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#CrookedHillary racks up yet another four pinocchios from lw fact checker (1 Viewer)

WaPost Fact Check: Four Pinocchios For Hillary Clinton ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ – twitchy.com

Hey ,she learned from the best!!

" I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman"

Good. I'm glad that the fact checkers are keeping everyone honest.

I don't know why you'd call them left wing though. It seems they are being pretty honest here.

It's telling that conservatives till have to whine and cry about the media being so terrible even when the media is calling Hillary Clinton a huge liar. When will they run out of victim cards?
She has no reason to tell the truth. Hill Shills don't care about the truth. There are several on here that still say she never even sent classified information. Large portions of the base will simply vote for whoever their candidate is. These days, you're asking way too much for people to hold someone accountable for what they say. Look at who the candidates are.
That was a terribly low moment for Hillary. I couldn't believe the way she lied to Wallace without even blinking an eye. It was a window right into her soul.

She is a pathological liar.
Funny how with Trump it is front line news when actually says something truthful... because he so rarely does.
I was wondering when the left wing was going to come in here and circle the wagons LOL!!

If you are going to try to figure out which is a bigger liar, GOOD LUCK!

I don't think Trump is as much a liar as he blurts out sh$t he knows nothing about. There is a subtle difference I guess, but neither is within a mile of being Presidential based on their ( lack of ) character.
That was a terribly low moment for Hillary. I couldn't believe the way she lied to Wallace without even blinking an eye. It was a window right into her soul.

Pfftt, she does that all the time.
I was wondering when the left wing was going to come in here and circle the wagons LOL!!

If you are going to try to figure out which is a bigger liar, GOOD LUCK!

I don't think Trump is as much a liar as he blurts out sh$t he knows nothing about. There is a subtle difference I guess, but neither is within a mile of being Presidential based on their ( lack of ) character.

Trump is more of a bloviating narcissist. Hillary is a corrupt insidiously evil global power hungry globalist.
Good. I'm glad that the fact checkers are keeping everyone honest.

I don't know why you'd call them left wing though. It seems they are being pretty honest here.

It's telling that conservatives till have to whine and cry about the media being so terrible even when the media is calling Hillary Clinton a huge liar. When will they run out of victim cards?

You don't know why I'd call the WaPo left wing? Seriously?

I've explained the deal with the lw fact checkers before. (Politifact , the Wapo)

The whole game is for them is to get dupes to believe they are actually objective fact checkers. Thus they occasionally throw a Democrat under the bus. But by and large the end game is to discredit Republicans
You don't know why I'd call the WaPo left wing? Seriously?

I've explained the deal with the lw fact checkers before. (Politifact , the Wapo)

The whole game is for them is to get dupes to believe they are actually objective fact checkers. Thus they occasionally throw a Democrat under the bus. But by and large the end game is to discredit Republicans

Oh ok. So their game plan is to fact check things accurately in order to get those morons out there to believe that they are accurately fact checking things?

What a sleazy and nefarious plan.
Yet she lies less than any and all of her opponents, especially the liar-in-chief who won the "Apprentice".
Yet she lies less than any and all of her opponents, especially the liar-in-chief who won the "Apprentice".

That should be fun for you to prove.
You don't know why I'd call the WaPo left wing? Seriously?

I've explained the deal with the lw fact checkers before. (Politifact , the Wapo)

The whole game is for them is to get dupes to believe they are actually objective fact checkers. Thus they occasionally throw a Democrat under the bus. But by and large the end game is to discredit Republicans

The whole point of fact checking is that they are approaching it from neutrality.

Your accusation that the truth has a left wing bias rings true and undermines your position.
Why didn't you link the actual wapo article instead of your typo-ridden nonsense ?

Here is the actual link.

Yes, it turns out her public statement was wrong on whether she sent or received classified email at the time.

Why do you liberals continue to side step the reality HRC blatantly lied about her emails that contained highly classified material and the fact she deleted a huge number of others just prior to the FBIs interrogation ( if you want to call it that )....For obvious reasons, HRC was/is incredibly scared she would/will ( and should ) be prosecuted for it... " her public statement was wrong whether she sent or received classified emails" is a spineless quote obviously choosing to cloud how incredibly serious this offense was.......and clearly should disqualify her from even running! What all of this shows is just how corrupt the " system " is and needs to change to avoid America from collapse. The GOP has issues too but I,m sorry, its time to accept Hillary committed true crimes against the American people that already cost lives and more may come as a result of the emails being put into harms way..... Who the hell knows the extent of the damage to come from what she did? The public may never know because the system will protect her no matter what.

