pwo said:CNN is cancelling its hit show "Crossfire" because they want to go in a new direction. So will you miss "Crossfire"?
pwo said:What I didn't mention is that CNN is cancelling the show not because of ratings. They want to go in a new direction. I guess they want to stop polarizing the country.
I did sort of like the show, but the arguing was stupid sometimes. No one really got any points across and the show became sort of hurtful.
shuamort said:I saw the show a total of 1.2 times. The first episode I watched was a trainwreck. Poor moderation, shouting, name calling, and pandering punditry that didn't leave room for open minds, just folks towing their parties' lines. The second time I watched it was online. The (in)famous John Stewart appearance. If you haven't seen it, you haven't lived. (Ok, that's hyperbole, but it's really good.) Here's a link.
I've watched Hannity and Colmes with near equal disdain. I'd love an equal debate but it's clearly geared towards Hannity (Colmes is pathetic and a moderate instead of a liberal). In fact, Hannity was chosen to have the show and then he was the one who got to pick who he would be up against and chose Colmes. Then again, it does beat looking at circus-ugly Carville anyday.
Glad to be here.vauge said::wcm to Debate Politics Amused.
pwo said:I started this post a while ago. Crossfire is still on the air. I don't understand.
Yes, most of these shows are crap. However, give some credit to Bill O'Reilly. He has had a lot of qualified people on the show; but most of them won't show up: John Kerry, Ward Churchill, etc.. He even had Micheal Moore on the show, and the interview was unedited. He allows his guests to have their opinions. Like him or not, O'Reilly is fair and balenced.