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Christian School Expels Girl for Wearing Rainbow Sweater on Her Birthday (1 Viewer)

As good an explanation of the cause of the big bang as dark energy which scientists consider as the front runner for the cause of the big bang. Scientists are currently testing the presence of substances deep in the earth (and I mean about a mile deep) to determine if dark energy was around during the big bang and how much dark energy still exists. Think of that...Scientists are considering invisible particles of energy as the causers of the big bang.:roll:

Coming from another dimension is a more plausible answer for the big bang, IMO, but hasn't been proven, either.

I digress. You can carry on without me.

Invisible sky wizards aren't "plausible" but go hang out with Kent Hovind and Ray Comfort. Ray can teach you about the atheist's nightmare, the banana..
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Do the rules require it to be? What is the context of Kayla's situation including her behavior for the previous 2 years?


"You're on probation, so we'll just decide that you're done."

Well, if nothing else, this will teach her to hate authority a little more, and probably sour her on religion, so I have to say that it turned out all right.
From the handbook, the following indicates the school is well within their rights to expel the student if she is truly homosexual.

So, supposing they know she's gay, they are within their rights to expel her.

The bigger issue is whether their policy is detrimental to beneficial to society at large.

My opinion is that they only hurt themselves when they expelled the child, and that -- if she is gay -- she's better off in a school where diversity is accepted.

Yes, she is. But we don't know anything yet about this girl, nothing except that she has been in continual trouble for the past two years except that she was already on probation.
Think of that...Scientists are considering invisible particles of energy as the causers of the big bang.:roll:

As opposed to invisible angry sky daddy.
Yes, she is. But we don't know anything yet about this girl, nothing except that she has been in continual trouble for the past two years except that she was already on probation.

You put a biped in a situation that punishes them for being a biped, the best possible outcome is exactly what just happened in this case.
She msy have been told never to wear it to school again. This wasn't at school. So unless they told her to never wear it to a restaurant, thst's a canard.

She may have...and unless. In other words, you don't know any more than I do, and you're only speculating.
Yes, she is. But we don't know anything yet about this girl, nothing except that she has been in continual trouble for the past two years except that she was already on probation.

Good point. It could be she was expelled as a result of a culmination of misdeeds. A lot of times, I find that stories have been sensationalized, but when the facts come out -- it's a different story all together.
I can only use personal experience as proof.
So you don’t have any (plus your anecdotes relate to behaviour of individual professors in colleges, not the implementation of established policies in schools). I’d already replied to your question to say that if a school did the same kind of thing on the basis of any ideology, I’d question them in the same way. You ignored my answer and continued as if you’d proven something.

Do teachers teach ideology? Yes. Do teachers punish those who don't participate in their ideology? Yes.
Sometimes I’m sure. If you’re objecting to that on general principle, shouldn’t your objection extend to the case that led to the thread in the first place? You (falsely) accused me of treating other ideologies differently but you’ve not made it clear that you’re not just doing the opposite.

Of course, none of this really have anything to do with my original point which was regardless of the ideologies, rules, policies or past behaviours involved, what could actually deemed wrong with the photograph in question?
Yeah, if the issue is homosexuality, then that's the epitome of compassionate. :roll:

Or really, the most amount of "compassion" anyone should really expect from a religious body/organization, for the most part. Especially in regards to someone like me, 'cause they'd be kicking me to the curve.

Yes, they probably would. And shame on your parents, then, had they enrolled you in a Baptist-run school which explicitly states its view on homosexuality.
Good point, which makes me wonder, what do you know about the two years of “disciplinary problems”? Because you’re defending the schools actions as if you have some inside knowledge.

No, I am not. I have repeatedly said that I don't know and that nobody else does either. And I have read the school's handbook's relevant sections in their entirety. I have also explicitly stated at least twice in this thread that FERPA constrains what the school can say. All any of us know is that the student has been in trouble continually for two years and that there was a meeting on October 17th.

So just to be sure that you get it this time, none of us know squat about the particulars. The school cannot, under federal law, speak about it.
You put a biped in a situation that punishes them for being a biped, the best possible outcome is exactly what just happened in this case.

But we don't know exactly what happened.
But we don't know exactly what happened.

She was expelled (or, more accurately, "allowed to withdraw"), and she is now going to a public school where she can have a normal life. As opposed to constantly being hammered for not conforming to a strict theocratic environment.

So, IMO, this ended well. She escaped.
She was expelled (or, more accurately, "allowed to withdraw"), and she is now going to a public school where she can have a normal life. As opposed to constantly being hammered for not conforming to a strict theocratic environment.

