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Census finds record gap between rich and poor (1 Viewer)

How does any true Libertarian believe that Obama is a better President than GW Bush? That flies in the face of the basic principles of being a Libertarian. Obama is a Libertarian nightmare, massive expansion of govt. and regulations.

I agree. Both President Bush and President Obama have a policy that I do not want or agree with. President Bush had more things I didnt like.
I disagree-libertarians believe in laws that make real crime illegal-I have never met a libertarian who is against laws prohibiting murder, robbery forcible rape, breaking and entering, assault, or even slander illegal. its stuff like prostitution, smoking reefer that they oppose since those are really victimless crimes. I have never met a libertarian who wants to abolish all taxation either.

You are right, that was too strong, my apology. Libertarians believe in smaller govt, lower taxes, and few regulations which is contrary to Obama.
How does any true Libertarian believe that Obama is a better President than GW Bush? That flies in the face of the basic principles of being a Libertarian. Obama is a Libertarian nightmare, massive expansion of govt. and regulations.

There are some fake libertarians on this board.
I agree. Both President Bush and President Obama have a policy that I do not want or agree with. President Bush had more things I didnt like.

Obama has been in office two years so tell me what he has done that you like?
do you know that 80% of all diners or retaurants fail within the first year of their founding? big or little businesses can fail. hating big business reeks of ignorant populist nonsense. big business can be good or bad but its moronic to say all big business is bad

I helped give out 500 million about 4 years back to jump start small businesses. I reviewed the applications and helped select the ones that had the best chance of success. Business plans, ROA, SWAT, ect. We expected about the same. One in five.
Obama has been in office two years so tell me what he has done that you like?

The whole runway thing, the gift card thing, the fast food thing. Those were all ok.
The whole runway thing, the gift card thing, the fast food thing. Those were all ok.

Wow, really important economic and national security issues, meaty issues that I am sure are at the top of the list of most Americans. Deficit, jobs, economic growth pale in comparision.
Wow, really important economic and national security issues, meaty issues that I am sure are at the top of the list of most Americans. Deficit, jobs, economic growth pale in comparision.

yeah that's like saying What did you like about Hitler that caused you to support him

1) He had a neat moustache

2) I think goose-stepping marches are cool

3) His car was well made
Wow, really important economic and national security issues, meaty issues that I am sure are at the top of the list of most Americans. Deficit, jobs, economic growth pale in comparision.

I was being honest
yeah that's like saying What did you like about Hitler that caused you to support him

1) He had a neat moustache

2) I think goose-stepping marches are cool

3) His car was well made

Who doesnt like goose-stepping marches.
You think being poor is comfortable.

Those are both relative terms, but in this case, yeah. I think so. If you set out free food, someone will always eat it. Feeding people who can feed themselves is not conducive to a successful society.
I was being honest

I know you were and that is what made it funny. With all the problems we have in this country those issues seem quite small but to each their own. Myself I look at the economic results, jobs, and record deficits as enough to claim that Bush did a better job. Remember the recession ended in June 2009 and here we are in 2010 with unemployment higher each month than it was each month of 2009. Doubt many of those people care about the runway issue, credit cards, and that gift card thing.
I know you were and that is what made it funny. With all the problems we have in this country those issues seem quite small but to each their own. Myself I look at the economic results, jobs, and record deficits as enough to claim that Bush did a better job. Remember the recession ended in June 2009 and here we are in 2010 with unemployment higher each month than it was each month of 2009. Doubt many of those people care about the runway issue, credit cards, and that gift card thing.

Im not a President Obama supporter. I do have to wonder how you can defend President Bush and attack President Obama on any economic plan.

I know you will not agree but the country was in economic decline when President Obama took office. The stock market went from 14,164 to 6,547 in just a few months. Thats 46% of what it was worth. The housing market crashed and is still a mess. Auto Manufacturing companys were on the brink of going out of business after being around for decades. In fact almost every industry in the United States is still shaking after what is being reffered to as the Great Recession.

Yet you can claim that non of this matters. That the whole issue with the economy is all President Obamas fault. Did you watch TV in 2008. Dont you remember all of the crisis this doom that. It just makes no sense. Every time you complain about the economy President Bush owns part of it.
=ender1;1059064155]Im not a President Obama supporter. I do have to wonder how you can defend President Bush and attack President Obama on any economic plan.

You have to ask why and you claim to be a libertarian? I am not sure you know what it means to be a Libertarian. This far left President is the exact opposite of a Libertarian and there is nothing in his major economic agenda that I support. The question is why do you? You like having 3 trillion added t0 the debt in 2 years, an additional 4 million unemployed, and meagar economic growth?

I know you will not agree but the country was in economic decline when President Obama took office. The stock market went from 14,164 to 6,547 in just a few months. Thats 46% of what it was worth. The housing market crashed and is still a mess. Auto Manufacturing companys were on the brink of going out of business after being around for decades. In fact almost every industry in the United States is still shaking after what is being reffered to as the Great Recession.