The GOP should find a way to fully prosecute her for her deeds. Trump, is not perfect either but compared to her, he is an Angel! Once elected in November, he should see to it any public official can be more easily prosecuted for crimes they commit against the American people..... He is willing to do it because he is not political at all......which is exactly why he is so popular this election regardless of the corrupt attempts by both parties to fight against him......especially the DP!

When you publicly defend someone that has been proven to have committed crimes against we the American people, you simply expose how ignorant and/or naive you are. Spineless Absentglare...spineless!
How do you explain Hillary?

Maybe she just remembers things wrongly all the time.

Yeah, that's it. She isn't "sophisticated" enough to know what the truth is.

(of a person or their thoughts, reactions, and understanding) aware of and able to interpret complex issues
Why do you liberals continue to side step the reality HRC blatantly lied about her emails that contained highly classified material and the fact she deleted a huge number of others just prior to the FBIs interrogation ( if you want to call it that )....For obvious reasons, HRC was/is incredibly scared she would/will ( and should ) be prosecuted for it... " her public statement was wrong whether she sent or received classified emails" is a spineless quote obviously choosing to cloud how incredibly serious this offense was.......and clearly should disqualify her from even running! What all of this shows is just how corrupt the " system " is and needs to change to avoid America from collapse. The GOP has issues too but I,m sorry, its time to accept Hillary committed true crimes against the American people that already cost lives and more may come as a result of the emails being put into harms way..... Who the hell knows the extent of the damage to come from what she did? The public may never know because the system will protect her no matter what.

The GOP should find a way to fully prosecute her for her deeds. Trump, is not perfect either but compared to her, he is an Angel! Once elected in November, he should see to it any public official can be more easily prosecuted for crimes they commit against the American people..... He is willing to do it because he is not political at all......which is exactly why he is so popular this election regardless of the corrupt attempts by both parties to fight against him......especially the DP!

When you publicly defend someone that has been proven to have committed crimes against we the American people, you simply expose how ignorant and/or naive you are. Spineless Absentglare...spineless!

What they don't want to acknowledge is that Hillary as the Sec Of State was the person to mark something Classified.

While it may be technically true that the emails were not marked Classified, she had the responsibility to mark them as such, but she didn't.

Do we want a President that doesn't know the difference between classified material and material that is not?
Oh ok. So their game plan is to fact check things accurately an.

No. that's the whole point. the are are subjective in which things they decide to fact check. They lean right there. ( liberal bias) .

My biggest problem with fact checkers though isn' t their liberal bias. Only gullible idiots believe otherwise.

Too often they don't even check fact ,they just just provide their spin on a statement.
No. that's the whole point. the are are subjective in which things they decide to fact check. They lean right there. ( liberal bias) .

My biggest problem with fact checkers though isn' t their liberal bias. Only gullible idiots believe otherwise.

Too often they don't even check fact ,they just just provide their spin on a statement.

So what lie has Hillary told that they haven't fact checked?
So what lie has Hillary told that they haven't fact checked?

LOL- Well, I don't exactly follow her on a day to day basis.For example I don't know what she says in her speeches to Wall Street bigwigs.

For some reason those transcripts don't exist ;)

Bet there were some whoppers in there huh?
LOL- Well, I don't exactly follow her on a day to day basis.For example I don't know what she says in her speeches to Wall Street bigwigs.

For some reason those transcripts don't exist ;)

Bet there were some whoppers in there huh?

Oh, ok. So they are biased because they haven't fact checked transcripts that have never been released to the public?

How can you sit there and act as though you know they are selectively biased yet you can't name a lie from Clinton that hasn't been addressed, and we are discussing this inside a thread with a link that calls out Hillary for lying? Why are conservatives turning into such cry babies? They use the victim card all day long.

You realize how silly you are making yourself look right now, right? To constantly complain about bias as if the entire world is against you and when asked for one piece of evidence you side step to a completely separate topic?

You aren't fooling anyone.

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