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Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake [W:1685] (1 Viewer)

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I see you are severely uneducated about this topic, let me help.
1.) If the bakery makes wedding cakes then they cant illegally discriminate, their religion doesn't matter
2.) nobody you quoted said that but yes a hotel can refuse service to anyone as long as it doesnt break the law and it isnt illegal discrimination. Also in many if not national certain places like hotels have even higher standards they must follow.
3.) again the race of the baker doesnt matter. A kkk member can legally be refused because the KKK is not a protected class. However in many places a legit and recognized political party IS so service couldnt be refused to a democrat in some places.
4.) its not about exclusion at all it simply about what is protected and in most places its gender, race, region, national orgin

any other mistakes I can help you with or steer you in an accurate factual direction?

1 there is only one Muslim owned restaurant in my area, and the owner personally catered my anniversary party. My wife and I are regular customers, her lamb is amazing.

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that political affiliation and other group membership is not a protected class in my state nor in many others.

And the gym is a PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP ONLY club, not a public accommodation. I'm not sure why it's so difficult for you to understand the plainly stated text of the law.

Nice name calling BTW.

Yes. To be specific, the lesbians wanted Melissa's "'raspberry fantasy cake,'a two-layer, white butter cake baked with raspberries and topped with white chocolate."

The same cake they had made for the mother - who is heterosexual - two years earlier.
For the handful of discrimination and anti equality people here let me help with something.

The laws dont change based on who is doing the ILLEGAL discrimination. If its ILLEGAL then thats that. My Christianity doesn't give me special treatment.

Seems many of you are severely uneducated about the law and make up examples that dont apply and you use descriptors that dont matter.

can deny to serve a KKK member (the baker being black or white dont matter)

If a BAKER sells wedding cakes then that baker has to sell them to everybody or at least cant choose to not sell to somebody based on ILLEGAL discrimination. (the religion of the baker is meaningless)

This is how the law works has nothign to do with feelings or opinions. Hope this helps.

Exactly. You must be outraged that the white demonstrators in Charlottesville were denied their right to peaceful assembly. :lol:

J's rage begins in 3..2..1..

Anyway glad these criminals were punished for their crimes. Easy solution for these dummies though, in the future simply dont break the law they agreed to follow. LMAO

Didn't take long to catch you in a lie, you liar. The Kleins were never tried and convicted in any criminal court, they are not criminals.

The Bureau of Labor and Industries does not decide criminal cases, liar.
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Not all Muslims are homophobes who would refuse that business.

If that did happen, it would not be difficult to find a lawyer willing to take the case. Unless you somehow believe that every lawyer in the US is a liberal.

So then a public hotel may not refuse service to anyone, including KKK members?

Public accommodations can refuse to serve someone, as long as:
• The business has universally applied policies that are being violated
• They are not discriminating against protected groups
• They are not using rules, or arbitrarily creating rules, to cover up discrimination

As to which groups are protected, that varies from state to state. AFAIK only California protects on the basis of ideology (i.e. white supremacists must be served by public accommodations), other states do not.

Here you go champ, sue these xenophobes for not allowing "chicks with dicks" in their place.

Yes, lawyers will take that type of case.

Women-only gyms have gotten sued. Plaintiffs have won those types of cases. The comedian Iliza Schlesinger just got sued for a women's only comedy show, and she will probably lose.

Besides the KKK Which other groups are specifically excluded from the protections of the public accommodations laws? The Black Panthers? Hamas? Hezbollah?"

The original Black Panther organization disbanded decades ago. Newer organizations claiming that lineage are legal entities. The fact that you seem to dislike their ideology does not justify anyone discriminating against them.

Hamas and Hezbollah are officially listed as terrorist groups. They can't operate legally in the US.
Sexual orientation is a protected class of persons. Just like race is. Again, you need to read the statutes before you stumble into this conversation.

Oh, is that getting along with me, that you were so determined to do? Hmmmm, I don't know bout you but I'd be willing to wager that someone in real life approaches you in that tone, you'd tell them to get bent.

