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CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasses' (1 Viewer)


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Feb 3, 2010
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9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasses'

U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck refers to members of the Tea Party who question the President's citizenship as "dumbasses" in an audio recording obtained by 9NEWS and The Denver Post.

The Colorado Republican candidate's voice was captured on a pocket tape recorder without his knowledge by a Colorado Democratic Party worker in a parking lot before a June event in Crowley County.

He had just come from an event in Pueblo where there was a reference to whether President Obama was an American citizen. The comment apparently comes without provocation from the Democratic Party worker, who has been following and videotaping Buck all over the state of Colorado for months.

"Will you tell those dumbasses at the Tea Party to stop asking questions about birth certificates while I'm on the camera," Buck said to the worker while laughing. "God, what am I supposed to do?"

This of course the same Ken Buck that made the "high heels" comment.

Does anyone think he stands a chance after all this? Is the tea party going to get mad at a Republican candidate for saying something like this?

I'm not holding my breath.

What say you?
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

People who question his citizenship ***are*** dumbasses.... What that has to do with the tea party has more to do with a smear attempt than anything else..... What happened, the racist card fell flat? :ssst:
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

People who question his citizenship ***are*** dumbasses.... What that has to do with the tea party has more to do with a smear attempt than anything else..... What happened, the racist card fell flat? :ssst:
I just quoted him.

He's the one that linked birtherism and dumbass-ism with the tea partiers. No one forced him and no one brought up race till you came in here. It's a distraction. I'll go ahead and stay on the topic of the thread if you don't mind.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Rev. Hellhound was on topic. If I understand him correctly, he was arguing, in an off-hand manner, that specifically linking the Tea Party members to the birthers is just an attempt at distraction or a smear campaign, similar to accusing the Tea Party as a whole of being racist.

Now, with that said, Sen. Buck was coming from a Tea Party rally, apparently, where he heard birther comments. I'm sure there are birthers in the Tea Party. I'm sure there are birthers not in the Tea Party. I'm sure there are racists in the Tea Party. I'm sure you can find them in the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as well. Bottom line is that anyone who looks can find idiots in any group of people, but attributing the idiocy of the few to the many and harping on it is unfair to everyone because it detracts from the real issues.

As far as the Tea Party's response is concerned, there are a number of reasons why Roughdraft is probably right. The Tea Party is unorganized, so there is no core leadership who would be expected to respond. And, his generalizations aside, the senator is correct. I'm sure the Tea Party is no more proud of its idiots than anyone else is of theirs, so they may just ignore it.

The question is, what does it matter?


The Black Sheep
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Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Now, with that said, Sen. Buck was coming from a Tea Party rally, apparently, where he heard birther comments. I'm sure there are birthers in the Tea Party. I'm sure there are birthers not in the Tea Party. I'm sure there are racists in the Tea Party. I'm sure you can find them in the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as well. Bottom line is that anyone who looks can find idiots in any group of people, but attributing the idiocy of the few to the many and harping on it is unfair to everyone because it detracts from the real issues.

I can't find anywhere in that link where it says he was coming from a tea party event, unless maybe you saw that somewhere else or I'm skipping over it. It read to me as if he had just gotten out of a town hall type thing rather than a tea party meeting.

Which makes me question why he would even bring up the tea party when talking about "dumbass" birthers.

Do you have a link or anything saying exactly where he was coming from? I can't find anything.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Do you have a link or anything saying exactly where he was coming from? I can't find anything.

Touche, Roughdraft, touche. I most certainly do not. Actually, the article states that he made his statement after meeting with a group of people, including Tea Party activists. You read more carefully than I did. It could be that the people who brought up the birther issue happened to be Tea Party activists, but Sen. Buck also could have simply been mistaken. He did apologize for his comment later, though. That strikes me as somewhat pertinent information.

That'll teach me to read the entire original source.

/slaps self


The Black Sheep
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Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Well, I'd go with birthers are dumbasses. Even those in the tea party. ;)
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

People who question his citizenship ***are*** dumbasses.... What that has to do with the tea party has more to do with a smear attempt than anything else..... What happened, the racist card fell flat? :ssst:

Did you read the article?

"It is not the Tea Party movement on the whole. The Tea Party movement gets it. It's the Constitution, it's the debt, it's the other issues, but there are a couple people that are frankly frustrating for all candidates. I mean if you talked to other candidates and they're being honest with you, they'll say I know that. Now, they may not have used my choice words, but they have the same feelings."

Buck, who rose to the top of recent polls against his Republican primary opponent Jane Norton, campaigns as a "grassroots candidate" and openly embraces the Tea Party support he's received. For example, at the Independence Institute's Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms party last weekend, he asked the crowd, "Anybody here in any Tea Parties? Is that a great deal or what?"

Seems to me like he wasn't talking about the Tea Party itself and is actually supported by local tea party people.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Well, I'd go with birthers are dumbasses. Even those in the tea party. ;)

They are blind ideologues and there is one thing I can't stand is when people on BOTH sides get blinded by their partisan ideology...
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

I too am sick of dumbasses asking me about Obama's birth certificate. I get asked quite a bit living in Alabama.
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Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Well, I'd go with birthers are dumbasses. Even those in the tea party. ;)

yeah they are sort of like the "Bush was AWOL" crowd
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

yeah they are sort of like the "Bush was AWOL" crowd

Worse then them. More like the Bush was behind 9/11 crowd.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Worse then them. More like the Bush was behind 9/11 crowd.

seems like Bambi could bitch slap them all to hell by merely coughing up his real birth certificate.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

seems like Bambi could bitch slap them all to hell by merely coughing up his real birth certificate.

