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Circumcision (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 31, 2005
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Milwaukee, WI
Political Leaning
Should parents have the right to circumcise their children? Whether it is for medical or religious purposes?
alex said:
Should parents have the right to circumcise their children? Whether it is for medical or religious purposes?
Both I think, if you are jewish then it is tradition if not, "it" is harder to keep clean if not circumcized.
It's female circumcision that is the most unacceptable,that is serious mutilation!
As far as male circumcision is concerned,I suppose it would be a little easier to keep the old boy clean,but it's hardly a chore if your not circumcised either.
I think the option should lie with the indivdual when they are old enough to make their own decision,not with the parents.
Of course if it's for medical reasons that's a different matter.
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Good question.

I think that it is indeed something that parents should be able to choose.
But, if it ever where to become "medically neccessary" in opinions of docs nationally; I belive I would have issue with that.
My dad said that when he went into the Marines they snipped him.
He didn't elaborate.

Is this a requirement to be in the armed forces?
In the 19th Century, circumcision became routine in English-speaking countries as a religious ideal of curbing masturbation (since that was sinful).

So why do we still do it? Habit is part, the father's choice to have his son "look just like him", a bit of ignorance, and statistics that support both ways.

Complications from circumcision are low, approximately 0.2 to 0.6 percent. A total of three deaths have been ascribed to circumcision since 1954. In contrast, more than 1,000 U.S. men develop penile cancer each year, 225-317 of whom die. Circumcision effectively prevents penile cancer. Of 60,000 cases since 1930, fewer than 10 have involved circumcised men. Circumcision also eliminates foreskin problems such as inflammation, failure to retract, etc. These persist in non-circumcising nations such as the UK despite presumed familiarity with proper foreskin hygiene.

One cost-benefit analysis (Ganiats et al, 1991) found that circumcision had a "net discounted lifetime cost" of $102 and a health cost of 14 hours of healthy life

Then there are groups like National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM) that are trying to stop circumcision. And if circumcision has happened, there are products like the Tug-A-Hoy that help re-grow a foreskin.

If you get a chance, Penn and Teller did an episode about Circumcision on their show "Bullsh!t"

Given the fact that there are benefits and detriments on both sides of the fence, I don't see a problem leaving it up to the parents to determine the best course of action for their child.
Circumcision is a lot more common place in the US than in the UK.I've only met a few men who have been circumcised and then it has been for medical reasons.
Most men here remain "uncut"
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Androvski said:
Circumcision is a lot more common place in the US than in the UK.I've only met a few men who have been circumcised and then it has been for medical reasons.
Most men here remain "uncut".

That is interesting. Do you believe that parents should have the right to have someone do it? Was it more common at one time and if it was, why no longer?
alex said:
That is interesting. Do you believe that parents should have the right to have someone do it? Was it more common at one time and if it was, why no longer?

Not really,I don't disaprove of circumcision and can see certain benefits,but a child should be old enough to make the choice themselves,like maybe 12yrs old,just before bah mitzvah age in the case of Judaism.
I think it may have been more common in the UK in the past,especially here in Wales at the time of the"revival",when religious fervour became almost hysterical,they certainly would not have wanted men"spilling their seed on barren ground".
Mind you the old idea that circumcision might help to prevent masturbation is laughable,an old friend of mine was circumcised and he hardly ever stopped W***ing. :3oops:
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I don't think it really matters. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't know anyone who gets mad at their parents because they circumcised them without asking
Oh, I'm sure you could. Just look at the guy who invented the "Tug-a-hoy" and similar items. If he wasn't mad at mommy, why bother stretching the little guy out again?

Personally, I chose to have my son's foreskin removed. I did so because his father was circumcised as well.
It wasn't so much a "cosmetic" issue as it was a family decission.

As far as religious reasons, just leave the jews alone.
The procedure does hurt, obviously (since no anesthetic is given...at least not to infants) but it does not cause physical or emotional harm. Usually it's done early enough on (usually within an infants first days) that the memory does not last into toddler-dom or even adulthood.

Female cirucumcission on the other hand has horrendous effects to the victim. It's unsafe, done with unclean and often crude instruments which can and usually does lead to life threatening infections. Female circumcission not only removes a part of the female anatomy, but the entire area is stitched up leaving only the smallest hole from which urine and menstrual fluids are to escape.
I can think of a whole lot of reasons to have it done but none in favor of not having it done. Cleanliness, disease, esthetic appearance, etc. I think it is a lot of hooey for these people today who believe it should not be done. I think this is one place where "God" really dropped the ball when he designed the male sexual organ.
When the topic started said circumcision, was female or male circumcision?
Personally, I chose to have my son's foreskin removed. I did so because his father was circumcised as well.
It wasn't so much a "cosmetic" issue as it was a family decission.
I never understood this argument. Why is it so important that your son's penis match his father's?? If that's not a "cosmetic" issue, then I don't know what is. Will you dye your son's hair to match his father's? If his father lost an arm in an accident, would you then have your son's arm amputed so he would look like his father? I just don't get it....
sarathan said:
I never understood this argument. Why is it so important that your son's penis match his father's?? If that's not a "cosmetic" issue, then I don't know what is. Will you dye your son's hair to match his father's? If his father lost an arm in an accident, would you then have your son's arm amputed so he would look like his father? I just don't get it....

I did say it was a "family" decission." If you didn't see that part, I can't force it on you.

I still believe it is a private matter between the parents, if their religion requires it it's still their decission.
It's not a doctor's decission or any other outside party.
Possibly TMI!

Missouri Mule said:
I can think of a whole lot of reasons to have it done but none in favor of not having it done.
I'm guessing this means that you don't have one. If you had one, long before the time you got to be my age, you'd've had enough help to've discovered some very good reasons to have one.
Just sayin' 'sall.
I am sure glad my parents decided to have this done with me, I could not imagine myself without one. I suspect that the danger of infection would be more likely without one, but other then that, it just looks better, well......as good as any genital could, lol.:lol:
Simon W. Moon said:
If you had one, long before the time you got to be my age, you'd've had enough help to've discovered some very good reasons to have one.

[Johnny from Airplane! the movie] Why, you can make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl!" [/Johnny]
Have you guys heard of John/Joan? He was born in 1967 and they botched his circumcision. The doctors decided to turn him into a girl. Ruined his life. Not really sure where I was going with this...

I have had one uncircumcised boyfriend. It was...a surprise for sure.:lol:
JustineCredible said:
I did say it was a "family" decission." If you didn't see that part, I can't force it on you.

I still believe it is a private matter between the parents, if their religion requires it it's still their decission.
It's not a doctor's decission or any other outside party.

This was not a "family" decision. It was the decision of you and the father and not the actual person it affects. This is the problem I have with infant circumcision. The child cannot consent to it, so it should not happen until he is able to and only if he does. It is not medically necessary. I am circumcised and have always been a clean person yet I still got many UTI's as a teenager. My father was not circumcised and he said he only had one UTI his entire life. Isn't having it done a violation of a person's body?
Kelzie said:
I have had one uncircumcised boyfriend. It was...a surprise for sure.:lol:
Given the crunchy crowd I imagine you run with, just one?
Simon W. Moon said:
Given the crunchy crowd I imagine you run with, just one?

Man, I don't hang out with vegans! They're freakin nuts. Talking about phases of the moon, and planet positions, and personal crystals. Very strange for the most part. Of course, there are some notable exceptions. Ahem.

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