So, IMO, this ended well. She escaped.

Too bad then that her parents put her in this position in the first place. Which begs the question, of course, of why she was enrolled two+ years ago.
Too bad then that her parents put her in this position in the first place. Which begs the question, of course, of why she was enrolled two+ years ago.

Ever since Brown v Board of Education, the evangelical right has been taught that public schools consist entirely of scary black gangbangers.

So they think they're being good parents when they enroll their kids in some straitjacketed evangelical hellhole.
Leave it to Christian loons to deem sweaters and cakes iimmoral.

Leftist barbarians have trouble understanding how Christian schools instill morality in their students, especially if the barbarians think morality is a sin.
Leftist barbarians have trouble understanding how Christian schools instill morality in their students, especially if the barbarians think morality is a sin.

Christian schools don't instill morality. They instill fear and unthinking obedience.

A madrassa is a madrassa, no matter which flavor of religion it represents.
Are you seriously denying that gays didn't exist 3500 to 4000 years ago?

I'm talking about rainbows, not gay pride. Why are you so interested in gay pride? Do you support it? Or do you stand on the sidelines of every parade and tell your male friends how disgusting it is?

God is everything and therefore always relevant. Man's interpretation of God depends upon the man, such as your interpretation God is irrelevant in some areas such as this one.

Now your just burping non sequiturs. If your unmoored rhetorical question was intended as a response to an ancient Jewish reminder of the divine's covenant with life, then you've lost it - no one was discussing whether or not homosexuals existed 40 centuries ago.

Feel free to "talk about rainbows" all you wish (including, it would seem, seeing God in Napoleon Ice Cream) but if you think that is what this op is about then we have nothing to discuss.

I've given you ample opportunity to avoid embarrassing yourself with simple-minded chatter by demonstrating factual error in my two primary assertions. You have failed.

So I'm moving on.
LOL. YOu just described the school.Seriously learn how to troll if you are going to do it, this is just pathetic

A school is in the business of teaching kids what the administrators intend the kids to be taught. How is that enforcement of compliance a bad thing?
Well here we are almost 600 posts in and the jist of things remind in the same spot . . some are trying to muddy the waters but they have completely failed

the private school has a right to make its rules as it sees fit

the majorty here feel any rule that deems this shirt and cake below being worn off-campus at a personal birthday celebration as a violation is mentally bat**** insane and completely illogical!!

I agree with the majority!

in my personal opinion, I'm also am happy that the girl no longer goes to such a deranged facility, and any parent keeping their child there also has serious screws loose. I feel bad for any child subjected to such vile evil indoctrination. Completely loony bird stuff like this has no place in education.
Christian schools don't instill morality. They instill fear and unthinking obedience.

A madrassa is a madrassa, no matter which flavor of religion it represents.

Here in America Christians teach their children the beliefs and values taught in the Bible. We do not support Muslim schools but here in the US we tend to allow Muslims to do their thing in compliance with Constitutional rights to exercise their religion as they see fit.
Here in America Christians teach their children the beliefs and values taught in the Bible. We do not support Muslim schools but here in the US we tend to allow Muslims to do their thing in compliance with Constitutional rights to exercise their religion as they see fit.

We already know you obviously are not from our country lol but you can keep trying to convince people otherwise if you like. Also you do not in anyway speak for American Christians. Lastly, your statement above is FACTUALLY wrong. Disagree? prove otherwise . . you wont cause you cant . . another posted lie of yours totally goes down in flames for all to see LMAO
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Here in America Christians teach their children the beliefs and values taught in the Bible. We do not support Muslim schools but here in the US we tend to allow Muslims to do their thing in compliance with Constitutional rights to exercise their religion as they see fit.
Lovely. Teaching the values of a book filled with murder, revenge, spite, vengeful gods, rape, talking snakes and pillaging. Great reading material for children. E2A96529-CA7E-4950-8AFE-4FC93A16B5C5.jpg
A school is in the business of teaching kids what the administrators intend the kids to be taught. How is that enforcement of compliance a bad thing?

Teaching them things like "exile anyone who doesn't conform to our religious indoctrination?"

That's a bad thing.
Here in America Christians teach their children the beliefs and values taught in the Bible. We do not support Muslim schools but here in the US we tend to allow Muslims to do their thing in compliance with Constitutional rights to exercise their religion as they see fit.

Correct. Muslims have a right to practice their religion. That doesn't mean I have to personally approve of every single thing they'd like to teach or do.

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