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China is facing its biggest COVID-19 outbreak since 2020 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Karma or because China had such strict lockdowns that their population never allowed Delta to run its course?

  • The country has worked hard to implement lockdowns, restrictions and containment measures to keep the virus from spreading rapidly as it has done across the world, according to Nature.
  • China has implemented “strict social distancing, mass testing, lockdowns and largely closed borders” which “have been effective at preventing the coronavirus from overwhelming the hospital system,” The Washington Post reports.

Karma or because China had such strict lockdowns that their population never allowed Delta to run its course?

  • The country has worked hard to implement lockdowns, restrictions and containment measures to keep the virus from spreading rapidly as it has done across the world, according to Nature.
  • China has implemented “strict social distancing, mass testing, lockdowns and largely closed borders” which “have been effective at preventing the coronavirus from overwhelming the hospital system,” The Washington Post reports.

Their vaccine turned out to be crap.
China should be more careful about their virus lab security. You never know when a little bug will come back to bite you.
The cloth fashion masks with silkscreen patterns should contain it.
China is what happens when you believe your leaders have your best interests at heart.
Karma or because China had such strict lockdowns that their population never allowed Delta to run its course?

  • The country has worked hard to implement lockdowns, restrictions and containment measures to keep the virus from spreading rapidly as it has done across the world, according to Nature.
  • China has implemented “strict social distancing, mass testing, lockdowns and largely closed borders” which “have been effective at preventing the coronavirus from overwhelming the hospital system,” The Washington Post reports.

Or they just never healed the people and it continued to spread.
Karma or because China had such strict lockdowns that their population never allowed Delta to run its course?

  • The country has worked hard to implement lockdowns, restrictions and containment measures to keep the virus from spreading rapidly as it has done across the world, according to Nature.
  • China has implemented “strict social distancing, mass testing, lockdowns and largely closed borders” which “have been effective at preventing the coronavirus from overwhelming the hospital system,” The Washington Post reports.

Scary; 1100 cases among a population of 1.5 billion.
WHO approved it and it was sold worldwide.
It had a positive effect that outweighed it’s risks. China’s vaccine was 50% effective, Astrozenica was 60% while ours were 90%.

M&P are 5x better than the Chinese vaccines and they were only about 50% effective against Omnicron. Considering how spiked the curve was I think virtually everyone in the US was exposed. The same thing is going to happen to China and they have very little vaccinated immunity or natural.

(A zero tolerance policy made sense in 2020, not in 2021. Once vaccines were available it was important to mitigate but with an eye toward some sort of normality)
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It had a positive effect that outweighed it’s risks. China’s vaccine was 50% effective, Astrozenica was 60% while ours were 90%.

M&P are 5x better than the Chinese vaccines and they were only about 50% effective against Omnicron. Considering how spiked the curve was I think virtually everyone in the US was exposed. The same thing is going to happen to China and they have very little vaccinated immunity or natural.
My theory is the lockdown in China led to as you say no natural immunity and when the lockdown ended the virus was there patiently waiting.
My theory is the lockdown in China led to as you say no natural immunity and when the lockdown ended the virus was there patiently waiting.
Exactly, it’s like damning a river of potential disease energy. If you just let it build you’ll eventually break the damn with catastrophic effects.

Once you had a means to mitigate it you need a way to keep your population exposed in a controlled way. Open things up when disease is low, mitigate when high.

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