We were in an financial crisis when Obama took office and Obama was part of creating the problem unless of course you don't think Congress plays any role in economic policy. They controlled the legislative process and the purse strings. It was CRA passed by Carter and then changed under Clinton that led to the sub prime mortgage crisis. Interesting how facts get in the way of personal opinions and that brainwashing from the media. I posted the economic results of GW Bush that came from the non partisan Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics. Interesting how no one wants to address those actual results but instead stick to talking points.

Yet you can claim that non of this matters. That the whole issue with the economy is all President Obamas fault. Did you watch TV in 2008. Dont you remember all of the crisis this doom that. It just makes no sense. Every time you complain about the economy President Bush owns part of it.

No where did I say that Bush didn't have some responsibility as did the Congress of which Obama was part. His economic policy has made things worse and that is why his approval rating hit a record low today. He won the election with 52% of the vote, today his approval ratings are in the low 40's and in some upper 30's. That means he lost 10-14% of those that supported him. Why? You can only blame Bush so long until the people wake up and ask what have you done to make things better. You wanted the job, you campaigned for years to get the job and yet you still blame Bush.

Name for me one President, just one, that had job losses over a year after a recession ended? Name for me one President that had trillion dollar deficits? Obama is in way over his head and the results show it.
It's a phenomenon called cognitive dissonance.

Have you bothered to check out the actual economic results from non partisan sites like the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics to see if what you are told by the media and Obama is accurate? Did you know that Bush had an economy that had 52 straight months of economic growth and job creation? Did you know that Bush had economic growth of 4.5 trillion dollars in 8 years, the highest GDP dollar growth in history? Get the facts before spouting rhetoric.
You have to ask why and you claim to be a libertarian? I am not sure you know what it means to be a Libertarian. This far left President is the exact opposite of a Libertarian and there is nothing in his major economic agenda that I support. The question is why do you? You like having 3 trillion added t0 the debt in 2 years, an additional 4 million unemployed, and meagar economic growth?.
Did you actually read my post. You even copied it. I dont approve of President Obamas Economic policy. Any more than I approved of Predent Bushs economic policy.

We were in an financial crisis when Obama took office and Obama was part of creating the problem unless of course you don't think Congress plays any role in economic policy. They controlled the legislative process and the purse strings. It was CRA passed by Carter and then changed under Clinton that led to the sub prime mortgage crisis. Interesting how facts get in the way of personal opinions and that brainwashing from the media. I posted the economic results of GW Bush that came from the non partisan Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics. Interesting how no one wants to address those actual results but instead stick to talking points.?.

I have consulted with Freddie. While they were a mess it was the early 2000's that they got REALLY gready. Why to you continue to attack me. Again, you want to tell "Yo mama" jokes next.

No where did I say that Bush didn't have some responsibility as did the Congress of which Obama was part. His economic policy has made things worse and that is why his approval rating hit a record low today. He won the election with 52% of the vote, today his approval ratings are in the low 40's and in some upper 30's. That means he lost 10-14% of those that supported him. Why? You can only blame Bush so long until the people wake up and ask what have you done to make things better. You wanted the job, you campaigned for years to get the job and yet you still blame Bush.

Name for me one President, just one, that had job losses over a year after a recession ended? Name for me one President that had trillion dollar deficits? Obama is in way over his head and the results show it.

And what president had the lowest approval rating in history?
Did you actually read my post. You even copied it. I dont approve of President Obamas Economic policy. Any more than I approved of Predent Bushs economic policy.

I have consulted with Freddie. While they were a mess it was the early 2000's that they got REALLY gready. Why to you continue to attack me. Again, you want to tell "Yo mama" jokes next.

And what president had the lowest approval rating in history?

That is a worthless issue because we didn't have internet and 24 hour news cycles until recently

so approval ratings mean nothing

Bush was reelected rather easily

his approval levels thus were higher than his father's, Carter's etc when it counted.
Have you bothered to check out the actual economic results from non partisan sites like the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics to see if what you are told by the media and Obama is accurate? Did you know that Bush had an economy that had 52 straight months of economic growth and job creation? Did you know that Bush had economic growth of 4.5 trillion dollars in 8 years, the highest GDP dollar growth in history? Get the facts before spouting rhetoric.

Get the facts before spouting rhetoric, what a great idea. Too bad you don't follow your own suggestions. But thank you for providing a wonderful example of the cognitive dissonance I was talking about.

True libertarians don't just support "economic growth" blindly and with no concern as to how it was accomplished or what its consequences are. Did you know that Bush's Patriot Act is the most significant blow dealt to the rights of the accused since Lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the civil war? You can't just point to a statistic taken out of context and ignore the fact that W. Bush was the worst president in history from a libertarian perspective. Obama is a huge disappointment for not repealing the Bush-era infringements on liberty, but this does not change the fact that it was Bush's fault to begin with. And that's to say nothing of the fact that Bush single handedly ruined our economy with two disastrous wars and economic policies that allowed "too big to fail" wall street robber-barons to extort billions in bailout money. There was nothing libertarian about Bush, and that is why it is so laughable to see so-called libertarians defend him.
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That is a worthless issue because we didn't have internet and 24 hour news cycles until recently

so approval ratings mean nothing

Bush was reelected rather easily

his approval levels thus were higher than his father's, Carter's etc when it counted.

Agreed, I have never liked the whole approval rating thing anyways. It changes to quick to be of any use.

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