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Chi-com propaganda from Chi-com TikTok! (1 Viewer)


America First Populist
DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning

Polluting young impressionable, lazy ass minds is their goal! And there are no commies here. Nope. None at all!

"Like many young adults, I used to want an enjoyable and meaningful life," Rama says with a smile, "that is, until I discovered capitalism.

"Now, I live in a society where my productivity matters more than my well-being, and so I'm just depressed and anxious all the time. I'm smiling, but I'm deeply wounded. I work three jobs, and I still feel like I'm not doing enough."

Anti-capitalism is taking over TikTok as users like Rama denounce America's glorification of the rat race. The pandemic prompted many American workers to rethink their life's purpose, and the youngest among them are questioning a life that endlessly pursues the next accomplishment."

The glorious communist Utopia!


Progressives, this is your end game. You may not know it yet.

Polluting young impressionable, lazy ass minds is their goal! And there are no commies here. Nope. None at all!

"Like many young adults, I used to want an enjoyable and meaningful life," Rama says with a smile, "that is, until I discovered capitalism.

"Now, I live in a society where my productivity matters more than my well-being, and so I'm just depressed and anxious all the time. I'm smiling, but I'm deeply wounded. I work three jobs, and I still feel like I'm not doing enough."

Anti-capitalism is taking over TikTok as users like Rama denounce America's glorification of the rat race. The pandemic prompted many American workers to rethink their life's purpose, and the youngest among them are questioning a life that endlessly pursues the next accomplishment."

The glorious communist Utopia!


Progressives, this is your end game. You may not know it yet.

What prominent progressive is out here promoting trying to become a TikTok superstar?

Hell, if we are being completely honest, TikTok is the conservative capitalist wet dream....come up with something someone is willing to pay you to do and get yours, right? Were it not simply for your age, I would be surprised to see you complaining about it.

Polluting young impressionable, lazy ass minds is their goal! And there are no commies here. Nope. None at all!

"Like many young adults, I used to want an enjoyable and meaningful life," Rama says with a smile, "that is, until I discovered capitalism.

"Now, I live in a society where my productivity matters more than my well-being, and so I'm just depressed and anxious all the time. I'm smiling, but I'm deeply wounded. I work three jobs, and I still feel like I'm not doing enough."

Anti-capitalism is taking over TikTok as users like Rama denounce America's glorification of the rat race. The pandemic prompted many American workers to rethink their life's purpose, and the youngest among them are questioning a life that endlessly pursues the next accomplishment."

The glorious communist Utopia!


Progressives, this is your end game. You may not know it yet.
The person in question doesn't live in a communist society (nor does anyone). The 3 jobs he has to work to survive are in a capitalist system.

I'm not sure bringing attention to how many Americans work multiple jobs but can still barely survive is making the argument you think it is.
I think the OP is retired and sits on his couch and collects social security and uses medicare when he goes to the doctor.

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