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"Crossfire" (1 Viewer)

Will you miss the show "Crossfire"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • I just watch Hannity & Colmes.

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters


Dec 21, 2004
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CNN is cancelling its hit show "Crossfire" because they want to go in a new direction. So will you miss "Crossfire"?
i quit watching cnn about 2 years ago after they did a segment on the assault weapons ban complete with a demonstration where they had a police officer fire a pre ban ak47 at a wall of cinder blocks and destroys the wall and then takes a post ban ak 47 and "fires" at the wall and nothing happens. about a week later the officer came out and said that cnn had told him to fire at the ground in front of the wall just off camera.
This is making the fact that everyone has stopped watching CNN and are now watching Fox News very evident.
How about everybody watch PBS and Jim Lehrer. Fair news. And Jim Lehrer is a pimp.
pwo said:
CNN is cancelling its hit show "Crossfire" because they want to go in a new direction. So will you miss "Crossfire"?

With Carville, Begalla, Carlson, and Novak each playing their familiar, unchanging roles of one side nagging the other, like a couple of bickering spouses, the novelty wore off and the viewers found that the show had become entirely predictable, which equates to boring.

With a choice of up to a hundred or so channels, these days, it takes only couple of clicks of the remote to find something of interest.

The advertising rates are tied to viewership. 'Nuff said?
What I didn't mention is that CNN is cancelling the show not because of ratings. They want to go in a new direction. I guess they want to stop polarizing the country.

I did sort of like the show, but the arguing was stupid sometimes. No one really got any points across and the show became sort of hurtful.
pwo said:
What I didn't mention is that CNN is cancelling the show not because of ratings. They want to go in a new direction. I guess they want to stop polarizing the country.

I did sort of like the show, but the arguing was stupid sometimes. No one really got any points across and the show became sort of hurtful.

Forgive me for not agreeing.

Time, especially air time, is money. In the business that CNN is in, any 'show' that doesn't bring in enough bucks is cancelled. In order to save face, the reason given is always 'to go in a new direction'.

This is just their way of saying we can no longer afford the direction in which these guys were dragging us, 'down', and we want to try to find something for this time slot that will stop the hemmorhaging of cash and make some money for a change. That's the new direction they are hoping for, 'profitability'.
I've watched the show one or twice and thought it a joke.
"Forgive me for not agreeing.

Time, especially air time, is money. In the business that CNN is in, any 'show' that doesn't bring in enough bucks is cancelled. In order to save face, the reason given is always 'to go in a new direction'.

This is just their way of saying we can no longer afford the direction in which these guys were dragging us, 'down', and we want to try to find something for this time slot that will stop the hemmorhaging of cash and make some money for a change. That's the new direction they are hoping for, 'profitability'."

Good point. Your probally right. I was just letting everyone know what CNN said was the reason behind cancelling crossfire.
I used to watch Crossfire from time to time, but not much recently. I cannot say that I'll miss it much.
I saw the show a total of 1.2 times. The first episode I watched was a trainwreck. Poor moderation, shouting, name calling, and pandering punditry that didn't leave room for open minds, just folks towing their parties' lines. The second time I watched it was online. The (in)famous John Stewart appearance. If you haven't seen it, you haven't lived. (Ok, that's hyperbole, but it's really good.) Here's a link.

I've watched Hannity and Colmes with near equal disdain. I'd love an equal debate but it's clearly geared towards Hannity (Colmes is pathetic and a moderate instead of a liberal). In fact, Hannity was chosen to have the show and then he was the one who got to pick who he would be up against and chose Colmes. Then again, it does beat looking at circus-ugly Carville anyday.
shuamort said:
I saw the show a total of 1.2 times. The first episode I watched was a trainwreck. Poor moderation, shouting, name calling, and pandering punditry that didn't leave room for open minds, just folks towing their parties' lines. The second time I watched it was online. The (in)famous John Stewart appearance. If you haven't seen it, you haven't lived. (Ok, that's hyperbole, but it's really good.) Here's a link.

