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Conference axes name of first man in space because he was Russian (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Yur outta here.

A space conference held in honor of famed Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin has been renamed because he was Russian.

In a now-deleted announcement, the non-profit Space Foundation said that “in light of current world events,” they would be changing “Yuri’s Night” to “A Celebration of Space: Discover What’s Next” at its Space Symposium conference, Futurism reported.
Petty but a sign of the times.
Leftists are petty
Will they rename Russian roulette next?

Yur outta here.

A space conference held in honor of famed Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin has been renamed because he was Russian.

In a now-deleted announcement, the non-profit Space Foundation said that “in light of current world events,” they would be changing “Yuri’s Night” to “A Celebration of Space: Discover What’s Next” at its Space Symposium conference, Futurism reported.
Petty but a sign of the times.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
Just as those ignorant thugs who beat up Asians because of COVID are wrong, so are those people who are discriminating against Russians just because an economic basket case called Russia is headed by a savage named [he does not deserve to be named].

P.S. Here in Los Angeles, at least one business has decided to remove the word "Russian" from its name.
Just as those ignorant thugs who beat up Asians because of COVID are wrong, so are those people who are discriminating against Russians just because an economic basket case called Russia is headed by a savage named [he does not deserve to be named].

P.S. Here in Los Angeles, at least one business has decided to remove the word "Russian" from its name.
So now Russian Dressing becomes Slavic Dressing? GMAB. These are scientists caught in an embarassing situation for them.
The article is from the NY Post. Who knows how much truth is in it? No one.
Leftists are petty

Do you have any indication that the people who made this decision are lefties or is that just a massive assumption?
Two words- Freedom Fries
Leftists are petty

Will they rename Russian roulette next?

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Just as those ignorant thugs who beat up Asians because of COVID are wrong, so are those people who are discriminating against Russians just because an economic basket case called Russia is headed by a savage named [he does not deserve to be named].

P.S. Here in Los Angeles, at least one business has decided to remove the word "Russian" from its name.

Shocking comments is all I can say.

Amazing the things folks post.

God bless
Just as those ignorant thugs who beat up Asians because of COVID are wrong, so are those people who are discriminating against Russians just because an economic basket case called Russia is headed by a savage named [he does not deserve to be named].

P.S. Here in Los Angeles, at least one business has decided to remove the word "Russian" from its name.
Freedom Fries!!!!
The article is from the NY Post. Who knows how much truth is in it? No one.
All the news that fits they print. And this is what the bulk of NYC subway commuters read every AM. I lived there so I know.
Stupid choice.
Beaten to it, but I'm tired of hearing about cancel culture from the people who tried to cancel France.

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