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Coach pelosi (1 Viewer)


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Jan 29, 2015
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By PAUL MIRENGOFF ~~ A friend emailed me to say that Nancy Pelosi was sending “baseball signs” to “her team” — in other words, signaling to House Democrats how to respond to some of what Trump was saying. Upon further review, my friend is right. For example, Pelosi signaled Dems to stop booing Trump when he spoke about a caravan heading towards our southern border. The booing duly stopped. At another point, she signaled for Democrats to stand up. Most complied.
I don’t recall ever seeing a House Speaker “coaching up” her party’s members during the state of the union address. On the other hand, I don’t recall a House majority caucus being as immature as the current crop of Democrats.
Expect Trump to put his opponent in the 2020 election in the same box. Barack Obama faced a similar problem in 2008, but benefited from (1) John McCain’s unwillingness, for the most part, to play hard ball and (2) his own extraordinary nimbleness.
Trump will play hard ball, and some of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination don’t appear terribly nimble.

Trump's calls for unity are not hypocritical. It is just that he won't back away from a fight. Really? Only when at the cost of total RINO-like compromise.
Trump is in a sense of neither party -- thus the hatred and resistance to him by both. But he is fully on the side of America.
No, not in the childhood history, Washington and the cherry tree, sense. But in reality. This as demonstrated by all his works.
Can you actually not see this? Or is it simply beyond the Powerline Blog's writers ability to accept this, being, perhaps, a bit too close to the power beast yourselves?
Personally, I thought Pelosi was downright rude and had a look of arrogance on her face through much of the speech. I kept wonder why she was so sour on American greatness, but then the Democratic agenda relies on people being disgruntled, envious of other's achievements, feeling entitled to things they haven't worked for, and most of all being dependent and beholding to government.
I see the pickings were slim in today’s dumpster dive, eh Doc?
I notice her hand signals, too.

Just goes to show how much control she has over the House Dems...especially over the women in white.

By PAUL MIRENGOFF ~~ A friend emailed me to say that Nancy Pelosi was sending “baseball signs” to “her team” — in other words, signaling to House Democrats how to respond to some of what Trump was saying. Upon further review, my friend is right. For example, Pelosi signaled Dems to stop booing Trump when he spoke about a caravan heading towards our southern border. The booing duly stopped. At another point, she signaled for Democrats to stand up. Most complied.
I don’t recall ever seeing a House Speaker “coaching up” her party’s members during the state of the union address. On the other hand, I don’t recall a House majority caucus being as immature as the current crop of Democrats.
Expect Trump to put his opponent in the 2020 election in the same box. Barack Obama faced a similar problem in 2008, but benefited from (1) John McCain’s unwillingness, for the most part, to play hard ball and (2) his own extraordinary nimbleness.
Trump will play hard ball, and some of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination don’t appear terribly nimble.

Trump's calls for unity are not hypocritical. It is just that he won't back away from a fight. Really? Only when at the cost of total RINO-like compromise.
Trump is in a sense of neither party -- thus the hatred and resistance to him by both. But he is fully on the side of America.
No, not in the childhood history, Washington and the cherry tree, sense. But in reality. This as demonstrated by all his works.
Can you actually not see this? Or is it simply beyond the Powerline Blog's writers ability to accept this, being, perhaps, a bit too close to the power beast yourselves?
Personally, I thought Pelosi was downright rude and had a look of arrogance on her face through much of the speech. I kept wonder why she was so sour on American greatness, but then the Democratic agenda relies on people being disgruntled, envious of other's achievements, feeling entitled to things they haven't worked for, and most of all being dependent and beholding to government.

So, if I'm reading you right, and I hope I am, Trump's calls for unity are nothing more than cosmetic whoring, utterly insincere and hypocritical, you just can't bring yourself to actually type the truth.

Glad I could help you out.
I don’t recall ever seeing a House Speaker “coaching up” her party’s members during the state of the union address. On the other hand, I don’t recall a House majority caucus being as immature as the current crop of Democrats. .

:lamo The irony of a Trump supporter complaining about disregard for precedent and the normal way of doing things is too much to handle.
I notice her hand signals, too.

Just goes to show how much control she has over the House Dems...especially over the women in white.

Yup ... like a conductor. She gave them the cues when to rise, to clap and when to shut up.

Yup ... like a conductor. She gave them the cues when to rise, to clap and when to shut up.

So she bestest tRump on the shut down AND his primetime event???? She is the Belichick of politics... :mrgreen:

Course the Republicans weren't jumping up and cheering like Pavlov's dogs... :roll:

But the immature trophy still goes to Rep. Joe Wilson for shouting at Obama during the State of the Union....

