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Clinton calls impeachment Abuse (1 Viewer)

Originally posted by Stu Gahtze:
Actually clinton has it all wrong! "Abuse" is when one in a very high position takes sexual advantage of a young impressionable female intern!

Billy must have made quite an impression for Monica to save her semen stained blue dress as a keepsake
Your a perfect example of what is wrong with this country. How we can impeach a President over a sex thing and remain silent when another President lies to a nation that gets over 2000 Americans killed!
If our country is going to impeach or fire every person who has ever had an affair, we'd better start outsourcing our jobs to those who take a vow of celibacy.

Here's a list of some of the more celebrated political sex scandals. Keep in mind these are only the ones that were made public:

Political Sex Scandals
Sally Hemings-Thomas Jefferson affair (alleged)
Alexander Hamilton-Maria Reynolds affair (1797)
Petticoat Affair or Eaton Affair
Warren Harding-Carrie Phillips-Nan Britton mistresses and pay-offs
Walter Jenkins (1964)
Wilbur Mills-Fanne Foxe (1972)
Wayne Hays-Elizabeth Ray scandal (1976)
John Young (1976)
Allan Howe (1976)
Fred Richmond (1978)
Robert Bauman (1980)
Jon Hinson (1981)
Thomas Evans -Paula Parkinson (1981)
Dan Crane and Gerry Studds Congressional Page sex scandal (1983)
Gary Hart-Donna Rice scandal (1987)
Ernie Konnyu (1987)
Brock Adams (1988)
Jim Bates (1988)
Gus Savage (1989)
Barney Frank (1989)
Donald "Buz" Lukens scandal (1989)
Arlan Stangeland (1990)
Chuck Robb-Tai Collins affair (1991)
Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill sexual harassment scandal (1991)
Daniel Inouye (1992)
Bob Packwood sexual harassment scandal (1995)
Mel Reynolds (1995)
Bob Livingston (1998)
Lewinsky scandal (1998-2000)
Chandra Levy-Gary Condit (2001)
Steven C. LaTourette affair with staffer (2003)
The Washingtonienne scandal (2004)
Illinois Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan Sex Clubs (2004)
New Jersey Democratic Governor Jim McGreevey – closeted homosexual extramarital affair (2004)
Clinton wasn't impeached for having an affair. Clinton was impeached for lying to a grand jury. About having an affair...
Clinton is just trying to bring the two parties closer together. ....and lying is the only way. It's what they have in common.
Billo_Really said:
Your a perfect example of what is wrong with this country. How we can impeach a President over a sex thing and remain silent when another President lies to a nation that gets over 2000 Americans killed!
The dim witted left will never see this story for what it truly is. Clinton wasn't impeached for sex. He was impeached for lying under oath to a federal grand jury. I don't care what he lied about. He lied.
To be honest, it was a minor abuse of power. The Republicans learned though, that their approval ratings went up when they attacked the President. What is the ultimate attack-getting him out of office. Pretty smart on their part even if Clinton did not deserve this.
KCConservative said:
The dim witted left will never see this story for what it truly is. Clinton wasn't impeached for sex. He was impeached for lying under oath to a federal grand jury. I don't care what he lied about. He lied.
That's true, and it is the part that Clinton's defenders try to overlook (in his case only; I have heard no such clamor about lying over a non-crime in Scooter Libby's case).

That said, I also believe that no man should have to answer the kind of self-incriminating questions that were put to Clinton. The courts have held that the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination does not apply in civil cases, but until the early nineties questions about the history of a sexual predator were considered irrelevant to a civil case. Clinton changed that when, with ruffles and flourishes, he signed into law the Violence Against Women Act which included a clause making the history of the accused relevant.

I find it supremely ironic that Clinton became one of the earlier (and certainly the most spectacular) victims of this travesty of law, and he didn't get nearly the punishment he deserved. Still, I am disappointed that there was little mention of Congress' role in his disaster, and no groundswell of support for repealing that legislative error.
The bottom line for me has always been...No sitting President should have to be distracted by a civil trial while in office.

The fact that the 'right' believed that someone holding the single most important job in the world, can be taken away from the legally elected performance of their duties, to give testimony, appear before judges, have meetings with attorneys...all because of a silly civil trial...a trial that could easily be delayed until after Clinton left office...this is the utmost in irresponsible, power mad hungry viciousness from the right wing that has ever befallen our nation.

It makes me want to puke my guts out everytime I think about what the right wing did to the office of the Presidency.

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