I've watched Hannity and Colmes with near equal disdain. I'd love an equal debate but it's clearly geared towards Hannity (Colmes is pathetic and a moderate instead of a liberal). In fact, Hannity was chosen to have the show and then he was the one who got to pick who he would be up against and chose Colmes. Then again, it does beat looking at circus-ugly Carville anyday.

I'd agree with you accept some trainwrecks can/could be interesting. "Crossfire" was just sound bites on steroids for an extended period of time. This guy yells his sides completely moronic postion at that guy. Then that guy yells his sides equally completely moronic position back at him. Then they call the whole thing debate. Ok, exactly how dumb do they think people are? Hum, people did watch. Strike that. Exactly how dumb are people?

As far as John Stewarts appearance. I'm will forever be kicking myself for missing that. I've read the transcripts. And Kudos to CNN for posting it on their site even through it makes them and their show look really D-U-M-M. Stewart basically cleans their clock's in short order. I hear it was even more apparent when watching then when reading.

I clicked on the link (thanks for sharing) and realized that I had never watched "crossfire". Your as big of a 'd*ck' on your show as the others.

Good stuff.
i dont watch the clinton news netework any ways.
I think that Crossfire is a piece of garbage. It had the wonderful potential of bringing together knowledgable people with viewpoints across the spectrum and discuss until a conclusion can be found. Too bad they screwed that one up. It turned into a bicker fest where nothing intelligent was said. Now what the problem is is that other major networks still air this crap. They claim to be fair and balanced (hint hint) by having different people come on and discuss an issue when in reality they don't. Whether it is the all inspiring Hannity and that one guy...whats his name....the one that doesn't talk....oh yeah, Colmes or if we are listening to O'Reilly scream neo-conservative sound bites to someone who is probably unqualified to defend the position and then claim to have come to a conclusion. What do you know, I came to a conclusion too. As long as we are the victims of mass media, which people watch according to their party lines, we will never have the freedom of information that we claim to have and that we wave as our banner. Jon Stewart had it right when he pointed out that more people turned to a comic for their news then an actual news agency. That says a lot.
I started this post a while ago. Crossfire is still on the air. I don't understand.

Yes, most of these shows are crap. However, give some credit to Bill O'Reilly. He has had a lot of qualified people on the show; but most of them won't show up: John Kerry, Ward Churchill, etc.. He even had Micheal Moore on the show, and the interview was unedited. He allows his guests to have their opinions. Like him or not, O'Reilly is fair and balenced.
:wcm to Debate Politics Amused.
vauge said:
:wcm to Debate Politics Amused.
Glad to be here.

Why is it that these speakers, these movers and shakers, refuse to be seen on his show? Is it because they realize that they have no hope of having their ideas heard? Is it because he will twist what they say? Or is it just that they don't feel safe outside of the "liberal media" as a friend of mine claims? I think its the first two and not so much the latter. One can sit down and watch Bill take the words that people say in their own defense, screw with them, add or subtract the pieces that he wants, and then shout it back to them. I'm sorry, but not only is it a show that can not allow for the free exchange of ideas, it is extremely biased. Realistically, bias will always exist in any form of medium. So one must not shout that it is simply biased, but how relatively biased it is. Fox News is inherently extremely biased in favor of the right, and O'Reilly takes it even further.
pwo said:
I started this post a while ago. Crossfire is still on the air. I don't understand.

Yes, most of these shows are crap. However, give some credit to Bill O'Reilly. He has had a lot of qualified people on the show; but most of them won't show up: John Kerry, Ward Churchill, etc.. He even had Micheal Moore on the show, and the interview was unedited. He allows his guests to have their opinions. Like him or not, O'Reilly is fair and balenced.

The fact that he has those people on his show does not make him fair and balanced. the fact that he belittles their opinions and tells them to shut up makes him the anti-fair and balanced person he claims to be.
nope, never watched it.
go Hannity and Colmes
You guys have never seen Bill O'Reilly have you. He is fair and balenced and gives is own opinion. If someone on the show gives a good answer he respects that answer and I have never heard him tell anyone to shut up on the show. He even reads mail from angry liberal fans.

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