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"China? C'mon man" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Yes Joe China. You better wake up before it's too late. Democrats attacked Trump for his tariffs and his policies to decouple from china but you need to not only reinstate Trump policy, you need to double down.

"On Feb. 4, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, announced that China and Russia had signed an extensive security pact – 5,000 words, very detailed – with each side pledging to the other that they would support mutual efforts to supplant the United States as the world's primary power and make the world safe for the survival of Russian and Chinese tyranny."

"This pact should be a warning call that this is not the case and that the free world, and the United States in particular, will have to take seriously the imperative of vigilance across the board, dealing with this threat.

We've already seen manifestations of it already. China is enabling Putin's invasion of Ukraine, blunting the effects of sanctions. And Putin, likewise, has embraced China's implacable determination to subjugate Taiwan. This is in many ways a 21st century version of a dangerous gangster pact known as the Nazi-Soviet Pact, consummated between two rogue regimes in August of 1939."

Maybe our senile scarecrow of a President could get a brain from the all powerful Wizard of Oz?

Maybe our senile scarecrow of a President could get a brain from the all powerful Wizard of Oz?

Biden is too busy worrying about so called climate change and alphabet soup sex designations. No time for China. "C'mon man"
Yes Joe China. You better wake up before it's too late. Democrats attacked Trump for his tariffs and his policies to decouple from china but you need to not only reinstate Trump policy, you need to double down.

"On Feb. 4, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, announced that China and Russia had signed an extensive security pact – 5,000 words, very detailed – with each side pledging to the other that they would support mutual efforts to supplant the United States as the world's primary power and make the world safe for the survival of Russian and Chinese tyranny."

"This pact should be a warning call that this is not the case and that the free world, and the United States in particular, will have to take seriously the imperative of vigilance across the board, dealing with this threat.

We've already seen manifestations of it already. China is enabling Putin's invasion of Ukraine, blunting the effects of sanctions. And Putin, likewise, has embraced China's implacable determination to subjugate Taiwan. This is in many ways a 21st century version of a dangerous gangster pact known as the Nazi-Soviet Pact, consummated between two rogue regimes in August of 1939."

A line is being drawn and the nations of the world are lining up on either side of that line.

The US leads a group of nations on one side and China leads a group of nations on the other side.

It would be nice if the next world war can be delayed until after I'm dead and gone.
We need to get a rational Conservative back in the White House. Biden is like having Gomer Pile in the WH. Democrats are too weak and woke to deal with emerging and existing geopolitical issues.
Maybe our senile scarecrow of a President could get a brain from the all powerful Wizard of Oz?

Isn't your post a bit like the pot calling the kettle black Grandpapy?
Isn't your post a bit like the pot calling the kettle black Grandpapy?
His post is about who's behind the curtain telling Biden what to do and say. Whatever you think of Trump policies they were his and his alone and he saw how dangerous China was as Biden said "c'mon man". Trump policies are aging well.
His post is about who's behind the curtain telling Biden what to do and say. Whatever you think of Trump policies they were his and his alone and he saw how dangerous China was as Biden said "c'mon man". Trump policies are aging well.
I'm sick of the ageist b.s. comments. Calling Biden senile isn't an answer to the question. The fact that you're responding to my post helps prove mine.
I'm sick of the ageist b.s. comments. Calling Biden senile isn't an answer to the question. The fact that you're responding to my post helps prove mine.
I’m sure you are sick of the fact that our president doesn’t seem to have a firm grasp of reality. I’m sick of it to not to mention terrified.
We need to get a rational Conservative back in the White House. Biden is like having Gomer Pile in the WH. Democrats are too weak and woke to deal with emerging and existing geopolitical issues.
Why are you making fun of Gomer Pyle?
Yeah, that's believable. Scared of your shadow too?
Anyone who’s not terrified about what Biden has done is doing will do is either as stupid as he is or not paying attention.
Anyone who’s not terrified about what Biden has done is doing will do is either as stupid as he is or not paying attention.
Lmao. I'm going on a ride to Sedona in June. That's my only concern right now Hardly something to be frightened of. Again, you're not believable.
Lmao. I'm going on a ride to Sedona in June. That's my only concern right now Hardly something to be frightened of. Again, you're not believable.
I used to love Sedona but it’s way too crowded now.
Not as crowded as Reno.

Things are just fine. Your fear of politics excepted.
Reno is a city and you expect it to be crowded. I used to love camping, hiking and biking the Sedona area but it's become a circus with bumper to bumper traffic and once remote areas I used to camp with nobody else around are clogged with boondockers and ATV traffic on the once quiet dirt roads. I feel fortunate to know what it was like back then. Same thing with Moab and the surrounding area.
I’m sure you are sick of the fact that our president doesn’t seem to have a firm grasp of reality. I’m sick of it to not to mention terrified.

Yes- we need to go back and get a grasp on reality. We can start by going back to looking for Obama’s secret birth certificate for another six years straight. I hear we’re not gonna believe what Trump stop people were finding on it! Then we can nuke some hurricanes and stick bleach up our behinds to treat Covid.
Yes- we need to go back and get a grasp on reality. We can start by going back to looking for Obama’s secret birth certificate for another six years straight. I hear we’re not gonna believe what Trump stop people were finding on it! Then we can nuke some hurricanes and stick bleach up our behinds to treat Covid.
“But Trump “ lol
Are right wingers under some weird ass impression that tariffs would have prevented this?
more foxnews from the OP
We need to get a rational Conservative back in the White House. Biden is like having Gomer Pile in the WH. Democrats are too weak and woke to deal with emerging and existing geopolitical issues.

Watching Biden was ignored and wandering aimlessly around the room during the Obama love fest celebrating the anniversary of the ACA.

A POTUS ignored by the Washington elite. It's obvious what the folks who know believe about this empty suit.

WOW! I mean, WOW!

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