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Corporate greed fueling inflation? (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
This kind of inflation on most commodities and necessities hurts the middle and low-income working class the most. It's increasing the wealth disparity and further creating a monetary division between Americans.

-- Prices in January were up about 7.5 percent from the previous year, the biggest spike in four decades. At the same time, corporations are enjoying their highest profit margins in decades despite dealing with more expensive material goods, gnarled supply chains and a labor shortage.

Economists largely argue that inflation is too complicated of an issue to draw a simple line connecting it to corporate price gouging. But polls suggest that voters find this case compelling.

Though far from the only cause of inflation, corporate price gouging is pushing costs higher than needed based on the underlying economic conditions.

Companies are taking advantage of the fact that customers expect things to get more expensive while also pointing to a lack of real competition in some industries. Some say companies have an incentive to continue raising prices until consumers are no longer willing to pay them, and, so far, that hasn’t happened.

The Department of Justice and FBI announced earlier this month that they had opened a joint investigation into companies that may be using “supply chain disruptions as a cover for collusive schemes.” That inquiry will focus on possible coordination between companies to fix prices and divvy up markets, which are violations of antitrust law.
This kind of inflation on most commodities and necessities hurts the middle and low-income working class the most. It's increasing the wealth disparity and further creating a monetary division between Americans.

-- Prices in January were up about 7.5 percent from the previous year, the biggest spike in four decades. At the same time, corporations are enjoying their highest profit margins in decades despite dealing with more expensive material goods, gnarled supply chains and a labor shortage.

Economists largely argue that inflation is too complicated of an issue to draw a simple line connecting it to corporate price gouging. But polls suggest that voters find this case compelling.

Though far from the only cause of inflation, corporate price gouging is pushing costs higher than needed based on the underlying economic conditions.

Companies are taking advantage of the fact that customers expect things to get more expensive while also pointing to a lack of real competition in some industries. Some say companies have an incentive to continue raising prices until consumers are no longer willing to pay them, and, so far, that hasn’t happened.

The Department of Justice and FBI announced earlier this month that they had opened a joint investigation into companies that may be using “supply chain disruptions as a cover for collusive schemes.” That inquiry will focus on possible coordination between companies to fix prices and divvy up markets, which are violations of antitrust law.
The largest cause for inflation is the Biden administration energy policy. Fix that...and inflation will wither away to the -2% level we enjoyed during the Trump years.
Are you telling us that unchecked and unregulated free markets don't always work perfectly if just left alone, and unchecked corporations can not be just as abusive and corrupt as unchecked government? NO! Get OUT!!!

The largest cause for inflation is the Biden administration energy policy. Fix that...and inflation will wither away to the -2% level we enjoyed during the Trump years.
Agreed that Biden's energy policy is crippling US production and driving up oil/gas prices but that alone isn't the main cause. Housing, automobiles, food and other staples are being raised indiscriminately.

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Agreed that Biden's energy policy is crippling US production and driving up oil/gas prices but that alone isn't the main cause. Housing, automobiles, food and other staples are being raised indiscriminately.

They make a lot of products. Some they can raise prices on. Some they can't. But EVERYTHING costs more to produce, so you'll see price increases.

That's called inflation.
Save us, Joe! Please please please please print some more money!!!!!😊

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