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Challenge for the atheists (1 Viewer)


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Jan 5, 2006
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I have some questions for the atheists....

say a challenge.

How do you know you exist?

What constitutes existance?

What constitutes reality?

and if you use science to justify your existance...

How do you rely on limited human knowledge of the Physics of this physical universe when another dimension goes by another set of rules.

God is all powerful and made man with the gift of choice.And he only made an option for salvation from his son Jesus by faith NOT SCIENCE(evidence by our senses). Don't you think he could have made the universe so that you would never find a way to "prove" his existance other than by faith.

Its like asking a programmer/software engineer if they can make a game that is only in black and white. And people that buy the game have it in black and white but only the ones that put in the code get to play it in High def color with multiplayer.Now the code is known but it requires people to lvl up to lvl 99 max items all quests in the game done on ultra hard more....do this 3 times and erase the game.The game takes 150 hours to complete. Once you start your new game there you have your HD color game with online multiplayer.Now you can't show this HD mode to anyone.Now have several thousand player's guides,fake imitations and counterfiet FUD based hoaxes, other misinfo trolls and ultra cynical game review experts and paid-off media news sights saying its a fake,a hoax, a rumor,and wishful thinking...Its the same thing.
Red-Phase said:
I have some questions for the atheists....

say a challenge.

How do you know you exist?

What constitutes existance?

What constitutes reality?

and if you use science to justify your existance...

How do you rely on limited human knowledge of the Physics of this physical universe when another dimension goes by another set of rules.

Ooooo philosophical. I did a bit of philosophy 101.

According to philosophy we don't know we exist, nor can we really prove we exist.

What constitutes reality? Simple. Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste, Touch. If we do anything with the five sense are brain tells you it is real. But the five senses are nothing but electrical signals interupted by our brain, we can be affected chemically (drugs) or by techonology (3D movies).

People put their faith in science, some in religion. What is the difference in the end? Both types have faith, they just disagree and declare each other wrong.

Why is one religion right and the others wrong? When they all induce faith, and encourage to help you become a better person.
GarzaUK said:
Ooooo philosophical. I did a bit of philosophy 101.

According to philosophy we don't know we exist, nor can we really prove we exist.

What constitutes reality? Simple. Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste, Touch. If we do anything with the five sense are brain tells you it is real. But the five senses are nothing but electrical signals interupted by our brain, we can be affected chemically (drugs) or by techonology (3D movies).

People put their faith in science, some in religion. What is the difference in the end? Both types have faith, they just disagree and declare each other wrong.

Why is one religion right and the others wrong? When they all induce faith, and encourage to help you become a better person.

What happens when there is something we cannot detect through our 5 senses.

Is this something not real?
How do you know you exist?
I think(a little). I feel. I taste. I see. Etc. etc.
What constitutes existance?
What constitutes reality?
How do you rely on limited human knowledge of the Physics of this physical universe when another dimension goes by another set of rules.
Even though the knowledge is limited, its better than just guessing everything.
God is all powerful and made man with the gift of choice.And he only made an option for salvation from his son Jesus by faith NOT SCIENCE
You're assuming there is a god, I really have no faith in anyything, except my senses.
How do you know you exist?

Silly question. I don't know whether I exist, because I don't know the degrees existence might hold.

What constitutes existance?

Unknown. Some state of being, whether something is, or is not, in one way or another.

What constitutes reality?

That which surrounds us, is observable by us, of which we might or not, arguably be part.

How do you rely on limited human knowledge of the Physics of this physical universe when another dimension goes by another set of rules.

I am unaware of such a dimension. Besides, how do I rely on it? You typed this into a computer, so you are relying on it as well. I rely on it when I go to sleep, when I wake up, when I masturbate, and when I tapdance for the "United Nations Tapdancing Foundation". Such thoughts of doubt have been seen in the greatest of thinkers.. Socrates, Nietzsche... Me...

Mr U
Red-Phase said:
I have some questions for the atheists....

Ok, I'm waiting.

say a challenge.

I'm up for a challenge.

How do you know you exist?

Because I can reason, I can think, I can feel. I have inalienable rights. Plus, I have a social security card, and a photo Id.:lol:

What constitutes existance?

I would say living, breathing. We are merely travelers in time, time does not exist in itself.

What constitutes reality?

Something that can be observed, felt.

and if you use science to justify your existance...

Well I'm certainll not going to use a Dr. Seuss book.:lol:

How do you rely on limited human knowledge of the Physics of this physical universe when another dimension goes by another set of rules.

Cause that's all we have.

God is all powerful

Then why did he lose a wrestling match?

and made man with the gift of choice.

Ok buddy. I'm not that gullible, ok. He is guilty of "entrapment". By planting a forbidden tree in a garden, telling Adam and Even not to eat from it (he is lying when he says they'll persish from eating it), then punishing them for exploring this very world he placed us in, doesn't sound like an entity worth worshipping.:lol: Dude, tht's a bit like placing a loaded gun in front of a child, and punishing the child for murdering someone.

And he only made an option for salvation from his son Jesus by faith NOT SCIENCE(evidence by our senses).

Bald assertion. You cannot prove there even was a man named Jesus, so you're not being completely honest with us here.

Don't you think he could have made the universe so that you would never find a way to "prove" his existance other than by faith.

Dude, if he was so perfect, he would have made no doubt to his existence, so unless you have undoctured pictures of you and this "god" fellow stnding toe to toe, you're being quite dishonest.
Red-Phase said:
How do you know you exist?

What constitutes existance?

What constitutes reality?
These exact same questions could be asked of a theist. This is a Cartesian form of thinking that could be proffered with his axiom "cogito ergo sum". One needs a working definition of existence and reality.

Here's the working definition from Merriam Webster:
the state or fact of having being especially independently of human consciousness and as contrasted with nonexistence b : the manner of being that is common to every mode of being c : being with respect to a limiting condition or under a particular aspect

The basis of my corporal being, tangible qualities, and affects on my environs is proof enough for me. Could I be in a Matrix, a Gumdrop Candyland, an alternate reality, or a daydream? Anything's possible but what we need to realize here is what Occam's Razor's theory has posited. The simplest answer is most likely the correct one.
shuamort said:
These exact same questions could be asked of a theist. This is a Cartesian form of thinking that could be proffered with his axiom "cogito ergo sum". One needs a working definition of existence and reality.

Exactly. Atheists and Theists share the exact same fundamental faith - like most people do - that reality is indeed real. That faith and the "Faith with a big F" (as I call it) that religion requires are entirely different.

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