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christian saying hello! (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
I'm 16 and 8.5 months and live in maryland. I thought I'd dip my toes in these waters and debate a bit so please don't bite hehe. :lol: I have 2 lovely cats named sammy and peaches. Sammy is a 15 year old male, Peaches is a 6 year old female.


I love it, 1 thing though, i am strongly opinionated about abortion, I am against abortion except in the case of the mother's life being in danger. However, i'm willing to debate about it.
Welcome, welcome.
Thanks for joining up.
We're glad to have you.

:tink: Tashah

Hello Aurora151989!:2wave:

Welcome to Debate Politics! :)

I think it is great when young adults show interest in Politics and jump in - even if to discuss.
I think a welcome is in order lol! Welcome to Debate Politics. Debate your heart out!;)
Aurora151989 said:
I'm 16 and 8.5 months and live in maryland. I thought I'd dip my toes in these waters and debate a bit so please don't bite hehe. :lol: I have 2 lovely cats named sammy and peaches. Sammy is a 15 year old male, Peaches is a 6 year old female.


I love it, 1 thing though, i am strongly opinionated about abortion, I am against abortion except in the case of the mother's life being in danger. However, i'm willing to debate about it.

Welcome. I take it you are a female?
Hello Aurora151989... Welcome! I am new here also. I used to live not far from Cumberland...God's Country.
welcome, new poster!!!!!!!!so glad to have you....the more opinions...the merrier.....

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