had she forced the vote to the floor, she would have been defeated, consequently she would likely have had to resign as Prime Minister.

This deal pleases absolutely no one so it's no surprise we've ended up at this impasse.

As much as one should respect the wishes of the people, sometimes the people are wrong, in the Brexit vote for sure, I hope this all falls apart and we can stay in the EU.

This decision was largely made by people who won't live as long to see its consequences, I for one, would like to keep an EU passport.
I wouldn't consider myself especially well informed about Brexit's development (translation: I'm not informed), but it does kind of seem like the UK's primary agenda is just getting through each day without making the decision to finally pull out of the EU.
Had she forced the vote to the floor, she would have been defeated, consequently she would likely have had to resign as Prime Minister.

This deal pleases absolutely no one so it's no surprise we've ended up at this impasse.

As much as one should respect the wishes of the people, sometimes the people are wrong, in the Brexit vote for sure, I hope this all falls apart and we can stay in the EU.

This decision was largely made by people who won't live as long to see its consequences, I for one, would like to keep an EU passport.

You would like to remain in the EU, and an EU without Brits would be missing something, IMO. So, any chance of that happening?
You would like to remain in the EU, and an EU without Brits would be missing something, IMO. So, any chance of that happening?

If I knew that I’d also pick the lottery numbers mate.

You guys understand what implications the delay on the Brexit vote has on the European economy?
On the European economy? Not much as a hard Brexit has been factored in and those that have not done so are idiots. In fact the longer this is pushed the better for the EU, as companies will move more and more jobs back into the EU.

For the UK economy it is not good.

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