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CNN anchor hits Trump: He didn't go to Vietnam 'until he was in his 70s' with 'Secret Service protec (1 Viewer)

Did they ever make fun of POWs there for getting killed or captured, or gloat about how they are so much better because they weren't?

You're changing the subject. I know one thing, Trump didn't start that war.
I am so sick of all you damn Trumpets and your endless lists of "What about..."

Stuff it..... I'm done talking to the likes of you.

So it's ok if Christians die?

Oh! have fun talking to yourself!
So it's ok if Christians die?

Case in point.... that's what it responds to. That's all that die-hard Trumpets know - hatred.

Before I go on here... I want to make it clear that this isn't directed at the vast majority of Republicans (or conservatives in general) who good and decent people. But whether you realize it or not, your party is infected with a virus, and it has passed that virus onto the country and to the world. Donald Trump has kicked over a rock and posters like this one are what crawled out from beneath it.

First it purposely twisted my words and made it seem like I was saying the exact opposite of what I did say. When I pointed this out, instead of acknowledging that fact and correcting the mistake, it tried to make the same tired "What about..." argument we're all familiar with. As if that's some kind of excuse. In effect, what it's saying is that the massacre in New Zealand was somehow justified by the massacre of Christians in Africa. Both are intolerable affronts to human existence. Hatred in all it's forms needs to be called out and confronted.... unfortunately, however, we have a President who won't - or can't - provide the moral leadership to point this out. Without light to guide us, then, we are left to darkness... and our only true recourse is to communicate in the language of hate - the only language the vermin who came out from under the rock understand and respond to.

I don't speak the dialect.... it's foreign to my tongue - and it's far too gutteral for me to attempt to learn.... so I'm done talking to the Trumpets. It's time all people of good faith - Democrat & Republican, liberal & conservative, religious & athiest alike - started making common cause and set ourselves to putting them back under the rock from which they crawled.
Trump should have took Nathan Phillips with him.Phillips would have loved to see Vietnam too.

Phillips served, he served honorably. Our Con-man Duh and Cheat can’t say that.
Case in point.... that's what it responds to. That's all that die-hard Trumpets know - hatred.

Before I go on here... I want to make it clear that this isn't directed at the vast majority of Republicans (or conservatives in general) who good and decent people. But whether you realize it or not, your party is infected with a virus, and it has passed that virus onto the country and to the world. Donald Trump has kicked over a rock and posters like this one are what crawled out from beneath it.

First it purposely twisted my words and made it seem like I was saying the exact opposite of what I did say. When I pointed this out, instead of acknowledging that fact and correcting the mistake, it tried to make the same tired "What about..." argument we're all familiar with. As if that's some kind of excuse. In effect, what it's saying is that the massacre in New Zealand was somehow justified by the massacre of Christians in Africa. Both are intolerable affronts to human existence. Hatred in all it's forms needs to be called out and confronted.... unfortunately, however, we have a President who won't - or can't - provide the moral leadership to point this out. Without light to guide us, then, we are left to darkness... and our only true recourse is to communicate in the language of hate - the only language the vermin who came out from under the rock understand and respond to.

I don't speak the dialect.... it's foreign to my tongue - and it's far too gutteral for me to attempt to learn.... so I'm done talking to the Trumpets. It's time all people of good faith - Democrat & Republican, liberal & conservative, religious & athiest alike - started making common cause and set ourselves to putting them back under the rock from which they crawled.

You can't cherry pick what you are outraged about. This has nothing to do with the New Zealand attack being justified. That's a stupid comment. I'm just showing the hypocrisy of you people. The only time you care if people are killed is if they are on your team. You people are like "It's white christian people who were killed" CARE! We can't say something bad about Trump if it's a white person. You're all a bunch of phonies and should be ashamed of yourselves!

BTW...I came out under my rock during the Obama years.
Nixon went to Vietnam 8 times, at least.

Johnson went in 1966, at least once.

Kennedy served, as you said.

While you guy's argue about meaningless statistics I will focus on the bottom line. Trump gets things done. This country is getting back to it's greatness.
While you guy's argue about meaningless statistics I will focus on the bottom line. Trump gets things done. This country is getting back to it's greatness.

Can you provide us with a list of the top ten accomplishments of a Trump administration?
Your hypocrisy, political agenda and double standards are obvious

Here is your other self in a different thread a few days ago


Originally Posted by Mongidig
It's the same people over and over in these threads saying bad things about Israel but never a bad word about Hammas, or Hezbollah etc. Very suspicious.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, probably an anti-semite.

So, how should we call the people who never say bad things about white suprermacy terrorism?

Very suspicious...

Now to be fair, such behavior does not necessarily imply your personal belief in the superiority of white race.
It may be a belief in a different type of superiority, such as...


Originally Posted by Mongidig
The Jews are the chosen people and this is the chosen land. Sorry! life's not fair sometimes.

And of course, as long as Trump does what you want (for example relocation of the US embassy in Jerusalem), it will be "wise" not to criticize Trump's failure to condemn white supremacists.

Finally, it is not that there is danger of seeing white supremacists vote for Democrats. It is just that Trump has to make sure that the white supremacists are energized enough to come out and vote for him instead of sitting home during the election day. This is why it is important for him to keep them happy. After all, Trump cannot afford to lose many voters when his first victory could not even earn him the popular vote. But of course, you know these things..

What you have to remember is "That's DIFFERENT!!!".
You can't cherry pick what you are outraged about. This has nothing to do with the New Zealand attack being justified. That's a stupid comment. I'm just showing the hypocrisy of you people. The only time you care if people are killed is if they are on your team. You people are like "It's white christian people who were killed" CARE! We can't say something bad about Trump if it's a white person. You're all a bunch of phonies and should be ashamed of yourselves!

BTW...I came out under my rock during the Obama years.

Many years ago I had a summer job doing pest control. I found that to do an effective job of eliminating vermin, the key was to take the time to identify the species at the root of the problem. Look at the telltale signs... "your team"; "white christian people"; "Obama".... yup, I'd say from the smell of rot and the scat trail that what we're dealing with here is a classic case of White Supremecis Birtheri.....
It would clearly be a wise move on his part not to condemn white supremacists if they were a big part of his base. Obviously they are not! Even if he did condemn them do you really think they would vote Democrat? Trump isn't going to cave to this mob pressure to condemn or apologize.

lol...I think the fact that you see condemning white supremacy as requiring caving to "mob pressure" is part of the problem here.
Did President Kennedy or Johnson ever go to Vietnam?

In 1940, Kennedy attempted to enter the army's Officer Candidate School, but was medically disqualified due to his chronic lower back problems. He exercised for months to straighten his back. On September 24, 1941, with the help of the director of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)—who was the former naval attaché to Joseph Kennedy—Kennedy joined the United States Naval Reserve.

President Kennedy was was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal and the Purple Heart Medal.

When later asked how he became a war hero, Kennedy joked: "It was easy. They cut my PT boat in half."

[Obviously Mr. Trump wouldn't have liked him because any captain that loses his ship is NOT the type of person to be admired.]

President Johnson was a LTCdr in the USN during WWII.

PS - Did you know that there were actually wars that the US was engaged in between "The Civil War" and "The Vietnam War"?
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