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College Football 2019 (1 Viewer)

It's horrible.

It reminds me of what happened to that Florida quarterback last year. Sad.

UCF QB McKenzie Milton says he has 100% recovered from nerve damage - Orlando Sentinel
Yes it is sad, he had a promising future in something he loved that right now looks to be very unlikely.

Looks like the Golden Gophers had their winning streak ended today by the Hawkeyes.

Baylor right now is mopping up the field with the Sooners.

Ohio State game was another cupcake as they played Rutgers. 56-21 And that was with our second string playing most of the second half.
Yes it is sad, he had a promising future in something he loved that right now looks to be very unlikely.

Looks like the Golden Gophers had their winning streak ended today by the Hawkeyes.

Baylor right now is mopping up the field with the Sooners.

Ohio State game was another cupcake as they played Rutgers. 56-21 And that was with our second string playing most of the second half.

Penn State next week, then MICHIGAN!
Just read that Tua dislocated his hip and is expected to have a full recovery. Good News!

They won’t know for a year. If the blood flow to the femur head is compromised, it takes about that long to manifest. That’s the nature of the injury.

I broke mine into four pieces back in 2009. The follow-up was nerve racking. But results were good. Doc said not dislocating my hip was what saved it.
Started the day with five undefeated teams and then there were three. The two Cinderella teams Baylor and Minnesota go down. So no Cinderella's in the playoff hunt this year.

I predict that one loss UGA will jump from #4 to #3 after beating #12 Auburn. Jumping over undefeated Clemson who plods along with their uber pansy schedule.
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Started the day with five undefeated teams and then there were three. The two Cinderella teams Baylor and Minnesota go down. So no Cinderella's in the playoff hunt this year.

I predict that one loss UGA will jump from #4 to #3 after beating #12 Auburn. Jumping over undefeated Clemson who plods along with their uber pansy schedule.

So long as Clemson remains undefeated they are guaranteed a spot in the playoff, regardless of their schedule. An undefeated defending national champion will never be excluded.
So long as Clemson remains undefeated they are guaranteed a spot in the playoff, regardless of their schedule. An undefeated defending national champion will never be excluded.

I agree

Allstate Predictor has

Ohio State (10-0)
86% chance of making playoffs
35% chance of winning

LSU (10-0)
85% chance of making playoffs
16% chance of winning

Clemson (11-0)
84% chance of making playoffs
25% chance of winning

Alabama (9-1)
44% chance of making playoffs
12% chance of winning

Georgia (9-1)
39% chance of making playoffs
6% chance of winning
New rankings are out and Georgia moves ahead of Alabama to 4th.
New rankings are out and Georgia moves ahead of Alabama to 4th.

Alabama is still sitting pretty. Uga and LSU have to face off in the championship. Should uga lose, bama is in. If uga wins a non close game... Bama could squeak in ahead of LSU.
Army has had a less than stellar season, but we are approaching the inter-service rivalry game of the year.

I want to gin up some interest before the game....

Alabama is still sitting pretty. Uga and LSU have to face off in the championship. Should uga lose, bama is in. If uga wins a non close game... Bama could squeak in ahead of LSU.

Anything can happen in the next couple of weeks. It isn't over till its over.
Anything can happen in the next couple of weeks. It isn't over till its over.

As a Bama fan, after Georgia's win over Auburn and Tua's injury in the game against Mississippi State game, I think our chances of getting in the playoffs, while still possible are slim at this point. Our best shot at this point probably would be LSU defeating Georgia in the SEC Championship game, though at least one 1 other one loss team would probably have to lose a second game.
Penn State Vs. OSU is at noon.

I like that because by the time I think about the game tomorrow, it will be half over. :)
Penn State Vs. OSU is at noon.

I like that because by the time I think about the game tomorrow, it will be half over. :)

Relatively easy win, 28-17.

Next week: Meeshighan!
Relatively easy win, 28-17.

Next week: Meeshighan!


Go Bucks!

Actually, I thought the Buckeyes weren't as focused as they might have been, and the game was closer than it should have been. Part of that is a credit to PSU, but I think part of it was Buckeyes looking ahead.
Anything can happen in the next couple of weeks. It isn't over till its over.

That's true. I expect A&M to be whupped by LSU, but a miracle or two may happen next week. :mrgreen:
That's true. I expect A&M to be whupped by LSU, but a miracle or two may happen next week. :mrgreen:

Best guess at this point is the Championship game between OSU and LSU.
Actually, I thought the Buckeyes weren't as focused as they might have been, and the game was closer than it should have been. Part of that is a credit to PSU, but I think part of it was Buckeyes looking ahead.

I think it had something to do with Penn State's quarterback injuring his leg early in the 3rd quarter and replaced with a backup who has a different style and it threw the Buckeyes off.
I think it had something to do with Penn State's quarterback injuring his leg early in the 3rd quarter and replaced with a backup who has a different style and it threw the Buckeyes off.

I think it had something to do with Penn State's quarterback injuring his leg early in the 3rd quarter and replaced with a backup who has a different style and it threw the Buckeyes off.

It was a defensive game, as the score would indicate. IMO, the game hinged on defensive stops. It's not uncommon for OSU to lack offensive firepower against good teams. Likewise, it is not uncommon for them to stop good teams when it matters. THis game was a prefect example of that.

Michigan and then Minnesota should give them an interesting mix to deal with over the next few weeks. Very exciting time for the Ohio CFB fans.

Note: I see the Gophers have to beat the Badgers next week to go to the tourney. Interesting. That loss to Iowa might kill MN's shot at playoffs like the Hawkeye loss crushed OSU a year ago.
It was a defensive game, as the score would indicate. IMO, the game hinged on defensive stops. It's not uncommon for OSU to lack offensive firepower against good teams. Likewise, it is not uncommon for them to stop good teams when it matters. THis game was a prefect example of that.

Michigan and then Minnesota should give them an interesting mix to deal with over the next few weeks. Very exciting time for the Ohio CFB fans.

Note: I see the Gophers have to beat the Badgers next week to go to the tourney. Interesting. That loss to Iowa might kill MN's shot at playoffs like the Hawkeye loss crushed OSU a year ago.

While you make some good points, Ohio State defense did a really good job up until the third quarter keeping Penn State from scoring. But in the beginning of the third quarter their quarterback got injured and as soon as the new quarterback got into the game, OSU's defense seemed unprepared and allowed Penn State to rack up 17 points. But by the end of the third the Buckeye defense figured him out and throughout the 4th quarter they shut down Penn State from scoring anymore. Hey that's my take! :lol: I don't have a clue who the other team will be. Right now I am focusing on Michigan. If there was ever a team that would like to see OSU knocked out of 2nd place, its Michigan. These games have a history of getting ugly and players getting injured.

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