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Cloning (1 Viewer)

Cloning has great medical potential that should definitely de researched. But there should also definitely be limits and restrictions to prevent abuses.
Naughty Nurse said:
Shudder! A potential army of him!!

Hey, if you had an Army made up of GWB's wouldn't likely have any wars. I mean let's face it they'd all be doing whatever it takes to avoid combat.
Pacridge said:
Hey, if you had an Army made up of GWB's wouldn't likely have any wars. I mean let's face it they'd all be doing whatever it takes to avoid combat.

:rofl Great response!
I do not agree with cloning. We had a discussion about this in English. Man should not play god. I think really bad things could happen if Cloning is researched too much further.
Chaos10187 said:
I do not agree with cloning. We had a discussion about this in English. Man should not play god. I think really bad things could happen if Cloning is researched too much further.

Cloning has some very good benefits and I think it would be a shame if we didn't dive deeper into this because of upsetting god
Pacridge said:
Hey, if you had an Army made up of GWB's wouldn't likely have any wars. I mean let's face it they'd all be doing whatever it takes to avoid combat.

:rofl Tru Dat
Chaos10187 said:
I do not agree with cloning. We had a discussion about this in English. Man should not play god. I think really bad things could happen if Cloning is researched too much further.
That's an interesting statement. "Man should not play god". I mean, that really creates an ambiguous line. If "man should not play god", does that also entail that doctors should not attempt to resuscitate a dying person because that would be playing god. A good doctor can help make the determination whether someone lives or dies by using his knowledge and skills. Should that be a reason we shouldn't have doctors or is this all just rhetoric?
shuamort said:
That's an interesting statement. "Man should not play god". I mean, that really creates an ambiguous line. If "man should not play god", does that also entail that doctors should not attempt to resuscitate a dying person because that would be playing god. A good doctor can help make the determination whether someone lives or dies by using his knowledge and skills. Should that be a reason we shouldn't have doctors or is this all just rhetoric?

Rhetoric, definitely. If we didn't "play god" then I suspect a good number of us wouldn't be here now, as our parents or our grandparents would have died before reproducing!
Cloning is here and it's going to advance, and hopefully many people will benefit.
Naughty Nurse you say that cloning will advance, are you proposing medical advances in treating people with illness, or the actual cloning of humans
Exactly, Naughty Nurse.

The big problem with people deciding whether or not allow or ban cloning is the large amount of ignorance that surrounds cloning. Most people are familiar with Dolly the sheep that was cloned back in 1997 and see that as the only type of cloning. That cloning only entails an exact and complete replication of a living being is a complete fallacy. There are actually three different main types of cloning that need to be considered instead of a blanket statement.

1)Reproductive Cloning- Is what most people commonly think of when it comes to cloning. This is used to create a being that has the exact same nuclear DNA as the original in an attempt to recreate the original.

2)DNA Cloning-Is the transfer of a DNA fragment of interest from one organism to a self-replicating genetic element such as a bacterial plasmid. The DNA of interest can then be propagated in a foreign host cell. All of the cloning is done on a cellular level which does not involve living beings in the process.

3)Theraputic Cloning-Is the process of creating stem cells for research and possible replacement cells for damaged or diseased cells. This technology recreates cells but does not create a living being.
globalvision said:
Naughty Nurse you say that cloning will advance, are you proposing medical advances in treating people with illness, or the actual cloning of humans

I was referring to medical advances. I also suspect that cloning of humns will advance too, and I'm not sure that's such a good thing.
Naughty Nurse said:
I was referring to medical advances. I also suspect that cloning of humns will advance too, and I'm not sure that's such a good thing.

well im glad to hear it, something kinda wrong with someone wanting to clone themselves, dont these people have a mirror, the thought of two of me in the world is enough to put me off cloning myself.

medical cloning of organs to me seems to be ok. its a pity that people revert to the god issue. surely if god existed then he would not allow us to learn and undertake cloning. so the god issue for me is irrelivant
globalvision said:
medical cloning of organs to me seems to be ok. its a pity that people revert to the god issue. surely if god existed then he would not allow us to learn and undertake cloning. so the god issue for me is irrelivant

The god squad will tell you about free will, Adam eating the apple etc.

Have to say that the concept of several Will Smiths, all devoting themselves to me, has a certain attraction;)
i never understood why god said you can not eat from the tree of knowledge did he honestly want adam and eve to be dumb. i am using the word he for laziness as i do not believe in god.

as for will smith, do you not find him a bit aragunt, still if u cloned him, suppose you could train him in whatever you desire.

personally i would clone a few women, my little harem, least it would get me out of cooking and washing.

come on someone must insult me for that kinda comment.
globalvision said:
as for will smith, do you not find him a bit aragunt, still if u cloned him, suppose you could train him in whatever you desire.

come on someone must insult me for that kinda comment.

How dare you speak badly of Will! Buy a microwave and a washing machine. Honestly, str8 men!
sorry naughty,

will smith is obviously beyond my comprehension, i will try and 'see the light' and the almighty mr smith will be shown to me afresh, i will honour him in respect of you. please forgive my insolence.
shuamort said:
Exactly, Naughty Nurse.

The big problem with people deciding whether or not allow or ban cloning is the large amount of ignorance that surrounds cloning. Most people are familiar with Dolly the sheep that was cloned back in 1997 and see that as the only type of cloning. That cloning only entails an exact and complete replication of a living being is a complete fallacy. There are actually three different main types of cloning that need to be considered instead of a blanket statement.

1)Reproductive Cloning- Is what most people commonly think of when it comes to cloning. This is used to create a being that has the exact same nuclear DNA as the original in an attempt to recreate the original.

2)DNA Cloning-Is the transfer of a DNA fragment of interest from one organism to a self-replicating genetic element such as a bacterial plasmid. The DNA of interest can then be propagated in a foreign host cell. All of the cloning is done on a cellular level which does not involve living beings in the process.

3)Theraputic Cloning-Is the process of creating stem cells for research and possible replacement cells for damaged or diseased cells. This technology recreates cells but does not create a living being.

Well said! A voice of reason.

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