English please?
Funny where did I say they were convicted in a criminal court of law? oh thats right I never did its a lie you just got caught making up.:lamo
News Flash, you done have to be tried in criminal court to be a criminal LMAO That is only the standard for criminal justice cases.
Per the dicitionary and english all one has to do to be a criminal is break a law and its a perfectly legit usage.

here lets look at a dicitionary:

Definition of criminal:
:Someone who commits a crime

Definition of crime
:an illegal act

Fact remains they are criminals by definition. Now you can show honesty and integrity and admit to that fact and your mistake or deny it which makes your claims look even more retarded
Thanks for playing!
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Oh, is that getting along with me, that you were so determined to do? Hmmmm, I don't know bout you but I'd be willing to wager that someone in real life approaches you in that tone, you'd tell them to get bent.

And that would just make that person's failed argument look even more stupid and in real life would make them look like oversensitive snowflakes they are being all butt hurt over facts and accurate information :shrug:
And that would just make that person's failed argument look even more stupid and in real life would make them look like oversensitive snowflakes they are being all butt hurt over facts and accurate information :shrug:

Yeah, so who's any of those things....? No one likes being ordered around, pal...

No record of the fine will appear on their criminal record. They are not criminals, but you are a liar. One who likes to accuse others of lying no less! That deserves 3 :laughat: :laughat: :laughat: emotes.

Do you believe that the police in Charlottesville were wrong for denying the right of peaceful assembly to the white groups? Yes or no J: Do YOU believe equal protection applies to those you disagree with???

Yeah, so who's any of those things....? No one likes being ordered around, pal...

The person in real life would be all of those things. who "ordered" anybody around? LMAO see a view like that is exactly why that person in real life would be seen to be an oversensitive snowflake laughed at for his 12yr old temper tantrum and little man insecurities.
That person getting thier feelings so hurt over facts and accurate statements and advice is very childish and silly. Again that would be that persons problem and id laugh at them.

Again please qoute me saying anything about criminal court? I'm waiting? :lamo

Yes Equal protection applies to use all
If you would like to discuss a certain matter start a thread on that I wont be derailing this on.

They broke the law, by definition they commuted a crime and therefore are criminals. No amount of lies can change that fact. You are zero and lifetime against me I dont even know why you try. If you disagree by all means tell me why the dicitionary and my statment is wrong and factually prove it. thanks!

A $135,000 fine is completely absurd
What do you think their punishment should be from this crime?

If its too light how do we effectively make sure the law is followed?
Well, they crowd funded over half a million in donations so it's chump change compared to what they took in.

Knowing that it seems like it should be higher . . . well IF that was all profit . . if its already spent in lawyers fees etc then so be it no biggie.
Knowing that it seems like it should be higher . . . well IF that was all profit . . if its already spent in lawyers fees etc then so be it no biggie.

They were represented for free by C. Boyden Gray, the former White House counsel for George H.W. Bush. Their original attorneys were pro bono as well.
Knowing that it seems like it should be higher . . . well IF that was all profit . . if its already spent in lawyers fees etc then so be it no biggie.

They had some of the best Fundy lawyers in the country -- including former lawyer for President George H.W. Bush and those lawyers worked pro-bono. (for those in RioRusha Linda: that means FREE.)

The bigoted bakers went on a nationwide media tour about 10 minutes after the incident, and continued to do so for years.

The RWNJ's victimhooders lapped it up like sweet creamy ice-cream covered cupcakes, and turned them into powerful cause-celebs, even going on tour all over the country with presidential candidate Ted Cruz, appearing a C-PAC and putting their mugs and voices on any connie TV or radio station that would listen to them boo hoo about how they were with Jezzuz when he said no cakes for gheys!
They were represented for free by C. Boyden Gray, the former White House counsel for George H.W. Bush. Their original attorneys were pro bono as well.

Thanks for the info. Then yep seems it should a been higher . . .the poor poor bigots with their free attorneys and half a mill in crowd funds . . Gee I hope if I ever choose to break the law I get free lawyers and people raise half a mill for me. Makes you really feel for them huh? LMAO

Just goes to show you how bad these laws are definitely needed. It will be a roller coaster ride like equal rights for marriage but eventually protections for sexual orientation it will be national. Its a shame in 2018 it isnt yet.

ha! see post 1171

Because the knife doesn't cut both ways.

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