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Cholesterol (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
A blue state
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Woo hoo, I got my blood work back from my check-up. I'm happy to say my cholesterol (total) was 116!
Woo hoo, I got my blood work back from my check-up. I'm happy to say my cholesterol (total) was 116!

Same as mine when I had it checked a few weeks ago.

It was well over 200 a year ago. I went on medication, and started eating oatmeal for breakfast, and a generally better diet.

If my cholesterol and triglycerides are just as low or lower at my next checkup, I'm gonna ask the doc about going off the medication. I really don't like taking any medication that isn't absolutely necessary.
Same as mine when I had it checked a few weeks ago.

It was well over 200 a year ago. I went on medication, and started eating oatmeal for breakfast, and a generally better diet.

If my cholesterol and triglycerides are just as low or lower at my next checkup, I'm gonna ask the doc about going off the medication. I really don't like taking any medication that isn't absolutely necessary.

That's great. My mother has high cholesterol (definitely over 200), so it's good I don't. I actually ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning (with some earth balance (non-dairy margarine...has omega 3's in it), some maple syrup, and cinnamon).
Same as mine when I had it checked a few weeks ago.

It was well over 200 a year ago. I went on medication, and started eating oatmeal for breakfast, and a generally better diet.

If my cholesterol and triglycerides are just as low or lower at my next checkup, I'm gonna ask the doc about going off the medication. I really don't like taking any medication that isn't absolutely necessary.

Statins are bad for you. Other than cholesterol I don't have anything else going on. I told the doc no pills for me.
Statins are bad for you. Other than cholesterol I don't have anything else going on. I told the doc no pills for me.

I dropped my cholesterol 80 pts using digestive enzyme supplements. It was accidental trying to address stomach issues.
My brother who's 15 years younger than me was on cholesterol meds until I talked him into taking up mt biking. Now he's a biking machine and off all his meds. Exercise truly is the fountain of youth.
Just got a call from my doc, my most recent blood tests were in, turns out that I now have "low" cholesterol (40) and triglycerides (71). I asked her if I should start eating more Big Macs, she told me to continue to stay way from McDonalds, but to go off my meds instead.
Eat more fiber foods to control your cholesterol level.
Take more fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts etc. to control the bad level of the cholesterol and support your heart.
Eat more fiber foods to control your cholesterol level.
Take more fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts etc. to control the bad level of the cholesterol and support your heart.
Last time I had a lipid panel done was last year.

Triglycerides 71
Total Cholesterol 164
HDL 86
LDL 75
HDL/LDL ratio 1.9

Doc says those are excellent numbers and to just keep doing whatever I've been doing. Which in my case is a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, no smoking and alcohol only in moderation.
Statins are bad for you. Other than cholesterol I don't have anything else going on. I told the doc no pills for me.
Statins can cause increased liver enzyme and blood sugar levels. That could lead to type II diabetes.

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