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China has declared part of Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geograp (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
as I predicted ! China will take advantage of Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....

China has declared part of Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.

THERE is the only one "Unequal Treaty" Which remains in force today, Which one ? and What does it mean for Moscow ?)
Outer Manchuria, refers to a region of Russia[1] in Northeast Asia that historically formed part of Manchuria, and now constitutes the southern part of the Russian Far East. Manchuria, which more normatively refers to Northeast China, originally included areas in present-day Moscow Manchuria. Control of areas within the region was ceded to the Moscow Empire by the Qing China during the Amur Annexation in the 1858 Treaty of Aigun and 1860 Treaty of Peking,[4] with the term 'Moscow Manchuria' arising after the Moscow annexation.

as I predicted ! China will take advantage of Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....

China has declared part of Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.

THERE is the only one "Unequal Treaty" Which remains in force today, Which one ? and What does it mean for Moscow ?)
Outer Manchuria, refers to a region of Russia[1] in Northeast Asia that historically formed part of Manchuria, and now constitutes the southern part of the Russian Far East. Manchuria, which more normatively refers to Northeast China, originally included areas in present-day Moscow Manchuria. Control of areas within the region was ceded to the Moscow Empire by the Qing China during the Amur Annexation in the 1858 Treaty of Aigun and 1860 Treaty of Peking,[4] with the term 'Moscow Manchuria' arising after the Moscow annexation.
View attachment 67465619

Throughly meaningless, as China wants Taiwan far more than anything else.
Throughly meaningless, as China wants Taiwan far more than anything else.
It shows how China sees Russian territory. Since most of the world is refusing to do business with Russia after the Ukraine invasion, I suppose there is little else Russia can do but take it on the chin. They can't survive without China.
It shows how China sees Russian territory. Since most of the world is refusing to do business with Russia after the Ukraine invasion, I suppose there is little else Russia can do but take it on the chin. They can't survive without China.

Most of the world does not care, and a Chinese invasion would led to Beijing going up in a nuclear fireball….something the Chinese know full well.
Stupid commies.
Stupid commies.

Most of the world does not care, and a Chinese invasion would led to Beijing going up in a nuclear fireball….something the Chinese know full well.

I hope they start fighting and degrade each other's military.
Throughly meaningless, as China wants Taiwan far more than anything else.

In 10 years we will let them have it. None of us will care about Taiwan anymore.
In 10 years we will let them have it. None of us will care about Taiwan anymore.

Short of the US devolving into large scale internal clashes itself I don’t know about that.
Short of the US devolving into large scale internal clashes itself I don’t know about that.

Our official position is that Taiwan is China.

Once we don't need their manufacturing anymore, we won't be sending anything but thoughts and prayers to Taiwan.

No they didn’t. They fought a single set of border skirmish’s, which very nearly escalated into a nuclear exchange.
Our official position is that Taiwan is China.

Once we don't need their manufacturing anymore, we won't be sending anything but thoughts and prayers to Taiwan.

Any president who agreed to just hand over Taiwan could wave bye bye to any hope of winning re-election.
Any president who agreed to just hand over Taiwan could wave bye bye to any hope of winning re-election.

The only reason the public cares is because it might makes our stuff cost more, or give China more control over the stuff we buy.

Once that isn't an issue, we won't care.
The only reason the public cares is because it might makes our stuff cost more, or give China more control over the stuff we buy.

Once that isn't an issue, we won't care.

The reason the public cares is because China is openly seen as a threat to American interests, and is, in fact, a g genocidal dictatorship.
The reason the public cares is because China is openly seen as a threat to American interests, and is, in fact, a g genocidal dictatorship.

Yes, and once Taiwan is no longer part of our interests, we won't care.

China is not a threat to our security. They never will be.

Taiwan is China. That is the US official position. We won't even have to change anything, we will just pretend like it never happened.
Yes, and once Taiwan is no longer part of our interests, we won't care.

China is not a threat to our security. They never will be.

Taiwan is China. That is the US official position. We won't even have to change anything, we will just pretend like it never happened.

Yes we will, because China being able to take over Taiwan would be seen as an immense defeat to the US given our decades long policy of protecting them.

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