Another Republican't fail thread.... :peace
How can anyone write this with a straight face?

I guess when Dems call out their own KKK Racist Governors, Sexual assaulting rapist Lt. Governors and racist Attorney Generals all in one state at one time.
“Watch Your A**”: Jacky Rosen Appears to Warn Fellow Dem. Kyrsten Sinema About Standing Ovation for Pres. Trump at State of the Union

A video clip from President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night shows Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) appearing to give a profane warning to Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) for giving Trump a standing ovation during his speech as he spoke about the passage of Right to Try legislation last year.
n the clip, Sinema is seen standing and applauding Trump while all her fellow Democrats near her sit stone-faced and not applauding. Rosen slowly stands up right next to Sinema and with a sideways glance appears to mutter, “Watch your ass”, at Sinema, then sternly looks away. Sinema acknowledges Rosen with a defiant nod and stays standing. Sinema and Rosen are both freshmen senators having been elected last November.


Funny what polls say, when they don't have time to manipulate them.
I guess Sinema is not on the Pelosi-Cortez bandwagon, she must be a free thinker, that spells trouble for.
I should have said The Cortez-Pelosi bandwagon, Cortez is really the speaker for the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats, Nancy has been demoted to being a figurehead.
I'm no lip reading expert, but it is clear that's what Rosen said to, Sinema. Man, the Democrats have some, hard broads. That's right, 'Broads', because ladies don't conduct themselves like these women. Even PMS Democrats.
I see the pickings were slim in today’s dumpster dive, eh Doc?

82% of INDEPENDENTS approved of Trump's Speech... Progressive Marxist Democrats and their biased MSM go into Full Panic Mode.

By PAUL MIRENGOFF ~~ A friend emailed me to say that Nancy Pelosi was sending “baseball signs” to “her team” — in other words, signaling to House Democrats how to respond to some of what Trump was saying. Upon further review, my friend is right. For example, Pelosi signaled Dems to stop booing Trump when he spoke about a caravan heading towards our southern border. The booing duly stopped. At another point, she signaled for Democrats to stand up. Most complied.
I don’t recall ever seeing a House Speaker “coaching up” her party’s members during the state of the union address. On the other hand, I don’t recall a House majority caucus being as immature as the current crop of Democrats.
Expect Trump to put his opponent in the 2020 election in the same box. Barack Obama faced a similar problem in 2008, but benefited from (1) John McCain’s unwillingness, for the most part, to play hard ball and (2) his own extraordinary nimbleness.
Trump will play hard ball, and some of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination don’t appear terribly nimble.

Trump's calls for unity are not hypocritical. It is just that he won't back away from a fight. Really? Only when at the cost of total RINO-like compromise.
Trump is in a sense of neither party -- thus the hatred and resistance to him by both. But he is fully on the side of America.
No, not in the childhood history, Washington and the cherry tree, sense. But in reality. This as demonstrated by all his works.
Can you actually not see this? Or is it simply beyond the Powerline Blog's writers ability to accept this, being, perhaps, a bit too close to the power beast yourselves?
Personally, I thought Pelosi was downright rude and had a look of arrogance on her face through much of the speech. I kept wonder why she was so sour on American greatness, but then the Democratic agenda relies on people being disgruntled, envious of other's achievements, feeling entitled to things they haven't worked for, and most of all being dependent and beholding to government.


How sad.

In the wake of Trump's State of the Union all the right can talk about is how all the women looked stupid all in white and a really stupid conspiracy plot about Nancy Pelosi.

Notice how we have suddenly changed demons? Hilary is out, now we attack everything and anything about Nancy Pelosi.

Well, I know this. The only women in the Republican party to EVER even get near a federal elected position was Sarah Palin.

Now then, can anyone tell me what was new in his speech?

BTW, the fact you are talking about Pelosi and not the man of the hour, speech maker Donald "the dick" Trump demonstrates without doubt that Pelosi won without saying a word.

AND...got her way 100% on "the wall". There will be none. Nor will there be a national emergency....seems Nancy got all she wanted and Donald...not so much.
Several capable people noted the craven phrase "they think, not without cause, that Trump’s calls for unity are hypocritical". I'd like to add that Trump on a few occasions during the shutdown repeatedly offer compromises while Pelosi & Co. did nothing but screech "No wall. No wall." I seem to remember former Democrat president telling Republicans that they should shut up because they lost the election, and then go on to weaponize the IRS against political enemies.

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it
An annoyed president laid down the political law. But, will Republicans listen? ... first time Obama has used the "I won" construct. ... and Democrats surprisingly picked up Senate seats.

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