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Crazy stuff they've said about Obama (1 Viewer)

that Obama was going to help the plight of black people
That Obama wants to destroy America...or even better,

That he already has.

that Obama was going to help the plight of black people

Of course, it ties in to the theory he is a radical Muslim who hates America. Obama may hate the Republicans narrow minded views on how America should proceed in the future, that is much different than hating America at large, which of course is the intent of the statement. Politicians rule by fear, Dems are guilty, but the GOP takes the prize home. When a party puts it's self so high on some BS moral high ground, they have a long way to fall.
I found the birther stuff to be quite ridiculous.
From Facebook:

He turned the economy around.

obviously, that didn't happen
things have only gotten worse since dubya's great recession
Of course, it ties in to the theory he is a radical Muslim who hates America. Obama may hate the Republicans narrow minded views on how America should proceed in the future, that is much different than hating America at large, which of course is the intent of the statement.

And to extrapolate further: Republicans define America as 'White', 'Conservative', 'Straight', 'Christian'. All others are not 'Americans', therefore they are not to be respected, nor have Civil Rights, nor even allowed in the country - much less into office!

But how does a group that portrays itself as patriotic Americans, reconcile holding such paradoxically unpatriotic disdain & disrespect for the very highest symbols of America, that being the President and the White House? As in the previous paragraph, they legitimize him. And once he's delegitimized, they have given themselves permission slips to **** upon the most American of offices!

For a more succinctly expressed phrasing of these thoughts, please refer to the excellent Sinclair Lewis quote in my sig.

Politicians rule by fear, Dems are guilty, but the GOP takes the prize home.
And exactly right, again. The adage "One empowers oneself by demonizing an enemy", holds so true in the political arena. This is what one offers when he or she has nothing to offer! Think of it: Imagine an official who's entire platform from the very genesis of his political career has been to "stop, destroy, and run against", without ever offering one shred of policy!

"Stop and dismantle government, stop and dismantle the White House, stop and dismantle the healthcare plan, stop and dismantle the budget, stop and dismantle the duly chosen party nominee', etc., etc.!"

How can anyone get away with it, and who would support someone like this who offers nothing but to destroy? But Sen Cruz has used this very technique to propel himself into the Senate and the 2nd most successful nomination candidacy of the party! I can't imagine the fears, anger, and anxieties injected and instilled into a group of voters in order for them to buy into him. No wonder they sleep with locked doors & guns under their beds, and a Bible on the nightstand. Even I'd be fearful and paranoid, if I was buying into what Uncle Ted was selling!

When a party puts it's self so high on some BS moral high ground, they have a long way to fall.
Yes, there's elements of Greek tragedy and Shakespearean twist in their hypocritical bigoted falls. And often enough, it's pointed-out in this forum that "Conservatives are held to 'higher standards'". Of course they are! Because they vociferously espouse these so called 'higher standards', and not just for themselves but for the entire country! There's reasons why we hold dirty cops and predatory priests & preachers to such high levels of disgust disdain - and fallen 'higher than the almighty' politicians fit right in there!
Of course, it ties in to the theory he is a radical Muslim who hates America. Obama may hate the Republicans narrow minded views on how America should proceed in the future,
Wouldn't someone who "hates narrow minded views" be narrow minded? Is it possible to be tolerant and diverse, or open minded, and hate opposing views?
This has to be one of the craziest:

A SHAPESHIFTING REPTILE from outer space guards President Obama, according to a new conspiracy video. Yet according to the White House, the extraterrestrial heft behind Obama’s protection detail is a mere allegation — and one that congressionally mandated budget cuts would have to ax, anyway.
obviously, that didn't happen
things have only gotten worse since dubya's great recession

It must be comforting to know that you are not alone in believing such tripe

Public Policy Polling Press Release, May 11 2016
43% of voters think the unemployment rate has increased while
Obama has been President, to only 49% who correctly recognize that it has
decreased. And 32% of voters think the stock market has gone down during the
Obama administration, to only 52% who correctly recognize that it has gone up.
In both cases Democrats and independents are correct in their understanding of
how things have changed since Obama became President, but Republicans claim
by a 64/27 spread that unemployment has increased and by a 57/27 spread that
the stock market has gone down.

“It’s a fact that unemployment has gone down and the stock market has gone up
during the Obama administration,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy
Polling. “But GOP voters treat these things more as issues of opinion than issues
of fact.”
No one touching the (bs) idea that Obama is really Satan in the flesh? Suppose my defination of crazy is a lil more wild e.e;;

Of course Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is the Anti-Christ, all evidence points in that direction. Soon, he will declare the United States Constitution to be invalid, and establish the beginning of his 100 year reign as the Supreme Emperor of the World.

Mwahaha. [emoji48]
Of course Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is the Anti-Christ, all evidence points in that direction. Soon, he will declare the United States Constitution to be invalid, and establish the beginning of his 100 year reign as the Supreme Emperor of the World.

Mwahaha. [emoji48]

Well, atleast we'll have universal healthcare for the next century. e.e;;;
First one: Obama brought Ebola to the United States.

That one might be my favorite, but there are so many. What's your favorite nutty thing that was said about Obama?

The craziest?

"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America—there is the United States of America. There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America—there's the United States of America."
Of course, it ties in to the theory he is a radical Muslim who hates America. Obama may hate the Republicans narrow minded views on how America should proceed in the future, that is much different than hating America at large, which of course is the intent of the statement. Politicians rule by fear, Dems are guilty, but the GOP takes the prize home. When a party puts it's self so high on some BS moral high ground, they have a long way to fall.

You mean the moral high ground like "I did not have sex with that woman." Or was it "I dodged sniper fire in Bosnia" or was it may "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

See what happens when you claim the moral high ground? Look, American politics lives and breathes in the gutter, there is NO moral high ground, and one party is as bad as the other on any given day. They are all corrupt, the very nature of the way they have to get elected shows none of them will do what's right for America, but what's right for the lobbyists.
You mean the moral high ground like "I did not have sex with that woman." Or was it "I dodged sniper fire in Bosnia" or was it may "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

See what happens when you claim the moral high ground? Look, American politics lives and breathes in the gutter, there is NO moral high ground, and one party is as bad as the other on any given day. They are all corrupt, the very nature of the way they have to get elected shows none of them will do what's right for America, but what's right for the lobbyists.
But that all really depends on what your definition of 'is', is. [emoji12]
But that all really depends on what your definition of 'is', is. [emoji12]

That has to be the most asinine comment ever uttered by anyone with a law degree. Talk about obfuscating the meanings of words, old Billy takes the cake.

But, classic liberal. Don't like something, change the name. The Clintons could find doubt in a stop sign
Obama is irrelevant. Good riddance.
That Iraq and Middle-Eastern instability is somehow Obama's fault...............

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