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Civilization (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
As many of you know, no Civilization has lasted more than a couple of centuries. I believe that all sources point to a time when the modern day civilizations change.

I would like to see what you all think this change would be like, if any.
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3 entries found for civilization.
civ·i·li·za·tion Audio pronunciation of "civilization" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sv-l-zshn)

1. An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions.
2. The type of culture and society developed by a particular nation or region or in a particular epoch: Mayan civilization; the civilization of ancient Rome.
3. The act or process of civilizing or reaching a civilized state.
4. Cultural or intellectual refinement; good taste.
5. Modern society with its conveniences: returned to civilization after camping in the mountains.

Yes, I'm enlightened!
What civilization has even come close to lasting 5000 yrs?

Who was around in 3000bce who's around now? Or who was around relatively recently? This is what gave me cause to what definition of civilization you were using.

We can talk about Western Civilization, but that's really a catch all for many widely different groups, systems and cultures.

I'm just trying to get a sense of what you're getting at here.
revised. I'm just trying to see what you all think the future civilizations will be like once America, England, France etc are all gone.
If you think about it on an ethnic or culteral or religous level their are civilizations that have lasted thousands of years.
Just imagine. It will be two main racial and cultural groups, perhaps, shearing the same cities, but having different currency – black muslims and red Chinese.
Can't resist: "America is the first country to have gone from barbarism to
decadence without the usual intervening period of civilization."

Oscar Wilde
So are we considered part of the Western civilization? Or are we an exclusively American civilization.
The most important change is that we cease to be bloodsucking capitalist pigs!I'm not just having a dig at the US,that applies to the UK and others too.
Androvski said:
The most important change is that we cease to be bloodsucking capitalist pigs!I'm not just having a dig at the US,that applies to the UK and others too.

I, an American, agree with that statement...somewhat...

I think some Europeans don't understand that the extremist Muslims are against ALL of Western Society...The US just happens to be the biggest representation, so we're the ones that gets slammed for it.

But if the US wasn't around anymore, Europe would fall to terrorism in about 20 minutes.
cnredd said:
But if the US wasn't around anymore, Europe would fall to terrorism in about 20 minutes.

That's the sort of statement that convinces many people that the USA is
probably the most arrogant and self-centred nation on Earth.
Thinker said:
That's the sort of statement that convinces many people that the USA is
probably the most arrogant and self-centred nation on Earth.

The reason you would fall is because you use America's self interest for protection as a secirity blanket for yourselves...Decades of sitting on your hands while the USA does the dirty work while you look out from your ivory tower balconies ready to criticize...

Nope...It's the arrogance of the Europeans to remain silent when your enimies attack you, but shout loudly when America protects your interests.

"Self-centered" bullshit...we've protected you elitists for so long you don't remember what's it like to protect yourself. One day maybe, but probably not, you'll realize your emporers have no clothes...
Thinker said:
Your words prove my point.

cnredd said:
I think some Europeans don't understand that the extremist Muslims are against ALL of Western Society...The US just happens to be the biggest representation, so we're the ones that gets slammed for it.

Your lack of them prove mine....
the US going away woudl only mean that Europe will become a major target for terrorism instead. Doesn't mean they'll fall to terrorism. If you mean that the Iraq war is the dirty work the US is doing, you're wrong. I'd say that the intelligence work, the work of the special forces is the most important in the war against terrorists. And many countries in Europe have special forces close to the US or better than the US.
Arch Enemy said:
As many of you know, no Civilization has lasted more than a couple of centuries. I believe that all sources point to a time when the modern day civilizations change.

I would like to see what you all think this change would be like, if any.

Um..acctually France has lasted since the year 771 (if you start counting from the first king)...the monarchy itself lasted more than 1,000 years. France is more than a few centuries old.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
Um..actually France has lasted since the year 771 (if you start counting from the first king)...the monarchy itself lasted more than 1,000 years. France is more than a few centuries old.

Arch's comment doesn't(at least, I don't think) refer to a geographical area's existence...Just the political climate or existence of a government.

Currently, the US is the oldest "same-style" government in the world(I believe). France would come in next with their version of the constitution(Napolean almost plagerized the US version word-for-word).
cnredd said:
Arch's comment doesn't(at least, I don't think) refer to a geographical area's existence...Just the political climate or existence of a government.

Currently, the US is the oldest "same-style" government in the world(I believe). France would come in next with their version of the constitution(Napolean almost plagerized the US version word-for-word).

I chose to refute that..the monarchy of Lichtenstein has been around far longer than the US. Besides..the longest standing government system was in my opinion the Hapsburg government. Are you saying the oldest democratic-republic form of government??
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
I chose to refute that..the monarchy of Lichtenstein has been around far longer than the US. Besides..the longest standing government system was in my opinion the Hapsburg government. Are you saying the oldest democratic-republic form of government??

Possibly...I don't know what the hell I'm saying!:doh :lol:

I'm only trying to interpret Arch's comment..."no Civilization has lasted more than a couple of centuries"

You went geographical(Your comment about France)...I may not know EXACTLY what Arch was referring to, but I think I can safely say that geography wasn't it.

Maybe Arch will swing by and clear it up...
cnredd said:
Possibly...I don't know what the hell I'm saying!:doh :lol:

I'm only trying to interpret Arch's comment..."no Civilization has lasted more than a couple of centuries"

You went geographical(Your comment about France)...I may not know EXACTLY what Arch was referring to, but I think I can safely say that geography wasn't it.

Maybe Arch will swing by and clear it up...

:lol: When I say France I'm referring to the government/civilization of France. I hope he clears this up heh.
arch is probably referring to cultural/political/geographical unity in an area. Thats what civilization is isn't it? but culture itself most of the times lives on. Its only the political/geographical unity that can be destroyed.
nkgupta80 said:
arch is probably referring to cultural/political/geographical unity in an area. Thats what civilization is isn't it? but culture itself most of the times lives on. Its only the political/geographical unity that can be destroyed.

If so then the United States is DEFINATLEY NOT the oldest. :lol:
yeah it is a very very young civilization.

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