Seriously, that's alreaady been done. If someone isn't buying what has been presented, nothing will satisfy them.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Worse then them. More like the Bush was behind 9/11 crowd.

Both are examples of how extremists on BOTH sides of the political aisle allow partisanship to blind them to common sense...
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Seriously, that's alreaady been done. If someone isn't buying what has been presented, nothing will satisfy them.

I cannot stand obama but this birth certificate nonsense is worthless. There are so many GOOD reasons why Obama shouldn't be president
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

I think stuff like these just stems from pure hatred. I mean the people who thought Bush was behind 9/11 all had one thing in common, they hated Bush. Birthers all have at least one thing in common, they all hate Obama.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

I think stuff like these just stems from pure hatred. I mean the people who thought Bush was behind 9/11 all had one thing in common, they hated Bush. Birthers all have at least one thing in common, they all hate Obama.

But one can hate Obama without being a Birther.... and as that goes, I don't hate Barack Obama... I am sure he is a nice person and would be great to have his family over for a backyard BBQ... I would love to meet his family as he seems to have a wonderful family and his girls seem very mature for their age... something I hope for my own girls as they grow up... so, no, I don't hate President Obama... having said that, I DO hate what he is trying to do to the United States of America. Most of what he believes politically is an anathema to what I believe is best for the Republic and the Union...
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

Did you read the article?

Seems to me like he wasn't talking about the Tea Party itself and is actually supported by local tea party people.


This one is holding your comprehension skillz...

I was alluding to the motives of the OP. :shrug:
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

People like the bush gone Awol, and bush committed 9/11 give people like myself, and my dad bad names. See both me, and my dad are conspiracy theorist.
However were not that far gone in to thinking everything is a conspiracy to become part of the new world order:lamo.

I had to spend a weekend with someone like that it was hard to convinces her that the New world order is a bunch of crap made up by extremism who beleive in the rapture. I feel Rep bucks pain about being around people like I considered them less educated than most people, and are easy to fall for propaganda.

I'm also glad he has the balls to say it out loud like that in a public venue with the Tea Party in the other room.
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Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

MSNBC has been trying to spin this story to make us believe there are tons of birthers in the tea party. They act like he has shot himself in the foot for calling them dumbasses. He regrets calling them that but just wants to get back to more important issues.
As far as the high heel comments and the whole thing about cowboy boots. Somebody (MSNBC) is not telling the whole story. I don't remember the details, but the woman running against him brought that on. She was commenting on either his boots, her heels or his manhood or something. I don't remember but anyways shame on MSNBC for not telling the whole story. They'll do anything to discredit someone backed by the tea party.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

He never said ALL Tea par tiers were birthers and by extension dumb asses....

But for those who are. I stand by this guys statements :mrgreen:
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse


This one is holding your comprehension skillz...

I was alluding to the motives of the OP. :shrug:
Yep, you were alluding to my motives, by bringing up race, which I made no mention of.

Maybe you think I was trying to paint all tea partiers as birthers? Proof that I think this would be nice.

I would like to ask, how upset do you think tea partiers would get if Obama were to say "man I wish these dumbasses from the tea party would quit asking about my birth certificate" and then fall back on the excuse that he didn't mean to categorize all tea partiers. You think they would be nearly as forgiving about that?

I doubt it.
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

MSNBC has been trying to spin this story to make us believe there are tons of birthers in the tea party. They act like he has shot himself in the foot for calling them dumbasses. He regrets calling them that but just wants to get back to more important issues.
As far as the high heel comments and the whole thing about cowboy boots. Somebody (MSNBC) is not telling the whole story. I don't remember the details, but the woman running against him brought that on. She was commenting on either his boots, her heels or his manhood or something. I don't remember but anyways shame on MSNBC for not telling the whole story. They'll do anything to discredit someone backed by the tea party.

Are you really shaming MSNBC for spinning a story that you, admittedly, don't remember the details about?

I haven't found any sources linking the guy that asked the birth certificate question to the tea party. I wonder if the candidate made the link all by himself cause he knows that alot of the tea partiers are the ones bringing up the birther stuff. IDK, but I'd love to find out if he made the link himself or if the guy asking the question mentioned that he was a tea partier...
Re: CO-Sen (R) Cand. Ken Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasse

9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | Buck: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasses'

This of course the same Ken Buck that made the "high heels" comment.

Does anyone think he stands a chance after all this? Is the tea party going to get mad at a Republican candidate for saying something like this?

I'm not holding my breath.

What say you?

I dont think thats any different than anything Ive ever said about people that are continuing to make an issue about the birth certificate...and I AM one that thinks Obama has never produced a birth certificate and there MIGHT be a reason for that. At this point it is immaterial and it takes the focus off the important issues...unemployment failings, budget failings, debt, etc...at some point people have to stop being a dumbass and stop fighting fights you cant win and focus on relevant current issues.

MOST people I know that are of the Tea Party mindset are upset about the 14 trillion dollar debt and the 10% listed and 20% actual unemployment with no end in sight.

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